If this pic offends you that means you hate the 1st amendment.
If this pic offends you that means you hate the 1st amendment
no it means I hate niggers
I hate niggers
No, it means I hate niggers
Of course a fucking brit wouldn't understand what free speech means.
Disrespectful nigger. Go back to your filthy, primordial continent if you hate your country so much that you burn its symbolism.
only country with freedom to express self. can express anything. hate of anybody. thoughts about anything.
nigger then proceeds to burn flag to earn edge lord points on hiphopityblopitywordlstar
Being offended doesn't mean you want to censor or that you hate the first amendment. It just means that you're offended.
Now when you try to take it further and actually call for censorship, then there's a problem.
what if it's because i hate the 13th amendment
Is this legal? I thought you could be punished for desecrating the flag in burgerland?
Off subject but flying that flag outside of your house inside of a city is a dog whistle that you aren't black.
Of course not, it's even a show of respect if you burn an old flag.
It doesn't
Flag burning is free speech whether you like it or not.
>I don't like a thing
Bongs, everyone.
I-I'm mad.
I believe it is "illegal" per the flag code, but no penalties acompany the law. Some states have laws on the books but they are not enforced
The U.S. founding fathers never considered in a million years that things would get so bad that niggers would be citizens with equal rights. In the spirit of the amendment the niggers should be arrested as is the will of the founders.
fuck those shitskin apes
That's incorrect, not anyone can burn a flag. Only military, police, firefighting, scouting, and a few other organizations can perform a flag retirement.
Im sure freedom of SPEACH does not cover the burning part
I like to fight fire with fire
britbong you are retarded
My opinion on your speech has nothing to do with whether or not you should be allowed to say it.
>I hate my country so I'll disrespect it and burn my countries flag
>no one's asking you to stay herre, goto
>nah dog I'm chill fuck trump tho
>gets welfare check from country
You need a license to burn it?
If not, anyone can do it.
No, that's sophistry, and the main way they used to destroy our freedoms: by over-expanding them.
You cannot depend on the law and break the law at the same time.
I hate niggers
Doesn't change a thing about it being free speech
Agreeing to mutual rules is like two European countries agreeing to not use chemical weapons
Edgy niggers are not humans so I don't make deals with them
Fucking niggers
What if my opinion is that you shouldn't be allowed to say something?
t. Nigger
True, but you come off as a whiny unappreciated cunt that everyone will roll their eyes at.
>antifa in the US but still pay taxes lol
No it doesn't dumbass.
I support free speech, but it doesn't mean that I'm offended by nothing, just that what DOES offend me should be allowed to be said/done.
Fucking bong spastic.
>Hate First amendment
You can not like something and still support others for believing in thing. That would be like a Christian who says "I don't like athiesm, but it's thier choice" = "Flag burning offends me, but if it's in a legal place they can do whatever they want"
WRONG MOTHERFUCKERS. You're not saying shit when you burn the flag. You are doing an action. An action similiar to masturbation at that because the only one who gets off that bullshit is you.
The fuck are you on about? I answered his question you asshole. Plus I'm asian so fuck you for that appalling comment.
You have blasphemy laws so there's a difference
ya it just means i hate niggers
book has absolutely no meaning. words of a pedophile rapist
Use google before making yourself look like a retard. It's not illegal to burn US flag. In fact, I could come there and burn it right now if I wanted and still walk free.
Taking umbrage with an expression of free speech is different from supporting their right to freely express it, you dumbass.
You are right, it has been judged to be free speech, but as with all free speech, it does not mean you are free of consequences.
I can use my free speech to identify who you are and publicly present your actions to the public who can then make up their minds about you.
If you really believe you are doing the right thing then you should not be afraid to receive criticism for doing it or crying that you are being attacked because you are black. (Protip, people won't attack you for being black, but they will attack you for being an person who is clearly not a patriot and disrespecting a flag under which people have fought and died to protect the freedoms you use to burn said flag.)
It's not, Obama and Hillary pushed for a flag burning law in the 90s. And hated gay marriage at the time. They are optics whores.
>Mos honoraber Chinee effeency on furr dispray
britbong btfo
Why are their palms so fucking white? It makes them look like literal monkeys.
Meant to say it is legal. But don't be mad if your ass gets beat either.
Nigger hands gross me the fuck out, everything about them is just, off.
The simian-like architecture, the contrasting color scheme..... they never wash them either so you can literally smell the filth on them just looking at them. I am always shocked by black peoples utter lack of self awareness.
people have the right to burn a flag but people also have the right to hate niggers for burning flags. the right to free speech isnt being contested in this case
t. Still going back. Fuck you
You mean walk free like the sandniggers in your country after they do all kinds of vile shit?
Burning a flag is NOT free speechm. Free speech means free SPEECH, as in speaking whatever is on your mind, burning the symbol of the nation who gives you that right is actually the opposite of that therefore those burn the flag are against free speechz which makes them automatically be against the first amendment. The conclusion is that anyone who burns the flag is actively doing anti constitution propaganda and therfore must be arrested on the accounts of treason.
OP stated that being offended by his image meant that I hate the first amendment (free speech). Free speech means that someone has the right to offensive (to most degrees). I don't like people burning the flag, but it's their right. Doesn't mean I wouldn't want to harm them, though.
>anyone who burns the flag is actively doing anti constitution propaganda and therfore must be arrested on the accounts of treason.
this is what they want the whole world to be like
Lynching niggers is also protected under the first amendment
What the fuck are you talking about
>Hey maybe you shouldn't eat an entire chocolate cake for breakfast everyday.
>oh look at mister "i think there should be state mandated nutrition programs and bread lines" over here
We had a case of some liberal shitting on the flag and posting it on social media, few days later she was arrested for acting against the state and it's people. If someone catches you burning the flag here then you'll probably get lynched.
Based merchants.
It offends me, but I support his right to do it. Who the fuck says I can't be offended by legal actions?
If someone calls me ugly, Can I not be offended because it was fucking legal? What kind of fucking comment would this even be?
well you are in the middle east i guess
There is a proceedure to retiring an old flag. It is ceremonial. You fold it and burn it in a recepticle like a metal barrel.
you can be offended by treasonous sons of Harambe burning the flag of the country they want to take advantage of and not leave, and not hate the 1st amendment. they are not mutually exclusive retard.
If this picture inspires you, it means you've never loved your country more that your own selfish and petty issues.
Yes this picture offends me.
However your argument is shit. Just because it offends me does not equate me hating the first amendment. I just believe such a display is distespectful and disgusting, because I fucking love my country to pieces and would die 1000 times over to defend it. That includes defending the right for edgy retards to burn my flag.
>t. Airforce fag
Live in hawaii bitch, whitey goes back before we do
it offends me because a nigger is in it