What is the music of life?
What is the music of life?
you fucking off faggot
I think it was Sanguine,my brother
loved that game
Welcome home
Uh.... Silence?
off to Sup Forums you go
What's my prize?
well said.
What is life's greatest illusion?
Silence, my brother.
Innocence, my brother.
uch, probably this youtube.com
muslims being turned into hamburger meat by an A-10 Warthogg?
Welcome Home
Silence, my brother
>confusing cyrodill and Skyrim DBs
Lynchings, my brother.
You have my ear, citizen.
Hearts of Space
because otherwise i want to destroy everything
shadilay, my brother.
Been playing Oblivion again lately with mods and seeing pics of vanilla models is kinda mind blowing. Every non-elf or non-beast race male character looks like Shrek.
>still listening to the Auditory Jew
Music is used to control the masses. If you can't enjoy the sound of your environment don't call yourself redpilled
>Not listening to European music
You might as well wear a Plaque saying REFUGEES WELCOME and NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL
You are not worthy.
leafs shit posting
tappidy tappidy tap tap tappidy