If you could change one thing about the God Emperor, what would it be?
Nobody is perfect--not even Trump
His inability to speak eloquently.
His twitter rambles and chasing after old news.
his lack of support for right-wing death squads
I would add as many inches to his dick as this hypothetical would allow
twitter rambles and him just knowing when to shut the fuck up honestly. Also having a filter when speaking to the public. Besides that hes fine. I agree with him on everything besides that to be honest
I'm getting tired of winning. I wish he would win for America less.
eternal life, the 2 term limit doesn't apply to him.
kek wills it
How many illegals have been deported so far. It's not enough. They must be purged.
i'd make him my daddy
Magically becomes 40 years younger but keeps all of his knowledge and experience
go do your argument research on reddit faggot
I'd grant him immortality.
He wouldn't be capable of lying.
I wish he'd change his stance on Israel. What have those guys even done for you in order to be considered "America's greatest ally"?
Have him make anime real, decriminalize the killing of all shitskins and burning of mosques and synagogues
Make him younger so he may live longer.
Is it worth watching all the old seasons of The Apprentice? I feel like I should but I don't want to waste 40+ hours on something not anime.
jesus do you sit in thailand going to every trump thread and complain about him lying? or do you also fuck ladyboys?
Id make him a natsoc literally the next hitler
His civic nationalism
i'd make him poor
He's just upset that Trump's cracking down on his pedo rings
I would make him not act like a poor persons version of a rich person.
He is just so trashy. And its because he calls it classy that it makes it even more trashy.
I would give him large, powerful claws that he could use to dig a burrow in tough soil.
I would make him have a 20 inch donger, ALWAYS buldging in his pants, always triggereing the femenists, just imagine, In every speech you would see a giant buldge, and it would be ALL that femenists talk about
guys wtf this is a shill thread i seen it a few times now get smart
His temper. If he could be a sociopath like Hillary, while pushing his agenda, he'd be perfect.
I saged my post you stupid cunt
Eh, a diet and a neck tuck would do him a lot of good. But he didn't get where he is because of his looks, so whatever.
His stance on Net Neutrality.
His antivaccine stance. Literally the only thing I disagree with him on.
That he unquenchable desire to exterminate der juden.
I'd sew his lips shut
Why is replying to more than 3 posts in a row not an automatic permanent ban?
i wish he would hurry up with the ovens, camps and helicopter/boat rides cause sick and fuckimg tired of these bullshit threads, garbage people and leftists(cause leftist aren't real people so they must be specified separately)
>telling the media specific talking points about trump supporters(your) own displeasure with him
Its like you are building an ammo factory in your enemies country
Because sometimes you find a trove of retards that just really need to sort themselves out