CNN is fake news
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>>Question is
Why are Conservatives Silenced by The Media.
I agree. The jews are pretty horrible
I agree. Too liberal. Gotten a little better since megan Cuntley left
Give me proofs. Specific examples.
Very Fake News
Is it OK if I do a "#FightFakeNews" meme dump here, or is this not the right thread?
Jewish News Network*
and this
CNN Really hates being called fake news. It absolutely infuriates them.
Fake news is saying that Obama was born in Kenya.
Fake news is saying that the US unemployment rate is at 40%.
Fake news is saying that Ted Cruz is a Canadian citizen.
Fake news is saying that Clinton and Podesta run a pedo ring from a DC pizzeria
And so on..
Fake news is NOT saying that Trump is a shit president. Get that through your thick skulls.
whats even more fake than 'very fake'?
inb4 10 asshurt (You)'s given to this based truth preaching Aussie
It's actually VERY fake news.
No, CNN is Fake Jews.
I thought we established beyond any doubt that the obama birth certificate was forged?
the others can still be debated, but that one is verified
Verified by whom? Some lunatic police officer in Arizona? Top kek. Not even your "god emperor" Drumpf disputes this anymore.
Even fucking Trump dropped this bullshit and admitted Obama is a citizen
The best time to report Fake News
Is Right Now
>pic related
verified with more work and effort put into it than your lazy, armchair politics ass.
yes that's the story I'm talking about
of course he dropped it, because its insignificant at this point, there's no political advantage to it, but it was still proven that it was faked, obama should not have been president a single day
Also a reminder that Trump's entire politcal career got started by this bs birther lie
It's not a story and you're a blithering idiot if you think it is. But that's already a given for Trump supporters.
The same reason teachers/professors tell you to shut up when they are wrong. The can't take criticism and they can't debate because they know they are wrong.
Has Chris Cuomo publicly apologized for lying about Wikileaks yet?
>It's not real because I said so
is essentially what you said, from your armchair.
>Obama was born in Kenya because I said so
is essentially what you said, from your trailer park
You cant run for the nations highest office and expect to win when people call you a conspiracy theorist. He dropped it publicly, he probably knows for a fact now he wasnt born here. It was probably his very first act as President.
Gas the CNN
Race war now
All you need to know bruss
I thought Trump wanted to "drain the swamp"? Stop making excuses.
No, I'm only talking about the Obama certificate thing I never mentioned Obama or Kenya.
You're just throwing personal incredulities, from your armchair.
No, I'm only talking about the Obama certificate thing I never mentioned Obama or Kenya.
You're just throwing personal incredulities, from your armchair.
>I'm only talking about the Obama certificate
>I never mentioned Obama
Why do leftists generally resort to ad hominem attacks?
I thought we were talking about the alternative birth certificate of Bannon.
Whoever came up with #FakeJake Tapper with his #CrapOnTap is a fucking comedic genius
I can make an affirmative statement that Obama's birth certificate is false.
There's more solid evidence that the birth certificate is false than there is that he was born in Kenya.
The part where he was born in Kenya has nothing official to legitimize that claim.
The fact that his certificate was forged and falsified has legitimate claim.
CNN shills in this thread are hilarious.
because they act on emotion instead of reason
please continue I need more
>The part where he was born in Kenya has nothing official to legitimize that claim.
Somebody saved that one pic from an old, old newspaper article about him being from Kenya?
idk, I haven't seen that.
I'm just frustrated with how people can't parse information.
>You think Obama's certificate is fake and he's from Kenya
I mean, that's two different claims and each need to be approached separately and independently.