Compare this shit.





Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 roasties come in with their BRAAAAAP meme

mediocrity will be punished

don't worry


Have some goodness

>why is the 80's better than the current year

makes ya think


*sniff* *sniff* hmmm


fucking nightmares

*car alarm goes off two blocks away*

I'm going to need some sauce with those thighs.



Thicc af op


I would fuck the shit out of her/10

Who was fucking her in theses pics I wonder



>mfw I graduated in 1986 and that could have been my high school

Why did teenagers look older back then? The video from the 80s looks like a bunch of early 20 year olds while the 2014 video looks like a bunch of 16 year old?

The Jews Did this?

I also noticed they Looked alot healthier. The men look way more masculine.

Its the goddamn fluoride and Jew estrogen in the water.

Oh come off it m8 you know you'd have a shag

What happened?
You betrayed the Hulkster, he went to court for your sins.


The worst threads are when Sup Forums gets way too nostaliga blind over the 80s.


OP here from last thread


Her facial expression combined with that pose made me diamonds. Time to fap. Thanks Opie.

Pretty much everything after WWII and before 9/11 had to be better than anything after 9/11 though, right? After the USSR fell Americans had no enemies and began to see their own country as the enemy.

Estrogen in the water nigga.

I agree op.


I think you are right, god dammit.

literally came in to say this

Seriously what is up with people looking way more adult in the 80's? I notice this even from my dad, he is a bit taller, bigger jawed and skinnier than i am. Is it sitting on front of an playstation instead of sports? Or all the plastic in our food?

what to heck???

That's gotta be some kind of disease.


who this

>80's video is true and genuine
>2014's video is fake setup bullshit

Mfw born in 89. Just missed the good years

Having fat pads on your cheeks keep you looking baby-faced.

what's this chicks age?

88 fag here. the 90's were badass. We had the last of the good shit.


born in the 80s

I'm disgusted by my country, and it's slowly turning into hatred day by day.

What the fuck happened to us man?


I will post this here.

It's culturally over even Jew Jones admitted it yesterday when he said the future belongs to the Mexicans because the Europeans would die off the future will be a global 3rd world like Mexico

How do we use our meme magic to travel back in time? I want off this ride.

low T


We have trump to spread the light.

Look at vintage porn and you can see how much female bodies - particularly their tit & nipples - have changed compared to today... due to "hormonal imbalances" we now have.

cause their style is that of older people. they look like your mom because they have your moms hair-do

Read "The fourth turning"

what's about to happen to us will be really bad. but after then the next cycle starts anew

Danni ashe?
I love 80s big tit porn but i dont have this one!

Not convincing, a lot of porn actresses hve had surgery done

A really fat woman got loads of liposuction all over her body except her legs?

This this. We are literally the cleansing population, which steers society back into the right directon.

If only they showed this in school. This is what really happened, but we are only starting to realize it now, after the other story has been pushed at us from every "legimate" outlet for 50 years. It's crazy.

*meant cleansing generation

probably just a moderately fat woman got liposuction and then ate a lot.

A young Danni Ashe

Photoshop was fucking her.

Visiting the 7-Eleven



wayyyyy too many krabby patties

The 80s had shit culture, shit pop music, shit fashion, shit hairstyles, horrible decade.


Jews have the weirdest vaginas

if only she had more hair down there she'd be perfect

Class of 1996 here.
You millennial faggots have no idea of what you missed.

Reagan even made fun of fags on tv.

What's different about them?

Now you got me curious.

>xenoestrogens in plastic containers leaching into everything you eat and drink
>fluoride in water
>pharmaceuticals in the water (unmetabolized excess passes through the urine and enters the water cycle, so basically every day you are ingesting trace amounts of every drug ever made)
>trace amounts of radioactive material which has spread all over the globe during the past 50 years from nuclear tests and accidents. For instance, we all have some small amount of radioactive iodine in our bodies, whereas our grandparents had 100% GOOD iodine. That's what we get for being arrogant enough to really believe we could tame the forbidden power of the stars here on the surface of our fragile planet
>poorly understood pesticides, herbicides, etc. all throughout the food supply
>bizarre random mystery chemicals in fucking everything we eat and drink, whereas our grandparents just ate organic food (because organic food was the only type of food that existed on earth from the early 20th century stretching all the way back to the beginning of life itself)
>ZOG baby formula which many of our parents were tricked into feeding to us during crucial development years. For instance, for the first year of my life, I was fed Infamil formula, because my doctor told my mother it was much healthier than breast milk. (Of course! Duh! Breast milk is basically just flavored water, right? So feed your baby this radioactive sawdust instead!) I cried non-stop for the entire first year of my life because my body knew it needed milk, but her doctor dismissed it as "colic" and told her to ignore my desperate cries and keep feeding me Infamil. As a result I cannot grow a beard and I have slight gyno (even at peak fitness when I could do 25 consecutive dead hang chin-ups), whereas my younger brother can grow a full beard and is 3 inches taller than me.
>A million other fucked up things we will never pinpoint
We are in hell

>xenoestrogens in plastic containers leaching into everything you eat and drink
>fluoride in water
>pharmaceuticals in the water (unmetabolized excess passes through the urine and enters the water cycle, so basically every day you are ingesting trace amounts of every drug ever made)
>trace amounts of radioactive material which has spread all over the globe during the past 50 years from nuclear tests and accidents. For instance, we all have some small amount of radioactive iodine in our bodies, whereas our grandparents had 100% GOOD iodine. That's what we get for being arrogant enough to really believe we could tame the forbidden power of the stars here on the surface of our fragile planet
>poorly understood pesticides, herbicides, etc. all throughout the food supply
>bizarre random mystery chemicals in fucking everything we eat and drink, whereas our grandparents just ate organic food (because organic food was the only type of food that existed on earth from the early 20th century stretching all the way back to the beginning of life itself)
>ZOG baby formula which many of our parents were tricked into feeding to us during crucial development years. For instance, for the first year of my life, I was fed Infamil formula, because my doctor told my mother it was much healthier than breast milk. (Of course! Duh! Breast milk is basically just flavored water, right? So feed your baby this radioactive sawdust instead!) I cried non-stop for the entire first year of my life because my body knew it needed milk, but her doctor dismissed it as "colic" and told her to ignore my desperate cries and keep feeding me Infamil. As a result I cannot grow a beard and I have slight gyno (even at peak fitness when I could do 25 consecutive dead hang chin-ups), whereas my younger brother can grow a full beard and is 3 inches taller than me.
>A million other fucked up things we will never pinpoint
We are in hell.

It's in your hands now, pin 500mg test every week until you die.

Holy shit are you me?
>Even after a year of hard military training, at the peak of my fitness, still had small tits
>Body looked wierd as fuck, i was a fit young man otherwise, but had small tits on my chest
>Did drink breastmilk from my momma as a baby though
>loved eating shitty frozen food (wrapped in plastic) as a kid though

Is the solution to go full organic? And start banning companies who use plastic like we ban tobacco companies?

Is that Chelsea Clinton?

Strong man here.
Top of Highschool for lifting
Deep Voice
>Man tits.

what does fluoride have to do with testosterone?


It's in the water

If life was so wholesome in the 80ies, why are those people so keen on pushing degeneracy and mass immigration?



meth happened

i thought these were the 7-11 videos i dont care didnt watch

shitskins using directed energy weapons on the virile white males

No phones to look at every 5 seconds, nobody sitting inside staring at a computer screen for 8 hours a day. I remember my parents and siblings nagging on me that I spent to much time on my computer 10 years ago, but now they're always glued to some sort of technology. Internet was a mistake.

Technology is amoral. You need a social system in place to control people and their vices. Human beings are still animals if you dont control the animalistic drivers you end like we do now. In total degeneracy.


It was a fucking degenerate cesspool. Worse than the 60s.
In the 60s, degeneracy was avant garde. In the 80s, it became full-blown mainstream

don't stay up past your bedtime tonight

You must have lived through a different 80s than I did. Degeneracy is FAR worse today than it ever was back then.

>sauce: 80s fag. Graduated in 88 and nostalgia'ing HARD on the video.


>Why did teenagers look older back then?

Both male and females had higher test and weren't a bunch of chubbys

>that song at the start

You literally have no idea what you're talking about

nothing at all, if anything its from birth control pills in the water

How so ?

For sauce on OP:

Makes you think

9/11 happened. 9/11 literally ruined EVERYTHING for everybody