
How in hell does this work? I mean seriously how autistic do you have to be to believe this crap?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty fuckin autistic


Fascism is an economic doctrine

Green is for primitivism right?

why are anarchists such fuckin tumors?


Probably cause their parents didn't beat them hard enough

Sooo the society voluntarily agrees to be ruled by a strong leader, who focuses on maintaining unity also by voluntarily suppressing parts of society that don't agree on the form of government (Commies, liberals, etc.)?

How does that work? Voluntarily, of course

I've never heard of this. The only thing that comes close is National Anarchism which is pretty much the belief that man should return to the Stone Age



I'm still trying to figure out anarchowaterworldism.

Or maybe the other way around.

Silly anarchists don't make any sens-

> Anarchofascism is the premise that capitalism especially global capitalism will ultimately lead to Marxism; as such racial tribalism is the best defense against capitalism (and by extension Marxism).

Now that just retarded

Im just finally rapping my head around Ancom but anfa i have avoided trying to understand.

No, you're thinking anarcho-monarchism, a totally different animal.

Anarcho-fascism would be more along the lines of Neo-völkisch movements. Not quite as edgy as Nazi satanism but still pretty autistic.

they can be separate, kind of

But anarchism is ant-state and fascism is literally the state working with private interests.

It makes no sense, it's like Anarchocommunism

Exactly thank you

i kind of understand ancom, they want authority based on community rather than an actual authority. one thing marx was at least ight about was that a commune needs authority to stand



>declares war on all anarcho-* and classic anarchists

that makes perfect fucking sense
are you sure you're not the retarded one?

Power is there for the taking and no false hierarchical rules should supersede naked force as a system for organising man.

We are in a "structurally anarchic" world and if you're playing by the rules you're inherently playing by somebody else's rules - for their benefit.

Okay explain to me how capitalism will lead to Marxism

This is quickly turning into parody.


Someone seems bitter


but thats just anarchism. anarchists hate ancap, im an anacho primitivest and even i hate the other forms.

someone seems like they weren't beaten


Well first of all Marxism itself believes that capitalism will always inevitably lead to socialism because of growing inequality and class consciousness, and sees capitalism as unsustainable

but my point is this
there are five basic stages of capitalism
"Base" Capitalism: Barter and trade on an individual level.
eg. buying milk from a farmer
"Developing" Capitalism: Capitalism in a more systematic form that creates or sustains a country/colony/territory
eg. trading posts
"Industrial" Capitalism: Capitalism has been accepted as part of the country's culture, and is then used to exponentially increase production and stability
eg. industrial revolution, developing countries
"International" Capitalism: Capitalism has allowed countries to amass great wealth and trade between nations in pursuit of further wealth. Focus has shifted from production to services and necessity to leisure.
eg. current times
"Globalist" Capitalism: Capitalists have realized that political correctness, culture, and nationalism are barriers to profit, and use their amassed wealth as an investment to erode these values in countries where they hold power
eg. future

unrestricted capitalism seeks to appeal to the largest possible demographic, and assimilating all demographics into "human" rather than "white" or "mexican" or "asian"
so inevitably you have people with literally trillions of dollars working nonstop to destroy culture in pursuit of profit.
Marxism dictates that all men are equal, full stop; however, so does this complete "globalist" capitalism.
Marxism works from the bottom-up, with the proletariat at the individual level trying to topple the bourgeois in order to create equality from a humanistic perspective
Globalism works from the bottom-up, trying to manually enforce equality from a profit-motivation perspective

*whoops, I meant to say that political correctness is a way to deconstruct culture and nationalism, not that it was a barrier to profit.

*and Globalism works from top-down, not bottom up

is something wrong?

>talk to "spray-paint 'A' on a wall and live in a commune" anarchist
>he says ancap is "racist" and "not real anarchism"

Anprim on the internet. I thought it was just a meme


protectionism doesn't stop globalism, especially since most globalist corporations are american

I was but only when I was bad

do you want to talk about your abuse, user?

That symbol is as autistic as the ideology

just cuz i think it works better than other forms of anarchism doesnt mean i practice it. even anprim will break apart easlily, its just not as retarded as the others. also...
>>Anprim on the internet
u wanna laugh harder cause all anprim info comes from an online magazine

He's bringing American companies over to the us

looks like a meme

I was right in the first post, you really are the retard

now this is what I call a meme

>no government
>civilian communities enforce their own ideologies on others by any means necessary
sounds kind of like the middle east

It literally just did.


Update found something worse

How was it hard to wrap your head around ancom? Communism is literally anarchy by itself. Ancom people are just edgy commies. I was ancom for a while, but I got tired of the violent jerks. Now I'm just your regular everyday Marxist hoping for a bright future.


>Communism is literally anarchy by itself.
communism is about authoitarian rule not a lack of authority

communism requires the state to control everything, anarchy doesn't want a state. How do these things not contradict each other.

Yes somone asked if there were any comcaps on Facebook and he/she was serious

National Anarchism is already a thing and has been for at least 20 years.

Is there any difference between the two?

Okay, let me explain this for you before I go to bed. I hate having to write this out every time I see someone posting about communism having a state or a government. It's like you've never actually taken the time to read the Communist Manifesto. It's a really short book, I recommend it. Anyhow, communism arises out of socialism, which arises out of capitalism. When people are tired enough of being exploited by the capitalist class, they will take control of the state, and using the state they will take control of the means of production. Private property like factories and other industrial and commercial structures will be owned by everyone, using the authority of the state, control of which has been returned to the people. This is done by the common people after forming a vanguard party, not by some political socialites who are themselves members of the capitalist class. So now things start leveling out, and the capitalist class no longer drives innovation, that goes to the common people. People don't like work or money. It's a waste of life and a drain on happiness, so innovation will progress in the direction of automation so eventually nobody has to work or purchase anything ever again, other than to maintain the machines and computers we have created to work for us. At that point, post-scarcity will be achieved, and the state used to usurp the capitalists will wither and disappear completely. The capitalists will join the communists because once they see that nobody ever has to work again, and all needs and wants are met and can be provided for free because machines can work a million times harder than humans can, producing a massive surplus of everything. You guys are under the impression that communism requires violence or whatever. It does not. If (when) the people will it, communism will come about democratically. It probably won't be called communism because communism is a scare word, I think it's called 'futurism' today.

>Believing that communism can be implemented without central authority
Keep saying "it looks good on jewish paper" and ignoring the real world boychik

It doesn't get implemented, it just happens. Kind of like how agriculture just happened, and civilization just happened. If you actually read anything I wrote, you'd understand. Communism is an advanced society requiring advanced technology. We are nowhere near that point yet. Countries that have tried to force it can't do it, because they still require human labor and are not innovating and producing automation to stop people from needing to work. They are also run by wealthy socialites. That's not communism. That's just more exploitation of the proletariat, ie, capitalism.

I agree that communism could work in Wall-E, but I'd think National Socialism could work even better. Remember, the national socialists are still socialists, they just understand that race matters and when black people will never work towards automation they don't deserve to benefit from it. Black people can have natsoc when they create it for themselves. You assume everyone in your dream world will want communism and work towards it, which just isn't true.

That ideology is so incoherent even the JPEG algorithm can't figure it out.

And I though people couldn't be any more stupid

>Green is for primitivism

the only anarchism

National socialists were not socialists. The population did not own the means of production, only the top ranking party officials did. The people were made to believe they were part of something big, but they were just toys. Nazism is a fraudulent ideology full of manipulation for self-serving ends and magical thinking. And for more evidence that the Nazis were not socialists, the Nazis put all the socialists and communists they could find in concentration camps. Public ownership of the means of production would have likely precluded the ability for Hitler to go to war, since the public generally tends to be opposed to war.

the same as anarcho capitalism except the NAP doesnt apply to communists

Man, looks like people are just slapping the anarcho prefix onto every political ideology these days

Both ancap and fascism of any sort are exploitative and bad.


The levels of mental gymnastics to justify your delusional love for communism is astounding. You have unions (when they are not corrupt which most of them are) to protect the workers against exploitation. Workers are paid to do a job and have the security of an income while they owner makes the profit because he is taking all the risks and costs(unless he passing the risk and costs off to the government or workers, which are both as bad as each other) and supplying the materials, machines and factory for a profit. You don't need 100 to infinity workers to control the means of production because it is not only efficient, you will eventually end up with someone in charge and then the cycle begins again. I would say innovation happens by competition in the free market and by outside forces such as a scientific breakthroughs or arm races, not some delusional tier artificial innovation that governments can produce real innovation in anything other then social changes enforced through laws, especially considering that why would people what to innovate in a communist society unless they are forced too, because not only do they have to do more work they are not rewarded financially then the ditch digger. so you need the state to enforce all these people to maintain the communist ideals because they do not suit humans. You really are over exaggerating how close we are to automation taking over, maybe in 20-30 years we can discuss a realistic UBI (maybe through increased taxes on companies for every job replaced by a robot) But we are not even close to post-scarcity, we don't have an unlimited supply of materials so you CANNOT buy everything and anything supply and demand will eventually appear unless we mine materials outside this planet. I think you are also wrong that humans don't like to work can't be bothered explaining it because it will undoubtedly be due to the deference in definition of "work" but ultimately people will work if it improves lives.

>ancap-tain planet

>anarchist can't get any more retar-
That's where you're wrong kiddo

This is a pretty good explanation of it.

Jesus we must dig deeper

You have anarchy and use fascism to achieve and maintain it. Its not hard.

But anarchism is ant-state and fascism is literally the state working with private interests.


Anarcho plantationism

How can the state be working with private interests if there is no state?
Personally I don't believe in anarcho-adjectives, as you wouldn't have any idea what would happen if there were no governments. It can go everywhere. Maybe capitalism will become obsolete, maybe fascism becomes really cool to do in a free state

>This political ideology originated in the work of the Finnish nationalist and linguist Matthias Alexander Castrén, who championed the ideology of Pan-Turanism – the belief in the racial unity and future greatness of the Ural-Altaic peoples.

Stopped reading intently when you started talking about workers being paid to do a job. Workers aren't paid much in any field, wage slavery is a very real thing and you yourself are probably a victim of it. You forget that socialism lasts a while and public ownership of the means of production is enforced for some period of time. You also forget that the people are the ones who want this, not the capitalists, whom you seem quite eager to defend, and the government at that point will be the people, or the "dictatorship of the proletariat". Innovation happens by studying what works and improving on it. All people would want to do that regardless of whether or not there's competition. You think the proletariat would be just fine continuing to toil in fields and factories? The addition of competition seems completely arbitrary and kind of cruel. And you are also quite wrong about how far off I believe communism to be. I'd say it's maybe a century or more down the line. You also seem to be under the impression that in a communist society, currency would continue to be a thing. Post-scarcity kind of implies that everything will be in such abundance and will continue to be in such abundance that nobody would be without whatever they may want for free. And you're right, people will still work to maintain the machines, but that work will be nothing compared to the work they had to do before. I am not sure why you say communist ideals do not suit humans. You talk as if it's some alien idea, but a human came up with it. Kind of weird. Humans do not like working. It is a waste of their short life on this earth. Most people feel this way most of the time while they are working, unless they are humanitarian workers or tech workers driving innovation (who tend to be socialists or communists themselves). This idea, at its most understandable level, means you don't have to work anymore. Sounds pretty good to me.

But fascism needs the state

>but a human came up with it

doesn't facism require a leader?
"no god no king" eh

im curious if someone has an anwser for this??

but national-anarchism i can understand, as with all types like anarchocommunism and anarchocapitalism they can arise as system by the power of the collective to agree to impliment it.

BUT i don't see how people can be anarchists without the acceptence that the system might lead to the state of affairs that we have today

(as has already happend , because anarchy is and was the natural state of the world)

Basically yhr disbelief of capitalism lead to marxism not the perpetuation of capitalism itself.
The problem with capitalism is the exaggeration of it, no political idea nor economic idea lead to the extreme is a good idea. Capitalism need to be mitigated with some social programs, an intervention of the state is needed sometimes like a program to rehabilitate veterans(if they got injured) and help them rejoin society.

They aren't paid much because the jobs they do, don't generate much income so why should they be paid more. But it wouldn't matter so much if things weren't so inflated from federal reserve banking (which funnily enough is being controlled by Jews, just as much as communism was designed by them as well) , twin incomes for families and government policies. You can't be a slave if you agree to the contract, you get paid and you have a secure income, if you feel that you aren't being paid enough then negotiate (but most communists are to scared to do that and need the government to enforce this), I know that mass immigration is also a problem when it bloats the labor force and devalues workers so you can't negotiate, (but I feel that's a problem of big governments which people ironically keep voting in, but is another problem). I also don't particularly think that I am a victim of a wage slavery. I live within my means and am quite happy as long as my rights are not interfered by wealthier individuals.

Saying "people" want this is very subjective, because those "people" that want this are usually the laziest and the dumbest and have no idea how to obtain wealth without literally taking it from more successful individuals and then continue to be lazy or dumb but with more money (this is inherently why communism fails at the end of the day). Innovation doesn't not just happen by studying and improving, don't be so naive. Unless your improvement can actually compete better then the previous version available in the market. Your "innovation" will be forgotten unless you need the government to force people to buy/use your "innovation". So I don't particularly think competition is arbitrary or cruel it is a necessary part of life, you just refuse to accept it. If you meant automation i'll agree to disagree it's not a century away its definitely closer then that just not a decade away though.


I'm also not under the impression that in a communist society that there will be cash, you simply ignore the reality that you cannot physically achieve "abundance" because supply and demand is a real physical thing. There is simply not enough materials on Earth to allow people to buy everything and anything otherwise you would run out of something because of no foresight. It is perfectly possible to have a post-scarcity society once we have the ability to mine materials from outside Earth and I would like to think it would Star Trek (NG)esque and I'm not against that, we are just nowhere near that realistically.
That's not really what I meant about work hence why I didn't want to explain it because it's going to come down how you define work. Studying to improve your intelligence or life is work in my opinion, to strive for something is working as well, alongside the 9-5 wagecuck jobs.
Communism isn't alien, it just doesn't work because a lazy person comes along and ruins it for everyone or the government forces you do things that hamper your own growth. Socialism also only works well in homogeneous societies, so a lot of those tech workers are just virtue signalling and could not care, their little society will never experience the changes they want implemented on the people an people should be forced by the government to accept it.

Coming soon: Anarcho-Stalinism.

That's a literal paradox you retard

in a statist society, yes. How would anyone know how fascism would look when there's anarchy?

Anarchism is a joke. There even anarcho-zionism


>no state or institutions

>except for the king



Wait a minute, I've seen an anime about that:

>ancient war wipes out all the gods
>last remaining god basically encodes the NAP as a physical law into the fabric of the universe
>People can not be forced to do anything against their will and instead have to voluntarily bet on various games
>Except the king/queen, who can just randomly decide to gamble with the very existence of your entire race on a whim

Surely a system worth fighting for.

it's only slightly more gay than being a brony

You have to be massive faggot like regular fasscists (like their symbol) butin a very ancap way.