Every study about Gender Wage Gap shows that Women still make less than Men (if we take under consideration all the jobs and age groups)..

- BUT sometimes women make more than men (human ressources etc)
- BUT women in their 20s make more than men
- And women make less than men in most computer related fields (IT, engineer, etc)

I want to hear YOUR opinion about this..
When debating a feminist, how do you respond to this argument???


Other urls found in this thread:

What argument?

>debate feminist

Top kek

My mom is a lawyer and she said after she graduated law school she had a harder time finding a good job than her male classmates did. This was because law firms were more reluctant to invest time/money in training females because after a few years they often decided to have kids and take lots of time off work or get a less high powered job. This sunk the company's investment for little if any benefit.

Do you think the law firms were being sexist? The answers clearly no and she understood where they were coming from

Not all the feminists are batshit crazy like the picture I posted... it's obvious that nobody will try to debate these ones, they are lost causes. But some of them are actualy really smart and successful women and it's easy to stay in a safespace and never communicate with other people to challenge your ideas.. I know that most people here prefer to circle jerk but if we want eradicate their movement we have to face them directly with solid arguments, otherwise their movement will spread like cancer in all the different facets of society..

You're right actualy, it's easy to generalize, they are no different than any other populist movement, they will use anything to help their lost cause, even if it's completly fabricated facts..

This. Females being paid less is soley due to parental leave.

Unless you back this up with decent source this will remain an opinion and it's not going to fly high in any debate about wage gap.

Are you retarded? Of course they take more parental leaves than males, they're the ones that get pregnant after all.

There is nothing wrong with the wage gap considering it is the result of different priorities men and women have. On average, women spend less time than men working, thus earn less.

Women in the service industry make on average 1.5x(sometimes way higher) more than men. Keep in mind people do these jobs for cash tips which are not taxed, thus not recorded in annual wage statistics. In Canada service industry jobs make up 29% of ALL jobs in the entire country.

Also, millions of women go on maternity leave every year where they're given a portion of their salary usually 50%-80% depending on the company. This have a considerable impact on annual wage statistics.

The wage gap isn't real and it's irrefutable

That's a belief, not a fact.
Parental leave only last for a minor period of time and men make about 25% more than women in general. It can't be only related to this.

Look. I'll make this real easy for you so you can understand.

If a woman and a man work the exact same hours in the exact same job at the exact same company, they will be PAID the exact same amount of money per hour.

If a woman takes 6-12 months off work to raise a child, she will EARN less than a man who does not in that same year, but will be PAID the same amount per hour for work done.

Now, if a man goes to university and comes out with an engineering degree, he will be paid more and will earn more than a woman who goes to university and comes out with a gender studies degree.

There is no glass ceiling. There is no wage gap. Just cunts who can't understand why their shit life choices don't reward them with more profit for less work in comparison to a man who works his ass off to get where he is in society.

Suppose you hire a young women expecting them to work on average 5 years. If they are going to have a child and parental leave is a year, then they are going to work for 4 years but you are going to pay for 5, hence they should be paid less. Over working life women who had children should expect to see them earn 20% less than men but that doesnt factor in parental leave. You can argue that not all women plan to have children but there's always the risk they will. Its more of a biological issue more than anything. Women have to accept and understand they arent the same as men.

I agree 100%, I'm just looking for solid facts/sources to shove them in their faces. This is the best way to make them shut the fuck up. It's unfortunate that we can't have these datas. I wish we could find a study that clearly proves everything you said.

Because most of them elect to go for easier degrees and jobs. No company has a policy to compensate women less than men for the same job, it would be illegal.

Women, on average, make less than men because they choose to. I'm not blaming them, it's just is what they do.

Gender Wage Gap take under consideratoin what men and female are earning for the SAME position. They don't compare different positions otherwise it would be illogical.

seeThe problem is that for the same position (Dentist for exemple) both parts have the same degree and level of studies BUT (like shown by national statistics) women usualy make 75%-80% of what men earn.

Yes parental leave plays a major in this but I don't think that it's the only cause.. I mean 25% less is enormous, and most women only have 1-2 children... It would be logic if this number was 5% or less in my opinion, not 25%..

And therein lies the confusion feminists and wage-gap supporters have. The difference between the words 'Paid' and 'Earned'. Males and females will be paid the same amount for the same hours worked. If she goes off to raise kids, she's not going to earn the same amount as a man. It's simple logic. You don't get paid for not showing up.

Once people begin to understand the differences between money earned versus money paid, they'll quickly realise that there is no wage gap, just different life choices that result in a different net sum over a set period.

Now, women who don't take time off to raise children often end up earning more than men in the workplace due to reverse discrimination which favours women over men in early work-place promotion.

I've worked in call centres in the past where this was always the case, where nepotism and clique behaviour often lead to women being made supervisors and team leaders a lot quicker than male employees who had worked there longer and had more experience.

Bit of a rant, but the idea that we're paid differently is annoying as fuck, especially as there's no basis to support it.

Hell, it's even backed up by law. You can't pay women less than men for the same work.

Those stats don't measure the same positions between the genders just same industries. There is the problem. Women with non STEM degrees will occupy positions in the same industries as men who do at a higher rate and will therefore earn less. Not less for the same job.

Women earn less over time then men because men work longer in higher paying and tougher jobs. Men also dont fuck off for 12 months every time they decide to shit out a kid. Alot of women still choose to not work and be house wives. Its not sexism.

But that's what they do. They compare women and men in aggregate. It IS illogical.

Il also add thats it illegal to hire a person for a job and pay them less than other employees in the exact same role and rank.

Military, Police, Intelligence, security, emergency services are 5 examples of employers who pay their people the same amounts at every level. Give me one that doesn't

Don't forget public transport, the retail industry and any job that conforms to a national minimum wage structure.

If a woman does get paid less its because the job had a negotiable salary and she didnt negotiate hard enough. Her loss. They literally ask you how much you think you deserve, give them a number. Why is that so hard?

I agree with most of what you said, women are absolute trash in the working field (at least in my own experience) they never work properly and bitch all the time..

But if a woman leaves 2 years to have children and she's being paid 50% of her salary for these two years (which is less than the usual I'm pretty sure), considering that she is paid as much as her man counterpart. So let's say 30 years of 50K vs 29 (-2 years at 50%) years of 50K.. it won't give a 25% difference.

See my point?

My other point is that IF they are working less hours for various reason, then wouldn't the statistics take this under consideration and adjust them accordingly?

Hey that just boils down to life choices again. I reference my post above where I mentioned gender studies etc etc. A lot of jobs that have a negotiable salary are dependant based on skill, experience and qualifications.

There's no way in hell a woman who studied at university for however long and came out with a womens studies degree is going to negotiate a 60k a year salary better than a man who came out with a business studies and economics degree. It's just common sense.

It's just an excuse for women to milk as much money as they can out of beta men. Women are parasites.

Thats correct and its absurd that a women who has a gender studies degree thinks she can apply for a business role. Thats another argument with regards to how illogical feminists are.

>When debating a feminist, how do you respond to this argument???
I give them the same 5 examples I posted before then offer to provide them proof via mine and a female colleagues pay slip.

Look up Milton friedman arguments on this.

A higher percentage of black people commit crimes.

A higher percentage of pitbulls kill kids.

A higher percentage of women make less than men.

This is a nature vs nurture debate.

You won't find stats about this but in my experience, women are more often average at their job, very few are high performers compared to men. Because your job has entry level requirements ruling out dumb fucks, it leaves only average and better men and women.

Take Tech for example, you could have a dozen devs and typically 2 or 3 of them would be responsible for 50% of the team's output. These are almost invariably men, autistic overachievers that often clock in more hours than anyone else.

The wage gap is a meme that can be explained by the numbers of hours worked and/or individual output. There is nothing holding women back other than themselves, the only ones that whine about it are usually worthless cunts. If anything women, especially hot ones, have an easier time getting hired and promoted.

Looks like I digged too much on Google and BTFO myself...


Women Work More Hours Than Men, Get Paid Less

''Women make less money than men, even though they work 39 more days per year, according to a global report on gender equality the World Economic Forum released Wednesday.''
The countries related:

The Global Index related:
Someone debunk this before I end my life

I do see your point, but again it has no bearing, as men more than on average don't take time away from work to raise children.

If that woman takes two years away from work to raise a child, then fine, I'm ok with maternity pay at whatever percentage.. but that doesn't mean to suggest that there is inequality in the workplace and that it's unfair if a man who has put a full 12 months into his career earns more with no absence, as opposed to a woman who took 8 months or more due to a life choice.

The baseline argument here is that ultimately there is no gap in wages paid. Only wages earned between men who take no time off versus women who do take time off.

>Huffington Post

Geeeeet the fuck out.

>Not all the feminists are batshit crazy

If they aren't batshit crazy, they aren't feminists.

You can't debunk it, most of this crap ppl spew here is satire

My company is about 70% men. They're forcing women into management positions and most departments with women heading them are a disaster.

Women don't work as hard, they ask for help 10x more, they hold grudges and hate each other. I have a female manager who loves me and she makes my job easier, but she'll act like a complete cunt to women below her.

Every HR complaint involves a woman or two women. Every single one. If the company was all men, we wouldn't need conflict resolution training or need 8 people full time in HR.

Women work 39 more days per year. Absolute horse shit.


The last company I worked for was pretty much the same. HR was all women, and there was virtually zero discernible structure or leadership. Nothing ever got done and all they did was bicker with eachother or stab eachother in the backs.

That lead to constant issues with getting problems resolved between team members and organising basic day to day tasks was practically impossible.

When we finally did get a majority 90% male team going in the department I worked in, things ran like fucking clockwork.

Actualy I almost got kiked by this article and it's funny how they deform facts and use a false title. They basicaly say that women work more than men and earn less but when you scroll down you see that they take under consideration the unpaid ''''Work'''' of taking care of children and other shits like that and add it up to their few hours of work... and naturaly it shows more hours than men, but in reality if we remove the fake work from these statistics we get what every user in this thread was saying.

Women work less than men because children and shit but the statistics and studies made on the Gender Gap Wage are deformed to make it look like the women work more than men but get paid less (because they take their mom ''''work'''under consideration).

That's absolutly disgusting.

>even though they work 39 more days per year,

That's some bullshit, it just means more men have the privilege to be unemployed neets.

Women choose to make less income because they work less hours than men (maybe not niggers, though), go for shit degrees and are usually too shit at their job to have the leverage to negotiate a raise.

Women still get an easier time at getting hired and promoted at low and up to mid level positions. In the gig economy ahead of us, I wouldn't be surprised if they did better than most males.

seeFake news, my bad

On average women don't work as hard as men, its that fucking simple.

They shirk as much work as they can, constantly ask their coworkers for help and get in little personal feuds with the other women they work with.

Then they wonder why they aren't getting promoted.

You can't say that to a feminist of course; but its the truth.

This counts domestic chores under "unpaid work", you stupid sow.

But yeah feminism has made it alright for us to go to work unfortunately, it apparently hasn't put an onus on men to put in their fair share of house work. Then again, these men work in manual labor. How many of us are in those type of jobs? And how many of those are actually doing the hard work?

Let's give it a rest, please.

I fucking love this pic.

some of these rather, a good chunk
if my husband worked construction and came home and i asked him to do the vacuuming it would be pretty cunty of me, wouldn't it? after i've grown some extra ass fat sitting in human resources god forbid i do the vacuuming myself.

>How many of us are in those type of jobs?
The jobs are there if you want them. No one is going to say no to a woman who wants to work as a brick layer, street sweeper or work in the recycling industry. Truth is, a lot of women see that work as beneath them and see it as 'mens work'. Funny thing is I know some women in those trades, and they can't understand why more women don't give it a go themselves.

>if my husband worked construction and came home and i asked him to do the vacuuming it would be pretty cunty of me, wouldn't it?

No, not really. It's a common partnership and keeping a house clean is the responsibility of both grown up adults. Let's not be petty and childish about whose responsibility it is to leave the seat up or down. Plus, what point are you trying to make? We're discussing the basis for whether the wage gap is true or not, not whose job it is to do the vacuuming and make sandwiches.

>women cant understand why other women dont want to do manual labour in a male dominated industry
Hmm is this reverse blue pilling?

I brought it up because someone said that the wage gap is also due to the obscene amounts of unpaid work women do.

Pay attention.

And there's the ridiculous notion in that article that women have to do all of this work to afford childcare, which wouldn't have been a problem if they just stayed home to take care of children themselves to begin with. Now single income families are almost impossible thanks to them. There's a glut of workers in competition so unpaid internships are being taken by desperate idiots looking to get on someone's good side.

No, it's just a moron who can't be arsed to follow a post chain.

He explains it so that even a woman can understand

Women get paid less because of one of these two reasons: either their work is worth less or they get discriminated. Forcing equal pay in scenario 1 means that only men will get hired because employers would be forced to pay the same for inferior quality. Forcing in equal pay in scenario 2 would mean that discriminating against women no longer costs extra money. Only hiring men will cost you the same as if hiring women too.

That fat chink is horrifying.