The queen of tetrodotoxin
Who sent her pol? Was it really ol Kim Jong Un? Why?
The queen of tetrodotoxin
Who sent her pol? Was it really ol Kim Jong Un? Why?
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legit source on this photo pls
Just Google lol assassin kim jong nam. Literally in every newspaper
What did she mean by this?
The first female suspect told police that she was instructed by four men who were travelling with her and her travelling companion to spray the victim with an unidentified liquid while her companion held and covered the victim's face with a handkerchief as part of a prank. The woman claimed that after she returned to look for the four men and her companion, they had all already disappeared, and thus she decided to head back to the airport the next day.[52] The second female suspect also told police that she thought the stunt was part of a television prank and did not know the identity of their target; she was previously approached by several individuals who she thought were a film crew in a nightclub where she worked in the Malaysian capital and was offered $100 to do the prank.
For years now, Kim Jong Un has been purging everybody he considers a threat, even his own uncle Jang Song-Thaek.
I think the Grand Butterball is totally paranoid at this point, trusting absolutely no-one. His older brother, although disinterested in politics, was still a potential threat because he could be brought back to the DPRK and propped up as the "rightful heir to the throne".
Kim Jong Il just wanted to get drunk on Hennessy and watch movies all day, but Kim Jong Un is really a loose canon and a threat to the world.
did tubby make an official response to his brothers death?
LOL is a corruption of LULZ
Norks are major trolls
(this girl is supposed to be vietnamese tho)
Either themost retarded cover ever or these north koreans are getting smart, outsourcing even their assassinations
Will Trump off him?
The DPRK is trying to prevent the Malaysian autopsy, but they didn't even officially confirm it was Kim Jong Nam.
He said he didn't agree tk the autopsy or the malaysian doctors and demanded the body be sent to NK
Aka he doesn't want them to prove he's guilty
>this girl is supposed to be vietnamese
The DPRK has a breeding program to produce offspring of various non-Korean races, to be used as international spies.
This girl could very well be a DPRK spy from that program.
If the DPRK attacked Japan, South Korea, or the USA, Trump would respond with the full force of the American military. I would be surprised if Pyongyang existed for more than a week.
N-No... It's not Japan. They are lying. really!
>"Like putting chilli into someone's hands, sort of prank jokes for a Japanese TV station,"
Article on the girl who said it's just a prank (assassinfu is the other one, not many newspapers with details on her yet)
Kim Jong-nam murder: Siti Aisyah's mum had bad feeling
Did nips ever assasainate someone likethis before?
How do you convince a non-Korean to support the DPRK? They're obsessed with racial purity in the kind of way that Hollywood directors think the Nazis were.
>her boyfriend Muhammad
Muslims are the least creative baby-namers on the planet.
Yes, ninjas used to do it long ago.
I fucking knew it
The breeding program works this way:
1) Kidnap a foreigner, bring to DPRK
2) Marry them to another foreigner in DPRK to produce offspring
3) Train the mixed-race child from birth to be a loyal DPRK spy
Their body may be black, or Arab, or hafu, but their mind is 100% North Korean.
I briefly thought it was Lauren Mayberry the first time I saw the pic in a thumbnail
for de lulz
wasnt that blonde chick in snake eater supposed to be a PRC spy
Or maybe it's a fake ID. Unlike the indonesian this one has no family giving interviews so far. Some info
>KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian authorities have detained a woman in connection with the investigations into the death of Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
>The Royal Malaysia Police on Wednesday (Feb 15) said the woman was detained in Terminal 2 of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport and that she was carrying travel documents from Vietnam.
>She is identified as Doan Thi Huong, born May 31, 1988 in Nam Dinh, according to the documents.
>Malaysian police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said 28-year-old Doan Thi Huong was arrested at the airport on Wednesday morning - two days after the killing.
>The suspect was "positively identified from the CCTV footage at the airport and was alone at the time of arrest," Khalid said in a statement.
Also, hmmmm really makes me think
>A black Jaguar sedan bearing the North Korean flag was seen outside the department, and four officials wearing flag pins were observed within the forensics compound.
I mean recently, like the fsb and mossad do
you niggers need some glasses. That a man
>General Tito said Siti is believed to have rehearsed the prank as many as three to four times, thinking it was for a TV show.
>General Tito
Why did Tito always look so lovable while having such massive balls to tell everyone to fuck off? Tito should've gone for the nuke program
he was a normal workingclass man.
>four officials wearing flag pins were observed within the forensics compound
Confirming the death?
Erasing evidence?
Bribing the coroner?
Who knows...
Making sure the attack worked is my guess
id spray her in the face if you know what i mean.
You have to wonder, what does he know that makes him so fucking paranoid.
Japan don't even have intelligence agency right now. Not sure about the imperial age though.
Occasional murder of celebrity happens sometimes but I don't know the background of them.
Btw, an executive of Aum was killed for stabbing in front of TV cameras by Korean from Japanese yakuza who supposedly involved with North Korea.
This case just reminded me that.
>Make random people comply to being part of assassination of political figures with ITS JUST A PRANK BRO
What a world we live in
I wonder sometimes if she's a legit NK spy or a faithful follower of KEK, taking up the creation of happenings into her own hands
Kim Jong Il used to have a Japanese sushi chef working at his palace. After parting ways, the chef wrote a memoir of his time spent in the Kim inner-sanctum. The chef said Jong Un, as a young boy, had a coldness about him, which made him uncomfortable to be around.
I think Jong Un is a straight-up sociopath. He's paranoid and willing to kill anybody and everybody who he deems to be a threat to his position of power. Just this month, he "purged" the head of the NK Secret Police, a General who had been helping him conduct the purges for all these years. An ironic end...
his end comes soon
>be OP
>see thirteen pixels that resembles a female
being this thirsty
Thank you kek for purging thirteen year old virgin faggots
That's not irony dictators always purge those who bring them into power
>look at me, I am the potential savior of Europe now
Weird stuff
Name of book? Wanna read
you can't be a newfag and not know the origin of kek
The worst thing is, this is so inefficient. They could instead go and nab some babies from a hospital, fucken hell they could likely BUY them in some poorer countries. But no, they abduct adults and force them to have children.
>Kek originated as korean laughter in starcraft for zerg rushes
>World of warcraft translated LOL into KEK for enemy team when trying to speak across factions.
>Woman wearing LOL shirt kills kim jong un's brother
>Which translates back into KEK in korean.
Fucking, timeline shit is insane.
The purger being purged is 100% irony.
Illiterate millennials all think "ironic" means "insincere"...
It looks like he wrote a second book, too. I think both books are only in Japanese, though. Link related:
LOL, indeed.
Pol needs to know. This is a great happening
fake and gay
>tfw Kim Jong Un's half-brother was assassinated for a $100 prank
>tfw public will never know wtf really happened
She's probably being vigorously interrogated right now. Maybe naked, fingered by a brown female Malaysian officer while keeping up a fierce and unyielding facade.
>According to the Post, he left behind a wife and two children, who were subsequently put in a hard labor camp for six years.
Not cool dude
>He recalled how Kim, as an eight year old, tried to barge in on him when he was in the bathroom - and also how when he was 17, he borrowed the chef's Whitney Houston CD.
Wow what a surprise. Chubby is a fag
Wasn't it obvious?
They all are.
>China’s move to ban all coal imports from North Korea, effectively slicing the country’s exports by about half, came with a message to the U.S. and its allies: It’s time to do a deal.
>China is becoming increasingly frustrated with Kim, whose actions are spurring the U.S. to put a missile defense system called Thaad in South Korea -- a move that also potentially threatens Beijing’s military capabilities. U.S. President Donald Trump has called on China to get tougher on North Korea, and this month promised to deal with the country “very strongly” after its latest ballistic missile test.
>Last week’s assassination of Kim’s estranged half-brother, who was protected by Chinese authorities, added to calls in Beijing’s foreign policy establishment to take stronger action, according to Shi Yongming, an associate research fellow at the Foreign Ministry-run China Institute of International Studies.
>“The case fully exposed the desperate irrationality of the Kim regime,” Shi said. “Beijing still wants to bring him to a negotiation table -- and that’s where the U.S. role lies -- because the collapse of the regime is right now outside China’s realistic capacity to handle.”
This is BIG NEWS. Is China intentionally pushing North Korea into a corner by wrecking their economy? Are they finally fed-up with the Kim regime?
N. Korea is their problem.
Conflict was inevitable given the players.
They were already on bad terms for a while. Gueas this was the last straw
Also maybe 5Trump getting though and starting bs about the two China policy worked
NK to end by 2020
Tired of wining yet?
Do it for her
North Korea the secret good boys. South Korea run by chaos cult. They probably killed king jon
She did it for him
How do we save her pol? She's a good girl, she was getting her life back together
I mean it's Malaysia she's going to get the death penalty
Southern KCIA agent trying to create division within the great leader's family
Delet this
Malaysia is gonna delete her from life
If she's not a DPRK agent, then she might be a prostitute. That earlier article said the Indonesian girl was an escort.
Kinda looks like the Nork agents recruited some SE asian hookers to do the dirty work. "LOL" indeed.
Bumping for genuine political relevance, in a sea of shill threads.
I read another article where she added that she had already done this "prank" at least 3 times with various innocuous substances while being filmed by crews.
Three times with "Fart in a Can", once with deadly poison. Epic.
this is bad. kim jong uns brother was the only hope for north korea to develop.
tetrodotoxin? Isn't that what they use in Haiti to zombify people? creepy.