Redpill me on the holohoax

Redpill me on the holohoax.

Other urls found in this thread: survivor picture jews

Himler (who was disappointed so little Jews died) inflated the number of deaths and Jews kept it in history books to continue the pro-jew narrative

That's where the 6 million number comes from

Stop calling it "holohoax".

The gas chamber bit is a hoax. The inmates died of typhus, overwork, starvation, etc.

I saw a documentary where a "survivor" said all the children and women were being gassed, then cremated at Dachau. This was on national TV in Denmark. He said, they disguised them as showers.

The US Holocaust Museum says there is not a single piece of historic evidence that the gas chambers in Dachau were ever used to kill a human being. It's also accepted that the doors said "WARNING: GAS". Weird way to disguise a gas chamber as showers.

All in all, it falls apart completely upon examination.

Lots of jews died, sure, but not in genocidal gas chambers.


If you take this pill theres no going back:


Most died by direct or indirect ally bombing, especially in the end times of the war from destruction of supply routes


There's still no scientific explanation for the 6 million until now. This *clap* is *clap* a *clap* fact *clap*

This isn't your safe space, JIDF shills

>I did it reddit, I posted on 4chinz: the post

Do people still get jailed for denying the gas chamber mythology?

Why is it so hard for stormfags to believe that the holocaust happened? The fact that the zionists profited immensely allowing them to play the victim card forever doesn't mean it didn't happen. Of course, if it actually was fake the zionists would claim it to be true regardless, but how do you know exactly? Where you a camp guard or an SS officer? Holcaust denial is the right wing version of "the patriarchy".

it's as real as the arm*nian genocide

Pic related is a "gas chamber" with windows. Give you head a shake. There were concentration camps and Jews died of disease. There is also a lot of mythology surrounding it but it's off limits to question the bullshit surrounding the facts.

How did Turkish gas chambers work?

Good point, hard to believe that the Nazi could do anything without fucking it up. Biggest retards to ever exist.

There was a German girl, exchange student in my class, we were algud untill i told her Hitler was a cool man. After that she refused to talk to me and call me an Asian Nazi and blocked me..........

Here's a Nazi gas chamber crematorium smokestack not attached to anything.

The source I found seem to be calming this to be an actual shower and not a gas chamber. Also, if you were exposed to huge quantities of poison gas, I don't think having openings would help much.

there were no gas chambers, no trace of systematic killing, nothing

>ruskis started to advance from east
>promised arm*nians land and gave them guns
>they formed up gangs, started killing civilians and hitting the army from behind
>ottofags were losing all battles, didn't have enough resources and man power, couldn't even protect civilians from arm*nian gangs
>relocated arm*nian citizens so they don't help russia, ottofags even appointed soldiers to protect them but not enough
>most of them died on the way, mostly to k*rdish bandits who were after their shekels or by turks seeking revenge
>"muh genocide"

Majdanek showers were claimed to be gas chambers by Soviets. It was also part of the concentration camp mythology among kids.

>It's also accepted that the doors said "WARNING: GAS"
You should work on your German skills, stormfag. :^)

It happened, but only about 1 million Jews had been killed. Even Israeli scholars admit it (although state of Israel doesn't like this estimate and was trying to SHUT DOWN that research)


That's a fake in Germany. Literally no gassing happened in Germany according to *official* history. Only gassing happened on Soviet territory conveniently out of reach of western researchers immediately after the war.

So all of Eastern Europe's Jews just vanished into the sky? How about the Einsatzgruppen?


this is correct, many died due to cold winters and lack of resources/food due to rationalisation because of the war.

Those where working camps and not that bas as thought before, the death total for those work camps are less than 50,000.

Many of the pictures of people starving or being very thin are actually mostly from the Yugoslav wars in 1980s and 1990s.

>what are *survivors*
Many Jews died of typhus, starvation and other diseases or got blown up in air raids.

>So all of Eastern Europe's Jews just vanished into the sky?
They moved to the US and Israel. Poland had a minor Stalinist Jewish purge as late as the late 1960s.

>Stalinist Jewish
...meaning Jews who were Stalinists were purged.

i always thought the entire process of "gassing" jews to be ludicrous and pointless. why go through all that effort then you could just put a bullet in their head and dumb them into a big hole in the ground?

Lets pretend their never where gas chambers. Still a million jews shot by the Eintzgruppen.

If you like, you can watch the 9-hour documentary called "Shoah," in which dozens of nonchalant interviews take place about the workaday nature of the Holocaust.

One striking attitude found in the film is that of villagers who lived near a death camp, knew vaguely why the trains were loaded with people as they went in every hour and not loaded back up on their way back - and also didn't care then what was happening to mere Jews and decades later, still didn't care.

One former guard is surprised at his workplace by the interviewer and refuses to answer any questions, but does begin to shake slightly and has to stop working. He can barely light his cigarette in order to calm himself down.

Look, the officials in charge didn't deny what happened. I don't know what interest all of the Germans would have in creating such a huge paper trail all at once and at great national expense in order to make fools of themselves.

Death camps are soviet propaganda. Russians have a long history of systematically attacking the government of every area they "liberate" with badly-made false evidence. The victor writes history, and the german people lost the war, therefore they were not in any to position to argue which evidence was valid and which was not. Every evidence was used to demonize them, including evidence with dubious authenticity, which lead to russian propaganda entering the history books.

>Lets pretend

You crazy niggers over in the Americas just can't fathom European culture and history. You come up with the most ridiculous conspiracy theories just because you're mad about your broken-ass "melting pot" countries controlled by Jews.

> Fighting world war
> Surrounded on all sides
> Losing ground and manpower
> Let's waste bullets on executions


>the most ridiculous
Gas chambers with windows is pretty ridiculous and that was spread by the soviets. Not one concentration camp outside of (((Soviet))) territory is still classified as a "death camp".

>Acting as if the UK hasn't been controlled by jews longer than the US has been a country

The death camps were where all the remaining Jews were, in Poland.


>I need a martyrdom myth to sustain my ethnic identity.

Continued from All death camps are in soviet-liberated territory. All death camps have been modified by soviets.

>That's a fake in Germany.
Proof? The gas chamber was probably never used, but that's not the point. The point is your claim that the door said something about gas, when it didn't. You're being dishonest.

>Literally no gassing happened in Germany according to *official* history. Only gassing happened on Soviet territory conveniently out of reach of western researchers immediately after the war.
That's correct, yes. But don't pretend people weren't killed on mass by means other than gas.

>The gas chamber was probably never used, but that's not the point
>that's not the point
>t. survivor
And I'm being dishonest?

>killed on mass

I'm dying to know: what are your thoughts on the Rape of Nanking?


>Redpill me on the holohoax.
It happened. There's not one denier left that hasn't been caught lying, misrepresenting their sources, putting forward incorrect scientific papers or using already debunked information. Irving, Rudolf, Cole, Leuchter, Zundel, Mattogo - all debunked. These deniers know it happened, but they like most, use the denial to push a certain agenda. At the end of the day, you're always going to get BTFO if you're lying.

That really isn't the point. The point of the stormfag is that the holohoax is fake, because the door had a warning about gas, even though the official story claims they were disguised as showers. He argued on a false premise. I showed that the premise was bullshit. That's the point, you dumb nigger.

Anyone could shop than in. Prove to me that the fakes were ever used as evidence.

The Dresden Bombing was a horrific war-crime and an intention massacre of innocent citizens. Yes, your point? The allies were bad therefore the axis must have been the good guys? Is that it?

I know very little about the subject.

Ah, I figured the Germany war crimes denial and Japanese war crime denial would go hand in hand

>Warning: gas
Literally no such thing, you could become a journalist these days with these fake news

This link below covers most things, especially the "memes" used by deniers on Sup Forums

It happened but its not like it was the first or the worst time in history a genocide has occurred. Why the jews are so special they deserve to be protected against holocausts is beyond me.

The link you provided doesn't address anything.

>the south african JIDF shill
Truth is stronger, Chaim. Try harder

>It happened
What exactly happened? It definitely wasn't gassing. There is a lot of mythology surrounding concentration camps and it's simply not kosher to question it.

>Why the jews are so special they deserve to be protected against holocausts is beyond me.

Because it came in handy for the Zionists to look favorable to the public.

You figured wrong. Many war crimes happened during the course of history. They must each be studied separately. It is not because a person finds one war crime has weak evidence that the same person must believe that no war crime has ever happened. I don't see how a sane mind could ever come to such a non-sequitur conclusion.

It happened. Hitler was Illuminati tool.

>It happened.
What is "it"?

Does it even matter if the jews were gassed or not? The only thing that matters is the intent of the nazis to exterminate them and the fact that they partially succeeded. And no, I'm not moving the goalposts here, because the entire "gas chambers aren't real" argument is just a shorthand for "the entire holocaust is fake". If the holocaust is real, but the gas chambers fake, literally nothing changes.

kill yourself, retarded kraut. stop letting the jews cuck you

>Prove to me that the fakes were ever used as evidence.
You ask a vague question. As evidence in what, by whom? There has been many argument, many documentary and many history books written on the subject, all which uses a mix of real evidence, exaggerated evidence, misapplied evidence and fabricated evidence. The only situation that strictly called for evidence in the legal sense is the Nuremberg Trial, however this mock trial literally claims that evidence is not necessary for condemnation.

nazi gold

>There has been many argument, many documentary and many history books written on the subject
Show me a history book using one of the fakes you posed above. I'm waiting.

How do you know this is Dachau? Reverse search only gives me holocaust denial websites and you can't use those as a source, because that's circular logic.

>that really isn't the point

I don't really care what kind of shady point you are trying to make. If you're telling me the gas chambers were never used to gas anyone that's where I want to focus this conversaton. that a wooden door with a simply turn-key lock? Don't tell me THAT was a gas chamber.

>if you're telling me the gas chambers were never used to gas anyone
That's not what I'm saying. You made that claim. My claim is that the truthfulness of your claim does not validate nor invalidate the holocaust.

>poison gas isn't lethal because the door isn't sealed
Also no, that isn't a gas chamber door.

Just from an history book? Is that's it? How about a known fake being printed gigantic and taken for a happy tour across the entire country including Washington DC?
>Above, you see a traveling exhibit of huge, larger than life size photographs from the National Socialist camps, including Buchenwald, being shown in St. Louis, MO in summer 1945; it was then taken to Washington, DC.

Here you go, faggot

I expect you to literally kill yourself now

I didn't make any claim you fucking retard, I just got here and you're telling me the gas chambers were never used to gas anyone and then trying to change the subject.

Here's another

Oh and another one of the supposedly SAME door

And you believe this?

The 1938 on the top looks a bid adultered..

That's a partisan holocaust denial website. Not a valid source, sorry. It's as valid as your shitty info graphic.

Okay, I'll give you that one. But what does that prove exactly? After all, it's probable that no one was ever gassed at Dachau. How do you know it's the same door? The fact that this door with the gas warning exists, doesn't mean the fake shower door is fake.

Who is claiming that this is the same door?

That's a partisan holocaust denial website. survivor picture
first result

The holocaust museum is claiming that:
"THE gas chamber" in Dachau.

You can also look at the floor plan for Dachau. There are 4 deinfestation chambers, small crampy spaces with clothing racks in the ceiling and complicated fumigation equipment. These are the rooms with the warning labels and the clothing hanging outside. There is 1 shower room in the same building, the "BRAUSEBAD" one.

So the following is proven:
1) There was not just 1 gas chamber in Dachau
2) The gas chambers were used to remove lice and prevent diseases, but are being used to manipulate people into believing they were the same as the shower rooms

And even the museum itself states the following:
"There is no credible evidence that the gas chamber in Barrack X was used to murder human beings."

With all this obvious misinformation and internal discrepancy, why would you believe any of their claims?

I know you can't say you agree with me for fear of the german thought police, but cmon, you gotta admit it doesn't make any fucking sense.

The holocaust happened.

Take off your tinfoil hats.

It hurts everything else you're trying to do.

it's all true, my grandfather was gassed 4 times and then turned into a lamp shade.

The Holocaust is real. My grandpa died in auschwitz. He fell off a guard tower

It happened, as numerous documents show. The most interesting fact is th comparison of pre-war and post-war records of Jews in Western Europe, and the math does show that those masses didn't go anywhere else. Furthermore, classified documents between German officials show that the plan was given the green light and was enacted.
Though the numbers were exaggerated particularly in the direct aftermath of the war and all kinds of myths circulated after that on how monstrous the Nazis were.

While it seems clear that the holocaust happened, details of how it was accomplished are inaccurate and do no hold up to scrutiny. In addition to that, the vehement and repeted attempts to choke any attempt to question the official line seem suspicious, but seem logical in the context of the post-war period. There was an attempt to pacify Germany and make it America's bitch in preparation for the Cold War, and someone really wanted to have Israel.

the following are examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)


Yeah it happened, my grandpa also died in Auschwitz, when some guy fell down from a guard tower onto his head.


>(with no extra content or input of your own)
The pic in the op is content.

>Does it even matter if the jews were gassed or not?

Ask your government who jails people for questioning details.

Dr Charles P Larson was the head of the forensic coroner group that investigated the concentration camps in Western Allied occupied zones. He described this experience in his book.

>Crime Doctor: Dr. Charles P. Larson, world's foremost medical-detective, reports from his crime file

As part of the US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. He was later questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors.

In an interview with the Wichita Eagle, 1 April 1980, he called the holocaust a hoax.

>Larson has talked little publicly about the war experience. One reason for his silence has been that his autopsy findings conflicted with the widely held belief that most Jews in Nazi camps were exterminated by gassing, shooting or poisoning.

>"What we’ve heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax," Larson said...

>...most died as a result of the conditions to which they were subjected rather than mass exterminations...

>...autopsies showed that "death by gassing and shooting were rare. Never was a case of poisoning uncovered."

It's not illegal to question the patriarchy.

Six Million Lies

Auschwitz - Why the Gas Chambers are a Myth

The Biggest Lie by David Irving

Buchenwald - A Dumb, Dumb Portrayal of Evil

Zundel vs Zionist - Truth vs Lies

The Holocaust Debunked - Ernst Zundel

Holocaust Faker Explains Himself

The Holocaust Testimonies You Didn't Hear

Off Your Knees Germany (Ernst Zundel 1983-2003)

One-Third of the Holocaust

((((((Spielberg))))))'s Hoax - The Last Days of the Big Lie

Holocaust, Hate Speech and Were the Germans so Stupid?

The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz

The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth (Eric Hunt)

Eric Hunt - The Shoah: The Biggest Hoax of the 20th Century?

The "Holohoax" exposed in 30 minutes

Vincent Reynouard: "The Gas Chambers" Yet One More False Witness

Vincent Reynouard - Holocaust: Nothing Proven at Nuremberg

Ursula Haverbeck: The Panorama Interview, with English Subtitles


Preeminent Holocaust Scholar ((((((Raul Hilberg))))))'s Stunning Admission (censored from PBS)


The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax (2014)

David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992

David Cole - The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz

Questioning The Holocaust - Why We Believed


Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story NEVER Told

Six Million more jews

>The Holocaust in 20 seconds

>The most interesting fact is th comparison of pre-war and post-war records of Jews in Western Europe, and the math does show that those masses didn't go anywhere else.
Did you notice, for a start, that there is an entire country full of millions of European Jews in the Middle East that mysteriously appeared out of thin air immediately after the war?

>It happened, as numerous documents show.
>Furthermore, classified documents between German officials show that the plan was given the green light and was enacted.
Let's see them then.


>not available in your cuntry.
What are they so afraid of?