From a physical trait standpoint, I don't understand comparing black people to apes

From a physical trait standpoint, I don't understand comparing black people to apes.

Yeah, humans are descended from apes, so you can just call someone unevolved as an insult, but I know there's plenty of people here who believe black people specifically are less developed.

Take a chimp for example, our closest dna cousin. It doesn't have the physical features we associate with black people. It has thin lips. Born with pink skin. Straight hair.

The only thing similar would be the wide nose and mouth, but thin noses are obviously developed as a response to cold climates.

As a collection of phenotypes, a black person is far removed from whatever the common ancestor was in humans and chimps.

No, dummy, they have much more similar skull profiles to chimps than whites do.

That's also not true. If you look at the brain case of a white or black person, the frontal lobes are just as developed.

>niggers are even less than chimps

I agree

>That's also not true.
You can lie if you like, but it's easily provable by simply comparing the skulls.

You're objectively, provably wrong.

The sub-saharan african pre-frontal cortex is also less developed than whites, which is why they have poor impulse control, and significantly lower intelligence on average.

jesus those things will tear you apart

It is because their face shape more closely resembles chimps than our own you fucking autist.


I can just as easily say that you're lying or misinformed.

Quote of the Year 2017 and onwards

buckle up

You're the one who's crafted the bullshit on this board into some kind of worldview. But I'm the autist.

>I can just as easily say that you're lying or misinformed.
The difference being that a simple comparison of pictures proves you wrong about the skull shape, and virtually all modern genetic research proves you wrong about everything else.

Shit thread, lurk moar. Hidden.

Humans are not descended from apes and you clearly don't understand the concept of a common ancestor. Humans and apes are divergent paths of evolution from an animal similar to a modern lemur.

The pictures and genetic research proves the exact opposite of your position.

Also, I don't have to lurk moar. I've been coming to Sup Forums for 13 years, and it's filthy progenitors like the Stile Project, for even longer.


Food for thought.

So you're saying chimps are more advanced than blacks and that we're insulting monkeys by comparing the two.

I understand evolution. I was using common phrasing to engage the plebeians.

They're more like gorillas, desu senpai.

Don't backpedal and pretend you are above people when you get scientifically btfo.

The one where it points out the African American has a less protruding supraorbital ridge?

The supraorbital ridge which is more pronounced in primates and human males due to testosterone producing denser bone growth.

It says nothing about the pre-frontal cortex.

But yeah. Really makes ya think.

Hope you can follow that advice, lemur boy.

You're pretty autistic when you try and differentiate "being descended" from "having a common ancestor." It's basically the same fucking thing spread over hundreds of thousands of years.

I meant to respond to the nigger you was arguing with but I'm too drunk off of the fermented Jew.

>From a physical trait standpoint, I don't understand comparing black people to apes.

That's ok, Google does it FOR you

Saying we are "descended from apes" is one of the most simple-minded interpretations of evolutionary biology one could posit. I guess if the shoe fits though, eh?

Ah, so being scientifically literate is just meaningless to you. Pity.

Yeah, he really needs to get out of the thread before he embarrasses himself anymore.

It's literally the same fucking thing spread out over a vast period of time and/or location. Take your autism medication.

And it's not back peddling to use simple, common phrasing on an website known for dickgirls and videogames.

Half of any real science discussed would be completely foreign concepts to the people here.

t. nigger

You're kind of cringey to converse with. You know the feeling you get when someone does something completely wrong and refuses to admit it ever even happened? That discomfort? That's what I get from speaking with you. I'm sorry your interpretation of evolutionary biology is wrong, if it's any consolation, you learned something today.

comparing a nigger to an ape is an insult to an ape. Your average ape is not only smarter but can be taught a greater vocabulary and will build simple tools to help it survive.

If anything we need affirmative action for apes.

>And it's filthy progenitors like the Stile Project, for even longer.

My nigger! That's where I discovered this place back in 2005 (on the stileproject forum).

That discomfort you're feeling is your own brain trying to spare you further shame.

Retarded post, OP. Nobody is "less" evolved because evolution doesn't make organisms linearly better, it makes them better suited to a specific environment.
SO, black people are black because south Africa is very sunny. Caucasians stayed lighter because there was less sun. Europeans got very pale because of sexual selection and sun too weak to provide vitamin D.

Most blacks also stayed dumber for some reason. We aren't completely sure why yet, but it's measurable. Monkeys are also dumber, and less capable of human inventions like agriculturally driven civilization, just like blacks.

He's technically correct but he's basically arguing semantics. We didn't "descend" from great apes since we technically are one but no one gives a shit.

Apes are descended from black people idiot
That's why apes have higher IQs

I don't think anything is "less" evolved. I understand what evolution is.

I'm specifically bringing up the view points I've found here, and pointing out even according to their own perception - they are wrong.

People make a point about black people having big lips and nappy hair. But those traits are uniquely human.

Nice. The good ol' days.

>Nice. The good ol' days.

I miss Stile's hilariously fucked up and entertaining blog posts and his cam portal that updated one frame every 30 seconds or some shit. The Internet was so much simpler then.

Back when you could toss up a black background, red text, and some animated gifs and call it a day.

Remember TGP porn sites like the Hun? Was harder to sneak to the computer to beat off with a dial up.

Blacks beat chimpanzees at chimping out.

>Was harder to sneak to the computer to beat off with a dial up.

That is why you saved all your dirty jpegs to a floppy for fapping at a later date.

Yeah, I remember all of that.

I think I discovered Stile back in like 2000 or 2001 when he had an argument with Seanbaby because Sean looked like a faggot. Good times.

It has a wide nose, coarse black hair, protruding jaw, thick lips, undeveloped brain relative to humans and brown eyes with comparatively yellow scelara

I mean, its not so crazy

except they dont and you are wrong

we use simple words to taunt the negro
what fun is there calling someone names he doesnt understand
have you never felt frustrated as a kid when that one stupid idiot from your class never got those dank insults... Kinda loses its punch.
No, its best to stay down to earth, they wouldnt understand otherwise and what fun is taunting them then...

Apes are smarter than some of the Africans anyway.
