REPEBLICANS What do you have to say for yoursefl?
Other urls found in this thread:
Lower minimum wage means more jobs
Repealing Obama care just means making a different healthcare program
Every single point is great!
Thanks OP for sharing the love!
>Keep em poor
Implying that welfare and the minimum wage aren't designed to keep the population content at a subsistence level
>keep em sick
Implying that even higher costs and wait times won't be direct outcomes of universal health care
>keep em stupid
Only revisions of history I know of in the modern era have been by liberals to inject boost the relevance of other races or detract from people who don't toe the line
>control the women
>Equal pay
If that were true then why are most poor people liberal supporters on welfare?
They're rural and suburban retards. Their only purpose in life is to shit up civilization as much as they can so that everyone else has to be dragged down to their level.
MAGA !!!!
>means more jobs
Yeah, meaning people have to work more jobs individually. What 2 jobs at minimum wage isn't enough jobs for you? How about we lower the pay so you have to take on a 3rd job to survive? Who needs days off and time to sleep and eat anyway?
If we lower the pay, the cost of things go down. Companies price their goods to be affordable. They can't make money if no-one buys their stuff.
Also this is a bait thread SAGE
>what is the useful idiots
Why can't Liberals understand that they are guilty of doing the exact things that they accuse others of doing? Why are they literally unable to reflect upon their own actions?
that sounds like both parties. good thing i voted TRUMP.
Add "control the niggers" and you got democrats
do you think scarcities just come out of nowhere?
There are more qualified people for lower qualified jobs because the job has a lower standard to meet. The reality is most people meet lower standards than higher standards. The more rare you are, the more valuable you are. If you have a rare set of knowledge, and employers know about you, you are more valuable.
more like a "Capitalism" to-do list
Capitalism only flourishes when most people are on the bottom.
Read this book called Basic Economics, by Thomas Sowell.
It doesn't matter if you are socialist, marxist, believe in a free market, or whatever, the principals of basic economics are all the same and you will learn something practical and valuable.
that's socialism. capitalism is the only system that allows upward mobility as a reward for having control of scarcities.
Knowledge is the most valuable scarcity.
the fuck? Democrats want to control your access to all these things by requiring them to go through the government. Do leftists not realize this? Jesus some people are retarded.
>revise history
Employers will pay you as little as they think they can get away with. If you're in a situation where you're trapped and DON'T have other options to work with at the moment, you will just have to accept the pay cut and keep working, and with taking on that third job, hunting down a better paying job just got that much harder, and no it's not just unqualified people who are working those minimum wage service jobs, hell, there are STEM graduates working at Starbucks while looking for that first job to break into their professional field. A lot of it is due to how specific those fields can be. You don't just get a "STEM" degree, you get a degree in a specific science or technology, and so you're job hunting for a narrow field, and having to work shit jobs to survive until you land it. It took me about a year of working 2 shitty minimum wage jobs before I got my first job in my field and I had to walk out on one to make an interview and just pray that I actually got the job or I'd have been fucked.
current minimum wage jobs having the minimum wage dropped or raised doesn't affect enough people to affect overall prices of goods and cost of living. The result of losing the minimum wage and having your job give you a paycut would probably mean things still cost about the same but you make less so you have to take on another job to make up the difference. I mean the cities that have raised the minimum wage have seen less available jobs, THIS is true. Absolutely. But prices have NOT skyrocketed.
As much as you like to tote the "basic economics" meme you forget the "basic human behavior" concept that employers WILL pay you as little as they can get away with and business owners WILL charge you as much as they can get away with.
Unless a majority of people got their pay cut, prices wouldn't go down enough to make a difference for someone working current minumum wage, because people working minimum wage jobs, are a minority of people working. Most people get paid more.
Oh and btw, if what you're saying is true, did prices and cost of living fall during the recession of 2008? I'm ASKING because I don't really remember, I was in school at the time, but from my own memory I didn't remember seeing the prices of gas or food or rent decrease during the recession, even as people were losing their jobs and houses getting foreclosed.
the concept is to remove interventionalism. by allowing people freedom you enhance the people
no minimum wage creates a massive amount of jobs. this saturation means that you as a worker are at a premium and on demand. there will be more jobs than workers. if i want you, ill have to offer you more. if they want to keep you, theyll have to offer you more. competition- options- is not about keeping you poor but keeping you as wealthy as you are worth. take advantage of the system. increase your value by becoming educated, efficient, and capable. your potential is only limited by your actions- not the law
on the other hand, the democrat agenda is all about the end of competition and value. everything becomes equal. the man who risks his life logging forests or fishing arctic oceans has the same value as the guy who fucks up your order at McDonalds. people have no reason to invest time and effort into becoming better because there is no value gained for their efforts. its simply easier to consume entertainment and enjoy that which is issued to you upon birth. people will have no reason to try harder, because there is no benefit. You are kept just wealthy enough to accept it, in exchange for the simplicity of life and lack of responsibility
regarding your sickness point, the same argument can be applied. you simply spin the narrative into the most derogatory version possible. it isnt that we want to generate options and freedom in health care, its that we want MASS EXTERMINATION OF GOOD PEOPLE
the keep em stupid section is a perfect example of projection. the global warming scam, the total rewriting of world war 2, the intentional retardation of our education program- these are all the most emboldened plot points in the whole globo-liberal scheme. accuse everyone of doing what you do
"control of women" is how liberals use the role of the victim to legitimize destruction of family roles, decreasing birth rates. planned parenthood is a irl baby-holocaust.
They live in an egg inside a garden
>Lower minimum wage means more jobs
What good is more jobs that pay an amount you your workers can't survive on, you fucking retard.
You should read about 18th century England, you mongo.
Scented razor blades. That is all.
Everything in that fucking retarded picture on the left is literal projection on what you fucking liberals would of done, had Hillary won.
>To keep a uninformed and compliant populace.
>An actual fucking 1984 reality.
Kill yourself faggot.
There's a lot of successful countries that don't have a minimum wage.
>keep em poor
But that's literally the only way democrats stay in power.
When the poor get rich they start voting republican.
Fake news
it's straight up feudalism
this is why the dark ages lasted so long
the churches kept people stupid, so nothing advanced, they worked just to survive nothing more, they would from the common cold, and women had zero rights
your idea of a perfect society is 1200ce Europe
how could you even say "lowering minimum wage creates jobs?" you've clearly never been poor. this is why Americans are commonly referred to as "capitalist pigs"
because hard working poor people know what it's like to scrape the bottom and would love the same chances as everyone else. no, a 30+ year old person without an education doesn't have the same opportunities as a typical republican.
So, why is it 90% of Republicans are people who've never known what its like to be hungry but most leftists are quite well off but still want to help these unfortunate souls?
No. Poor people want other poor people to be poorer than they are
Stop basing your conclusions on feelings and "well that's what I assume would happen"
genius burgers
>What's an economics?
You tell us orange bob
>We need to decrease interventionalism! You can pull yourself up by your bootstraps to achieve wealth!!
>REPEBLICANS What do you have to say for yoursefl?
Muh guns.
Krautfaggot btfo.
>Ha ha they are so stupid, they don't believe in science, they think global warming isn't man made!!!
England was ''successful'' during the industrial revolution, but I wouldn't want to live as a worker during it.
Would you want to live as a worker at any era before today's?
Price floors cause shortages when they are above the equilibrium price.
>stereotyping a big tent party
Feminists and trannies deny science when they reject the 2 genders of Biology.
Trannies are the biggest science denial there is.
Gender is subjective and not strictly biological.
That's pretty much what democrats do, lmao the irony.
Keep em poor - Trump won every income bracket above 30k/yr usd.
Keep em sick - What is obamacare?
Keep em stupid - Average IQ of a Hillary voter is a deviation below an average IQ of Trump voter (IQ is correlated to income). You can also deduce this by looking at demographics and accounting for average IQs within those demographics.
Control the women - What is planned parenthood?
>"Well I would like to refute this point my fellow--"
I won't respond with anything other than disdain for a cucked people who could not learn to control their anger and go to hard extremes when shit doesn't go their way. You did it in WW2 allowing Hitler to take over and you are doing it again with your guilt ridden bullshit that is allowing your country to be raped by people from cultures that are diametrically opposed to your own.
can at least tell you that the Republicans got fucked in the last election along with the Democrats and the people elected a president that neither party wanted at all. I can at least say the people in my country aren't nearly as cucked as yours. What do you have to say for yourself?
>no minimum wage
There's this illusion that you should be paid a minimum amount of money. That's ridiculous. By setting a minimum wage, you create inevitable unemployment, as there is lots of work to do, but not the resources to fit into your minimum wage. People should work multiple jobs to get more money, and they shouldn't take any shit from the employer. The state shouldn't be doing it, you should be down there negociating your wage.
>Break the Unions
On one hand, I understand that they need to have some power. On the other hand, I've seen 70 years of Unions in Belgium going on wild strikes just to gain political leverage for their own profit or for the Socialist party. My country has some of the strongest unions in the world. Doesn't help the economy and doesn't help get people jobs, quite the contrary, and it kills the economy, too.
>Cut welfare
Obamacare is shit anyway.
>cut social security
Damn right. People should be in charge of their own money. Stop asking them to pay more money as if they can't manage it themselves and let them deal with their own issues. And force them to rely their friends and family to pay if they get in trouble rather than have the whole country pay.
>privatize veteran's health care
Yeah, that's a shitty one.
>no equal pay
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA It's literally illegal to pay a woman less than a man for the same job, in the United States. If employers could get away with that, they would employ more women, as it would be cheaper. Except it's not. The wage gap is a fucking myth.
You realize that there is such a thing as biological intersex, right?
>The state shouldn't be doing it, you should be down there negociating your wage.
As soon as you do that, your ass gets fired and replaced by somebody who will do the same work for less. There's always someone just a bit more desperate for any money whatsoever. You end up with a race to the bottom.
Not among primates.
Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION'
Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.'
Jesus fucking Christ you are an idiot. Are you trolling? I can't fucking tell.
No, you have means of pressure. At first, you have to get good at your trade. You might start off less rich, but then you'll be able to show your experience and quality work. Then, you can play on that.
this is all i have to say about your baseless image macro
eat a dick and shill for schulz, Abdul
But that's literally a checklist of the liberal agenda?
Your an idea the price of any item is what the customer is willing to pay not what if fucking affordable for them. If took a basic business class you would know that. That is why the price of drug is so high. Because people need them to survive and the drug company can charge whatever they want. Youre a complete fucking idiot.....
Name them