Why is canadian PM so attractive unlike US president?
Why is canadian PM so attractive unlike US president?
He looks like the Raisin Bran mascot.
that is the worst picture of him I have ever seen
good thing their economy is btfo
we had this thread yesterday faggot nigger kike
because vaginas aren't good for checking boxes in polling booths
He needs bog hair with a podesta grin
Such a smug bastard. Would Sup Forums favour him if he was not a leftist but a right winger, fighting for white canadians?
leave japan
no one likes you
Shes just a happy and outgoing person, liberals are full of hatred and do drugs because they hate themselves.
They wouldn't understand social norms like smiling and being friendly.
Maybe she'll redpill that faggot
no more bogdannof threads, okay?
He looks like a dog man
He is good looking. He is charming.
Yet he's just another traitor of the people from the liberal establishment. Harmless to the jews, like a hamster. A piece of shit.
*sweating towel guy jpg*
Cuban genetics
Its because youre japenese and hes an island fucker and so are you
now kiss
Because his mother was a gorgeous hot slut, and his father, Fidel Castro, was a manly and handsome fucker.
Hot people have hot kids, generally. Unfortunately, neither one contributed an outstanding quantity of brain cells. He's cute but pretty vacant.
Cuban genes
No doubt. It's a pity he's a liberal, globalist puppet, because he has looks and charisma. He'd make a fine leader if he wasn't a fool.
LOL exactly
OK, now I know you're fucking Black Pigeon Speaks. Only he uses shots like that.
i had a dream about him last night and i spent the whole day thinking about how i'd love me some economic liberalization a la trudeau and then i remembered he's a muslim loving faggot
I'm a straight man and I would let trump ravage my boy pussy. This faggot does nothing for me however
>I say nigger of course in only the most cuckold fashion
All the Middle Eastern sperm keeps his skin youthful.
I like japan
Because you are a fag and not a woman.
> being insane
> attractive
Go get professional help
his (((nose))) constitutes 40% of his total face space
Trump is a buisnessman and Treadue is a faggot.
large nose = alpha male
small nose = qt woman
Digits say because he's Fidel's son
Justin Trudeau is only 12 years old. If you think 12 year olds are attractive I have some bad news for you.
the faggot leaf is an excellent example on what democracy by low-info electorate brings
democracy is a code word for communism
Because USA doesn't vote by the looks, they vote the candidate with .... I, I really don't know,
What are you voting? The loudest? The richest?
Jap, why arent you guys fucking over there?
Good lord, he just looks like he reeks. That cunt needs to get a haircut.
He was elected by women and hes a massive idiot. Ugly people are never handed things so they have to work harder to get what they want. Things came easy for Trudeau because he was a hunk and he built his campaign on being a feminist cuck.
He's obviously homosexual.
Trump used to be attractive, maybe not quite as good looking as Cuckleaf, but he's was a stud in his own right
here he is when he was trudeau's age, im sure he would have done fine with the ladies even without wealth.
Because liberals are not humans, they are robots/zombies and they "think" with images, they can't into arguments, actual politics, history. So if puppetmaster wants them to support someone -- make him attractive guy or a woman, and they will support. If you want to downplay some president -- draw him in an unrespectable manner and they will believe he is bad.
*or a woman, or a nigger, because liberals are taught to love the image of a nigger
Liberals are like trained dogs