is mormonism the final red pill? What are the downsides?
Is mormonism the final red pill? What are the downsides?
stop shilling your shitty cult on Sup Forums
being insulted by manchildren online
Im genuinely curious
then stop posting pics of jews
It is a cult, yet a useful cult...
Downside is having to keep up all the responsibilities to the community when your are Mormon but also an antisocial autist
Mormonism sounds like a perfect way of life to me, I'm genuinely interested in learning more about it.
is that blonde woman second from the right an actress?
It's great if you don't mind the rules and want to be a part of something greater than yourself. Not so great if you get nervous in a crowd of people
What isn't a cult?
>dude lmao space jesus gave me the secret of the universe on these gold tablets
Former Mormon here AMA
The only reason I'm not actively practicing the religion is because it, like most religions, requires faith as the final step. Everything other than that is spot on. They're easily the most correct Christian religion.
>What are the downsides?
eternal damnation
Going to my local singles' ward tomorrow and getting baptized soon.
So far so good.
Burning in Hell.
>most correct Christians
>works based salvation
>charlatan Joe Smith is a prophet
You disgust me, heretic.
> Muh dirty rags
> Peter was the last prophet for literally no reason
I think I've fallen in love with a mormon girl. Wat do
She'll try to convert you for the rest of her life, or if you manage to unconvert her, her family will hate you for the rest of your life.
Matthew 7
Hello I am a resigned Mormon
Wouldn't jesus's apostles be in the wrong for judging then?
Those with authority can use it righteously to judge. A prophet, for example, is a man with god's authority to transmit his message and do his will.
>easily the most correct Christian religion
Try again Joseph
None of those women will consider you husband material until after you do your mission work friendo
Thoth is with us.
Lol ok satan
Checked btw
It's just one man's edgy prank that turned into a weird cult.
I've known a lot of Mormons and all of them were good people.
It's not really something that you can belong to if you're fond of critical thinking, though. One of my best friends in high school was a Mormon and I managed to slowly wear down his cognitive dissonance until he acknowledged on his own terms that Mormonism was a waste of time.
Well thats the issue with any religion. You can't definitively prove or disprove them. Because of that, it's a waste of time. I understand from a religious point of view why faith is necessary, but simultaneously understand that its a total cop out.
God fucking gives us rationality and says believe without proof. Cmon.
is that Remy Lacroix?
The downside is you go to hell for following a heresy
>What are the downsides?
No internets.
They are all actresses, that kid on the right is Roseanne Barr
By the way, what's the difference between morons and amshites?
Eternal damnation
So no difference as opposed to being a Sup Forums fag?
Anal until marriage.