This dude is sperging out on twitter about libertarians. Why do you guys love him again?

This dude is sperging out on twitter about libertarians. Why do you guys love him again?

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no one here likes him.

We don't

Good. Libertarians suck cock.

lurk more
you too
you three

rate my dog

Show of hands for those who knew who Spencer was before HeilGate? Nobody? Ok just making sure.

He got kicked out when he attended a libertarian conference. The reason? “Fascists are not welcome at an anti-fascist conference!”

He's kinda a fag.

It's like, we're Nazis, but he's a fag.

Lemme give you a quick run down.

You know how in high school/college you watched Cowboy Bebop, Akira, and Ghost in the Shell? You didn't make your whole life about anime because you're not a total faggot. There was the one kid that nobody really liked who sat with you and your buddies at lunch and talked about nothing but anime.

He wore all the anime gear, talked about moving to Japan, and even pretended to be able to speak/read moonspeak. You didn't drive him off with physical violence because it was easier/quicker to just go about your business and ignore everything he said/did.

That's the situation here.

People are pretty divided on him. They generally agree with most of what he has to say. It's just that he fucks in public and makes us all look bad.

Libertarians are cucks
Only faggots unironically watch anime

check again friendo

I've only browsed Sup Forums for a year and I knew who he was before then

>I've only browsed Sup Forums for a year
>you guys

There are levels to this bait and I am going to fall for them.

He's a hoppean libertarian though.

no one listens to what he says.

he's famous for "events" rather than ideas.

no one likes libertarians. bunch of sociopaths

>pic related

No he's actually pretty cool. I like what he says.

Everyone knows spencer is a plant

Libertarians assume that people tend to act decently, so you don't need a huge governing force to regulate them.

How does that make them sociopaths? Their entire philosophy presumes good intent in general.

If they were sociopaths maybe they would understand why the roads argument is so important.

which is funny because austrian is literally the most jewish discipline in the extremely jewish field of economics

Like I said, people are pretty divided on him. When he's allowed to pontificate - like on his podcast - he's extremely engaging. Take him out of that, and he's not as quick on his feet. But he seems to be learning judging by his Texas A&M show.

Don't know why all the people that are always calling out merchants also advocate for a system that will benefit the merchants the most.

He obviously lacks a bit of grit. He's from a wealthy family and grew up in the suburbs.

He'll learn. His Texas A&M thing was pretty funny, some good bantz. Obviously what he's doing takes balls in the first place, but he needs to be able to be a little more sensational

Fuck you, you cheeky cunt.

Libertarians are boot licking retards.

Richard Spencer is controlled opposition.

Any "neo nazis" are controlled and paid opposition to damage us.

Sage in all fields yada yada

>shilling the WN = neo-nazi meme

YOu wont even go to The gym.jpg


spicer > spencer

keep it spicy faggots

Lol so the daily shoha doesn't like Richard Spencer?