How does this make you feel?
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Kawaii Destroyed.
is he indian or a Nog?
The thought of the pale angel being defiled by the dark man enrages my boner.
Either way she thinks about killing herself and the offspring every day.
I guess it wasn't just about ethics in game journalism!
I made a white baby with a mixed woman, how do you feel about that?
theres a fuckton of asians here in hawaii mainly in the poor parts.
Probably both.
Why would a African dude-Cambodian chick pair cause us to feel anything other then indifference ?
indians don't have negro noses or nappy hair or negroid skull...clearly a negro.
Pretty funny, as cute tiny and pale as she is, her baby just looks like a dumb niglet
I feel that nonetheless your child will grow up and accept common african-american culture and reject your white heritage. Your line will forever say "I'm black".
Is she white or asian or both? She looks white but the eyes look kind asian-y
A preventive measure would be to come to live in here, no matter how dark you are you'll grow up believing you are white.
Who gives a rusty fuck?
She's obviously asian with fuckton of makeup to look white.
that kid looks embarrassed by her stupid mother
Why is Chris Bosh making babies with a female weeaboo?
And probably at least some surgery.
d-delete this
Can't unsee
Seriously though, what the fuck? Is she like 12?
A nigger and a chink. Who gives a fuck?
chinks & nips look different
Nips have paler skin.
He is poo, just google Siddi.
She is not a nip, she is Cambodian.
bizarre and repulsive juxtaposition
Ill do every thing in my power to prevent that from happening.
My point is mainly that racial drift happens both ways.
Black + white = mixed
Mixed + black = black
Mixed + white = white
Just because a white woman produces a mixed child doesnt mean that is neccesarily a net loss to the white race in the long run. Unless you want to argue for genetic purity, that is a whole nother can of worms.
Fooled me she looked like one.
The girl is not even white. Some Asian wannabe white girl got surgeries and skin bleaching treatments to look white.
Why the fuck does pol care?
Plus the guy looks black
Sup Forums is obviously bored & can't think of anything to post about.
i thought indians are smart.
That nip had to eye surgery because she was attractive and wanted to be even better then she goes and race mixes and her baby daughter all ready has a unibrow and a mustache. What a selfish bitch.
no its a make up illusion.
look up anime eyes on youtube.
I honestly don't give a fuck desu
She's super cute, i want to hug her, and then beat her for being a race mixing retard.
But that's probably not even her kid as far as we know.
Who is this cum drum?
>Just because a white woman produces a mixed child doesnt mean that is neccesarily a net loss
It's never a net gain, therefore always a net loss
You forgot
>in the long run
That mixed child could in theory go on to produce many children who, by most peoples definition, are white. They could also do the opposite, or neither.
>how can human babies even compete
>Don't worry, hubby, let Tyrone plant his seed. 12 generations from now our children will still have blonde hair and blue eyes. Run along now, and prep the bull.
Wew lad.
couldnt give a fuck
>12 generations
A person with 50% African genes could produce white grandchildren.
White men can impregnate black women as well.
I am against the destruction of the white race as well, but reality is not a cuck meme.
Intentional mass immigration genocides a race, not two people of different ethnicities who decide to start a family together.
Understand I am playing the devils advocate here, because I am biased.
I'm not even willing to entertain that idea hypothetically. All shitskins should be expelled from white nations permanently, and race-mixers should be made an example of. The pendulum of society is so far left, we have to balance it out, otherwise BYE BYE WHITE RACE. Don't you fucking get it by now? I don't want to be this """extreme"""", but it's fucking necessary.
Thousands of years worth of Ninja genes ruined.
Miscegenation of any race is fucking putrid. Especially Whites and Asians
diversity is key
ok Muhammad
nothing turns me on more than a redheaded white woman being pounded by black men, and yet I passionately hate the idea of white women truly being in love with or breeding with nonwhites at the same time
So basically pic related
i dont think she's asian mate
It ain't me.
It's the baby that triggers me more than anything else. They're always so repulsive.
Happy for him. Breeding with an Asians is probably the only way black people can have children with triple-digit IQs.
More like if she got impregnated by a white guy and had a kid.
I understand your position, its just a difficult one to consolidate with my reality.
None of them is my race. Why should I give a shit if they mix?
Or just didnt have such a noggish nose, then it would be close.
គូស្វាមីមួយគូនេះ តែងតែបង្ហោះរូបថត Sweet Sweet ជាមួយគ្នាធ្វើអោយ គេច្រណែនយ៉ាងខ្លាំង ហើយថ្មីៗនេះស្រាប់តែ បង្ហោះរូបថត៣នាក់ម្តាយឪពុកនិងកូនស្រីម្នាក់ ដែលមានមុខមាត់គួរអោយស្រលាញ់ថែមទៀតផង។ នេះបង្ហាញអោយឃើញថា ពួកគេពិតជាមានសុភមង្គលណាស់ នៅក្នុងគ្រួសារមួយនេះ ទោះបីមានមនុស្សចំនួន និយាយអាក្រក់ដាក់ពួកគេយ៉ាងណាក្តី ប៉ុន្តែមានមនុស្សមិនតិចទេ ដែលលួចច្រណែន
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These threads always make me realize that the truth is that most of Sup Forums is just socially retarded white teens who are bitter that no girls in their country want to be with them, so they look to places like japan to fuel their escapist fantasies while putting jap women on a pedestal because, after all, that's what loser shut ins who have no real life experience do. So of course, when they see that their "wonderful and pure" jap girlies are literally just like any other women and fall for the same charismatic (non-white) guys that took away their secret high school crushes, they get enraged. Literally 10x more so than they do at simple bm/wf threads. I always get a good chuckle out of this
>2 soulless creatures and their soulless offpsring
doesnt make me feel anything desu
How does this make you feel?
Nobody cares about the lesser races racemixing.
Lucy LuvElla
pic related
is japanese girls dressing like that the same as western womyn having dyed hair and problem glasses?
Pretty disgusted.
Short-nose, wide nose bridge, eyes look quite slanty but big, weak jawline, non-outward chin.
Probably a chink + indochinese mix.
>get redpilled
>realize I am hated by every side
>kek himself wills my destruction
>nothing has changed
I think she's fat for an asian
> bm/wf porn troll thread
> literally up for hours at a time
> bm/af porn troll thread
> gone in under 15 minutes
You fags get immensely more butthurt at such threads, don't deny it. And my hypothesis is the most likely reason because I know most of you sure as shit aren't asian
Like her parents hanged want stereo.
This girl clearly has the mentality of a 5 year old. It should be a crime for anyone to fuck her. She clearly doesn't have the mental capacity to consent. I hope that nog/pajeet sticks around, or else that baby is going to have a rough life being raised by grandparents that want it dead...
Holy fug, she's uglier than the baby!
ugly baby is their toll. always is. acid in face, beaten etc is just bonus round
baby looks like Nien Nunb
He's just waiting around long enough to rape his daughter.
all babies look like Nien Nunb
still a nigger, nigger.
Instead of complaining about other peoples kids, why don't you just go find you a woman and make some kids yourself?
The Japanese will never accept that half-breed and both the mother and the child will rejected from society.
Why Germany? ;_;
I dont want fucking parasites, you know.
She looks like a White Asian. ie an Elliot Rodger monstrosity.
>I dont want fucking parasites
And this is why you'll never have a child if you continue to have that attitude in life.
Im bretty ok with that. Better to spend my own shekels on my comfy studio and new kawasaki.
Whatever makes you happy man, I usually do what makes me happy. Sure enough I racemix on the future, well gotta do the right thing and raise a child. I usually don't like to talk down on ones child.
anyone got their backstory? he has to be rich or something
Why do you even want a child? Its just a fucking expensive pet, even more expensive in western countries.