Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
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Yeah, except you just avoid political discussions outside of appropriate spaces if you know what's good for you. Get in. Get A's. Meet people. Get out
It doesn't matter, its not Sup Forums, why do you shit up the sit- You know what, go ahead, golden age of 2013 is over. Too many /r/conservative faggots here now.
Completely. American campuses are a breeding ground for extreme liberal ideology.
>going to college
thx m8 I needed a laff
Yeah. Some are worse than others.
This is what it feels like at every western university.
>qualifying for college
I go to a CSU here in bay area
The only trump supporters i know are fellow veterans and one other redpilled Asian
I met a qt 3.14 in one of my labs and she seemed country as fuck, also white
Ends up she loves bernie and degenerate music
keep up those good memes, they piss libs off and trigger them, maybe someone should do a meme where harry has to eat with those nasty muggles
More like how it is like living in Sweden.
Yeah this is fucking true. Weirdly enough, I know many quiet Trump supporters. We exist. I live in SoCal. We're here.
It's hard at work though. I have to keep quiet. I don't want to make things awkward. I just wish there were more Republicans in Cal. That's why I've leaving after college.
I think it's said we have to oppress our views so much that it feels like nails on a chalk board but can't say anything without someone going off the deep end.
>tfw go to an American campus for six months next year.
Am I fucked?
Depends which one
Oklahoma University. 6 months thanks to an exchange program.
I doubt it, none of the imps have garish dyed hair, problem classes, nu-male beard or BMI over 48.
You're fine
more like
I go to an SEC school. Almost nobody cares. It's fantastic
In my experience, this is what happens when you're in college and defend Porfirio Diaz
i just participated like fuck
shouting out 6 million jews when asked anyone know how many jews died in the holocaust and defining cultural appropriation, but i was fucking 3 girls in that class anyway
dunno why you guys get panty twisted
Fuck off poisonous faggot
> Leafs
> Thinking rationally
Haha. Thanks (I) needed a good laugh. There's no difference in Republican and Democrat college attendance nowadays
not really. pick a STEM field. people rarely talk about politics and are often conservative.
SoCal here. My community college is relatively red pilled and many of my friends are supporters. I think it's mostly because the campus is like 40% percent Eastern European immigrants so they are all about Christian and family values. It's always funny when I see two of my fb friends post 180 degree different opinions right after another.
> Pic related. One of the redpilled people
Conservatives are usually smart enough to go to technical school or become entrepreneurs and avoid shilling 130k out for a job that pays 25k a year
>There's no difference in Republican and Democrat college attendance nowadays
I fucking love the new Doom, I'd play that shit over and over
Try being a Republican in one of the most liberal areas of California.
dumb phoneposter
Please tell me that's Norco City College.
I know that feel.
213 here.
Can't even rock the MAGA hat without watching my back incase I get "knock out gamed"
>Unironically calling yourself a "Republican"
>b....based Crowder amirite guise?!
lot of russians and armenians there
> He doesn't realize the whole "Republicans dont go to college" meme is to shame people into becoming liberals
Close. Glendale CC. Lots of redpilled Armenians
>not realizing Greek Row is the largest safe haven on any and all campuses
Go cry about the past somewhere else faggot
>mfw I go to OU
>how it feels to be talcum x
Not at the college I attended. Libshits had a big presence in Greek life but it was during the prime Obama years
lemme fix that pic
Oklahoma was one of two states that had every county vote Trump
This is true.
>classes are all filled with dykes and taught by kikes
I can't imagine how shitty uni would have been without my fraternity.
>pic unrelated
This was literally in the urinal in the Whole Foods in Downtown LA a week before the election
yeah master cheef is a guf example of bein reupblican, he litterally BTFO's illegal aliens huehue
lol anyone from SMC?
I know where LACC is
Post that on Twitter or Facebook, then label the monsters as various lefty factions like feminists, minorities (or just blacks), Jews, gays/lesbos/trannies, communists, and others.
Then label the guy with the gun as Republican, and the gun itself as 2nd Amendment.
They'll see it as a threat and get all butthurt and salty about it. Then just sit back and enjoy the fear and schadenfreude.
Overall yes, but much less so if you're in a business school
>Freezing to death while watching Ahmed fuck your wife through the window
Went there 5 years ago, some guy decided to shoot up the school on a Friday during finals week, literally the day least number of students around, and literally right across the street from the police station. Didn't actually kill any students on campus, killed one and her dad in a car outside and shot a homeless lady in the head while she was stealing recyclables before going in to the library and being taken down by the police.
I actually dropped in at SMC once for an AGS conference last year. Y'all got a nice campus man.
Yeah I remember that day. My friend was suppose to go to the library. I was gonna go with her.
Thanks. There's some pretty repilled people there. I'm suppose to start a Republicans club there but I know we'll be attacked haha
Why was the American Goat Society holding a conference at SMC?
That's cool.. I always wanted to start a Republican club at GCC but unfortunately I don't think that's gonna happen cause I'm transferring in 4 months...
AGS is Alpha Gamma Sigma, a Statewide Honor's society
well if an irish guy appears give him a potato, you will know, he will know.
and I keep hearing about this potato famine, so I'm sure he will appreciate it!
haha same. where to?
well in the books Doomguy is a literal cuckold so yeah
Hoping UCB, if not UCLA or UCSB.. What about you?
>>There's no difference in Republican and Democrat college attendance nowadays
hes right, just no one wants to admit their a republican given the atmosphere
hell, some will even pretend to be liberal so they can climb the ranks of their societies and clubs. A huge part of uni is establishing connections and thats obviously not easy to do when you have a 220lb femenist breathing down your shirt when you try to meet people
UCB? That place is filled with marxists.
I'm hoping UCLA
Nah, I go to Economics college, and most teachers are based and so are the students
For European standarts, of course, none of us (except a very based teacher) supports trump
Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION'
Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion. The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in.
You'll be fine, Pasta-nigger. Have fun in Texas' hat!
Honestly I'm going in as a EECS major, so I wouldn't have to deal with the liberal bs there that much, but I actually enjoy arguing with idiots if it comes to that so no loss here really.
I'd love to go to UCLA, but the drive from Glendale is gonna drive me crazy.
I'm thinking for dorming haha
At least he has his dog to keep him warm
>hes right
No, but you'd be expelled if you stood up for your beliefs.
Being a republican in college is more like the Diary of Anne Frank.
Dorm is good.. I'm thinking of renting out my own house/apt if im able to pay for it... I hate living with people who aren't clean which is literally 90% of college students
how so?
shit in it
Republicans are the real victims.
Why can't the left tolerate my racism, sexism, homophobia and general hatred for anyone who's not rich?
Epic b8 m8. I'm sure /r/eddit would take it.
Operation mockingbird started being used in universities.
CIA shit.
Leftists can keep their one-sided, anti-discussion debates whilst they gang up on anyone who doesn't believe their retarded ideology by using "boogeyman" and "scape goat" fear mongering tactics to justify their violence and group silencing tactics in the name of equality.
College is no longer a place of open discussion, criticism and debates, thanks to lefts.
And "safe spaces" are racist as fuck, "No whites allowed, cus' you trigger me, bloo, bloo, bloo".
>affirmative action