Elon Musk "Universal Basic Income is going to be necessary.”
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Nice digits, Luxemjew
You will enjoy your country getting flooded by welfare migrants who will collect gibsmedats and move to cheaper countries for the rest of the month to get higher purchasing power.
>You will enjoy your country getting flooded by welfare migrants
yes we call them bulgarians.
excelent, so we will siphon your wealth in the form of UBI and wire it to Bulgaria so we can grow our economy.
>consumption being what drives economies
>being this retarded
I think those hair implants fucked with his synapses.
>not from customers
then where do companies get their wealth from you retard?
no customers = no money for companies
>grow economy
Chalga must grow .
>UBI is going to be necessary because of automation
>keep importing low IQ 3rd worlders who can only do the jobs that are going to be replaced first by automation
you are right. it doesnt make sense.
why they keep doing this?
Paying undocumented workers scraps under the table is the next best thing to only having to pay a small maintenance staff
To create a mixed, brown class of subhumans that the elite would rule over in their globalist dystopias.
Government redistribution of wealth does not make a country richer, you Keynesian shit mind.
>Implying this btfo's capitalism
It's literally just an inevitability that comes from machines taking over
When pretty much all labor and service jobs stop existing we will have a massive chunk of the population without work and not allowing them a wage would mean they all die of hunger.
Only real escape from it would be to explore and colonization of the galaxy leaving the population to reduce drastically and keep people employed
It BTFOs capitalism in the manner that if capitalism is allowed to remain through automatization, all power will be in the hands of those who own the means of production. Companies will rule supreme, or we start dabbling into some form of socialism with massive checks and balances to stop corruption.
>we are not gonna have choice
>its obviously a dystopian feature of our own fault
>Sup Forums btfo
What this all means as a general principle is that the price which one producer is willing to pay for any given ingredient becomes the price that other producers are forced to pay for that same ingredient. This applies whether we are talking about the milk that goes into making cheese, ice cream, and yogurt or we are talking about the wood that goes into making baseball bats, furniture, and paper. If the amount of paper demanded doubles, this means that the demand for wood pulp to make paper goes up. As the price of wood rises in response to this increased demand, that in turn means that the prices of baseball bats and furniture will have to go up, in order to cover the higher costs of the wood from which they are made.
The repercussions go further. As the price of milk rises, dairies have incentives to produce more milk, which can mean buying more cows, which in turn can mean that more cows will be allowed to grow to adulthood, instead of being slaughtered for meat as calves. As the price of wood rises, forestry companies have incentives to plant more trees. Nor do the repercussions stop there. As fewer cows are slaughtered, there is less cowhide available, and the prices of baseball gloves can rise because of supply and demand. As forestry companies plant more trees, they buy up more land on which to plant those trees, so that the price of land on which to build houses goes up. Such repercussions spread throughout the economy, much as waves spread across a pond when a stone drops into the water. By the same token, if someone figures out a way to produce cereal more cheaply, or how to create new foods that are cheaper or better substitutes for cereal, the repercussions of that spread out in all directions as well.
because companies lobby for short term interests
Read "Animal Farm", Aquafresh!
>tfw Milton Friedman suggested the universal negative income tax 50 years ago and communists are only just realising this
Good luck BTFOing that which you don't understand, fuckwit
Agreed with the Musk. It will be interesting to see how this will affect countries with huge populations like India and China.
No, it just means they will be free to pursue other enterprises. Look at how many entertainers, performers, etc. there are nowadays compared to a hundred years ago. Don't be fooled by the limits of your imagination.
>It's a Chive meme, it must be hip and relevant!
Are millenials this easily manipulated?
cheap work that only morons and farmers can do, and liberals are fucking children and constant fucking stupid wars. We should deport the sand nogs repair the shitty old cities or give them to the saudis and be done with it. But nah liberals will destroy most of the world i would say china is one of the worlds places that would kill the sand niggers for fun and not feel anything.
well, the USSR, and China had universal basic income, but it only made them shitholes, and they are just now starting to undo a small percentage of the damage after switching to free market over 20 years ago
>No matter how much we wish to organize everything rationally, without waste, no matter how passionately we wish to lay all the bricks of the economic structure tightly, with no chinks in the mortar, it is not yet within our power.
This lesson proved hard for many others who lived in a centrally planned economy to accept. Mikhail Gorbachev was not the only leader raised in the Soviet Union who found the market’s operations and results in the West baffling. During the last years of the Soviet Union, Boris Yeltsin, later destined to become Russia’s first post-Communist leader, was equally struck by what he saw in a capitalist economy:
>A turning point in Yeltsin’s intellectual development occurred during his first visit to the United States in September 1989, more specifically his first visit to an American supermarket, in Houston, Texas. The sight of aisle after aisle of shelves neatly stacked with every conceivable type of foodstuff and household item, each in a dozen varieties, both amazed and depressed him.
>For Yeltsin, like many other first-time Russian visitors to America, this was infinitely more impressive than tourist attractions like the Statue of Liberty and the Lincoln Memorial. It was impressive precisely because of its ordinariness. A cornucopia of consumer goods beyond the imagination of most Soviets was within the reach of ordinary citizens without standing in line for hours. And it was all so attractively displayed. For someone brought up in the drab conditions of communism, even a member of the relatively privileged elite, a visit to a Western supermarket involved a full-scale assault on the senses.
Except for those who lobby for long term interests - which happen to be the ones that succeed
Have you got the gist of this yet?
When he returned to Moscow, Yeltsin spoke of the pain he felt after seeing in Houston the contrast between American and Soviet living standards. He described what he had seen in America to what was described as “a stunned Moscow audience.” Yeltsin’s aide said that the Houston supermarket experience destroyed the last vestiges of Yeltsin’s belief in the Communist system, setting the stage for his becoming the first leader of post-Communist Russia.
>well, the USSR, and China had universal basic income
I don't know about China, but we didn't have UBI in Russia, you twat.
>well, the USSR, and China had universal basic income, but it only made them shitholes
I don't think it was UBI that made them shitholes, rather it was communism. See: every communist country ever.
>The Best
Capitalism + Proper salary rule + Proper progressive tax
thats because russia and china are fucking bad toward people, we can make it work if we bring it toward us and european countries. We just need to spin it the right angle
I rather have ubi than paying for corrupt public housing/school/healthcare/etc.
Maybe its not ideal, but its better than what we have now.
would you like to check the ratio of jew per human and see if they corelate?
The problem was not that particular planners made particular mistakes in the Soviet Union or in other planned economies. Whatever the mistakes made by central planners, there are mistakes made in all kinds of economic systems— capitalist, socialist, or whatever. The more fundamental problem with central planning has been that the task taken on has repeatedly proven to be too much for human beings, in whatever country that task has been taken on. As Soviet economists Shmelev and Popov put it:
>No matter how much we wish to organize everything rationally, without waste, no matter how passionately we wish to lay all the bricks of the economic structure tightly, with no chinks in the mortar, it is not yet within our power.
This lesson proved hard for many others who lived in a centrally planned economy to accept. Mikhail Gorbachev was not the only leader raised in the Soviet Union who found the market’s operations and results in the West baffling. During the last years of the Soviet Union, Boris Yeltsin, later destined to become Russia’s first post-Communist leader, was equally struck by what he saw in a capitalist economy:
This isn't an attempt to make the US communist. It's just that you don't have a choice. Jobs are simply disapearing from the market. Robots are much more productive in manufacturing, self driving cars are better at driving, Amazon is better at selling etc. You're going to have a huge job shortage. With all the money corporations gain for this they should be taxed more to enable free college and cheaper healthcare.
You want more income? Get a better job.
Australia has basic income. Nothing changed. Everyone has a college degree, but nobody has a job. Asians and Indians move in and work for less. Houses are unaffordable, and a small pizza delivered is $25 .
UBI is exactly how to destroy nations.
You have one of the highest standarts of living though.
How does Japan achieve this? Do you have legislation governing salaries?
We need to stop this Universal Income madness and restore capitalism.
The Bible says everyone should work.