If there are any insiders lurking, just saying.
If there are any insiders lurking, just saying.
To be honest it is really weird to me how Pewdiepie shits on Trump and think he's a bad guy because of what the media says about him while he himself aware of how shitty the media is.
Reported for spam.
I haven't seen him specifically speak out against Trump. Aside from minor jabs during split-second frames in a few choice videos.
Got any links to where he shits on Trump?
>These people were incredibly dishonest and tried to destroy me
>That means they're always dishonest and I can't trust them on somebody else
Nice cynical life you have there
I've only seen pro-Trump stuff from him
Just cause they have a common hatred for the media doesn't mean he has to agree with all of Trump's other bullshit.
What the fuck is this guys problem?
Why won't he stop being such a fucking nazi?
How is that cynical? It would make more sense to think that if they lie about you, why wouldn't they lie about someone else?
Just minor jabs. But in that video on the night of the election he thought Hillary would win and seemed disappointed when she didn't.
Really? Got an example?
determinism doesn't exist. sometimes the first post is really not the best post, sometimes it is the worst post and a complete lie.
That's like saying just because your wife cheated on you, you can't ever trust her not to do that again. The level of self doubt and paranoia you're suggesting is almost schizophrenic.
i doubt he would ever endorse nor shit on trump or any other politic individual. He wants people to see the truth and only the truth whether they are left or right.So you know dont expect Sup Forums tier stuff alot
Show of hands- How many of you think he's a serious Nazi? And how many of you like to be called one?
I'm doing a study
>those people who've demonstrated time and time again they'll tell any lie for a buck, debase themselves regularly for money and have no knowledge of integrity are fuckers
>except when they say something I agree with
its not like its a one time thing, they lie about literally everything and obfuscate the truth in cases where they have to report on it, they are the jews
>except when they say something I agree with
Wasn't the implication. The idea you can't trust them on ANYTHING EVER is what's so toxic.
Same response.
What if your wife cheats on you multiple times?
Fool me once shame on you, you can't get fooled again.
>The idea you can't trust them on ANYTHING EVER is what's so toxic.
I don't understand your logic behind this blind trust of mainstream press who've demonstrated they're liars, and biased, the entire election cycle.
You wouldn't give your faith to an individual who tells lies compulsively, why would you give it to organisations that do?
If you're saying that as an idea, like "You can't trust any press ever" is ridiculous, then I fully agree, but the majority of current existent mainstream press outlets in all of the english speaking world are decidedly liars, with a slant for the left for better or for worse, and that's something I can't abide.
No, putting your trust into someone or something that has demonstrated it cannot be trusted to tell the truth is the actions of a fool. Be realistic with your expectations, take a look at the evidence.
God tier quote
No, I don't know why so many people are saying this.
The last thing we need is Trump associating himself with any of this. Whether it be Sup Forums, Pewdiepie or fucking PizzaGate.
He needs to remain presidential and rise above all of this. He still has a majority of swing voters suspended by a thread, and by appearing less coordinated we appear far less threatening and more inviting.
>a slant
Ah, you're racist, that's what this boiled down to. Good to know it was you and not me.
He was confused
weak bantz; kill yourself you are a disgrace.
Every major german newspaper has now run a 'pewdiepie is an antisemite' editorial, congratulations, if this guy sets foot on german soil now he will be arrested + jailed
(((They))) will be going after his money next, standard procedure, 5 years from now he will be a bum
>anyone who disagrees with me is a racist
poor b8 m8
try logical discourse when you get out of highschool
In his video today he's openly browsing a webm thred on Sup Forums.