Cuckalonia is at it again

>Tens of thousands of people marched through Barcelona on Saturday urging the Spanish government to immediately meet its pledge to take in thousands of refugees.

>Ada Colau, the mayor of Spain’s second city, had called on Barcelona residents to “fill the streets” and march under the slogan volem acollir (“We want to welcome them” in Catalan). Local police said approximately 160,000 people had heeded her call.

>Many of those flooding the major Via Laietana thoroughfare carried signs reading “Enough excuses, welcome them now”.

>The protest comes after Spain pledged to take in about 16,000 asylum seekers from other EU countries under a quota system agreed in 2015, as the continent struggled with its biggest migration crisis since the second world war.

>Like other EU members, Spain has fallen far short of this target, with only 1,100 resettled in the country so far.

>Jacint Comelles, a 62-year-old potter who joined the protest with friends and family, said not enough was being done to help people who have fled conflict hoping to start a new life in Europe. “We demand this minimum amount of dignity – that at least this number of refugees (16,000) can come,” he said. “In Catalonia, everything is ready to welcome them.”

>The protest, organised by a group calling itself Casa Nostra Casa Vostra (Our home is your home), finished at the Mediterranean coast – a symbolic location given the more than 5,000 migrants who lost their lives trying to cross the sea last year.

>Senior Barcelona lawmaker Mercè Conesa said on Wednesday that it was “shameful” that Spain had not taken in more refugees, and urged the European commission to begin “severely sanctioning” countries that did not meet their pledges on the issue.

>Barcelona, capital of the wealthy northeastern region of Catalonia, put forward a plan in August 2015 for resettling refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea.

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I thought Spain was broke as fuck and their economy was in the toilet.

How can they afford to take in anyone?

They don't think that far.

All they care about is virtue signaling and to feel morally superior.

Fuck facts, refugees are welcome here! Wir schaffen das! Racist!

Is this real life?
I hope it's Fanta sea....


Why are almost all wealthy regions cucked beyond belief?

How many refugees has Switzerland taken in? I feel like you should be taking in more, you guys are rich.

You too Finland, I can still see some white. Let's cover that up with a nice brown hue.

Where else are they going to get their brain surgeons and dentists?

because the wealth is held by a few the rest are fucking government welfare leeches

>wanting your country destroyed so much that you march to demand it

I find that hard to believe. I'm guessing that paid protesters work cheap in Spain, so they can afford to hire tens of thousands.

never trust a catalonian

>Ada Colau, the mayor of Spain’s second city, had called on Barcelona residents to “fill the streets” and march under the slogan volem acollir (“We want to welcome them” in Catalan). Local police said approximately 160,000 people had heeded her call.
>Many of those flooding the major Via Laietana thoroughfare carried signs reading “Enough excuses, welcome them now”.
This is truly the darkest timeline

Isn't that the part of Spain that didn't get moor'd?

Catalonia is the California of Spain. Maybe they should become independent and fuck off already.

nah, that's asturias

. . . . . . .A

>Our home is your home
The name is so fitting, mudshits will call it a home and replace them kek

Leftists need to be exterminated. They have gone too far in their supporting of mass rape and replacement of Europeans.

Death squads when?

Why the fuck do you think we're rich? Definitely not by taking in refugees.

how can people be so ignorant about their past?

I knew that catalonia was socialist and liked commies but I thought that they had some nationalistic catalan spirit which would make them somehow ok. Guess I was wrong.

Catalans are doing these because they want nothing with Spaniards or the spanish language. They trully are the goodest goyims.

Spaniards aren't at fault, their cucked royalty is.

Franco did the good job, but he handed the throne to a cuck who betrayed them.

Ah, thanks portubro

Catalonians are the jews of spain

This is honestly something I'll never understand. Why are these "nationalist" parties always leftist cucks. the Catalans are all about "Spaniards out, Refugees in!"

Scottish and Irish nationalists are pretty much the same thing:"brits out, pakis in"

We can't. It's all for the sake of getting non-castillian speakers in catalonia that will vote for independence for gibs,
Pic related. Catalan nationalist. it says "We are all catalans".

Is spain cucked or was the march done by niggers already in your country

I-I am so, so sorry you have to see this. Its painfully embarrassing to look at it, not all of us agree with those retards but truth is this "country" is a joke, a horribly bad one.
They have been brainwashing people into going to this demonstration on TV and radio non stop for months, youll never see someone in there saying "m-maybe we are too fucked up ourselves to even help anyone" "m-maybe we should ONLY accept women and children from syria instead of grown up men from all over africa".
Youll never hear an argument that doesnt come from "muh fee fees" from the refugee supporters, only shit like "remember Franco, remember we was refugees too, remember to not be Franco" and "look at these pictures of kids crying that will make you go fuck borders and fuck our language and culture niggers are better than us because we are white and opresssive"

They want to appeal to every posible group. They are communists ultranationalists that want refugees and the European Union. They can't get any lower.

Spain's next running of the bulls

Pls Paco-senpai dont be so rude. We are not all like that.

read the thread. Catalans don't want to be Spaniards.

>off by one
opinion discarted

Civil war in Europe is inevitable, tens of millions of people have to get got. Basically the entire brainwashed millenial generation needs to be slaughtered.

thats probably melilla tho

Honestly, no West Europeans can point fingers at you on this subject.

t. someone from a country that won't vote FN even after a year full of Islamic terror

>Civil war in Europe is inevitable
when it happens we have to remember to kill the poloticians and celebrities that made all this happen
and beat the shit out of the leftists

yep. Sad that it will come to an armed conflict.

SNP phenomenon again

They seek to indirectly blacken the name & image of Spain

Mass virtue signalling

please do it Hans it's your turn now. after brexit, trump, you guys need to get rid of merkel and take your country back

It's actually that they want to fuck you over, the people of the left are so imbecilic they think the harder they fuck you over the harder their win is

they will choose Schulz. I honestly think that that is the best choice. The turning point of all this bullshit. If he trully will speed up the fall of germany, then it is innevitable that a pendulum effect will happen. Look at europe. We can't be nationalistic at all. If this guy actually destroys europe, we can rebuild.

Also bask country.

Better keep yourself together, Spain.

Daily reminder that the King oficial Spain comes from a french family. Spain is Beyond cuckoltry

Holy shit, no wonder Franco hated these insufferable fucks so much.

why even bother posting it Liam

He knew that catalans basques and every other group would eventually leave because of all the differences. He wanted a unified Spain, that every Spaniard would love his land no matter if they were from catalonia or from galicia. Some will blame him for this, because in the end it backfired.


Oh, Carlos!

>Why are these "nationalist" parties always leftist cucks

Because they aren't really nationalist parties at all, they're globalist tools whose proximate aim is to break up the territorial integrity of the country they currently inhabit in order to facilitate the rise of huge international superstates. That's why the IRA was funded by the Soviets, or why the SNP wants Scotland to be subservient to Brussels rather than to London. It's a ruse.

Instead of sending them to camps in their homeland, lets send them to Barcelona!

The leaf is right. I have no doubt that they are being funded by Soros, just like podemos is.

>'re globalist tools
This this this

Every socialist/communist I've met supports regional nationalist movements.

My father was a right-wing Scottish nationalist back in the 60s and 70s (he even got paid a visit by Special Branch), but the movement was already getting co-opted by Marxists even then.

Well if they want refugees, them just give thos sub humans to them.
It's a win/win situation.
They get what they want and stop their victimistic bullshit and """""refugees""""" kill them in the streets.
Everyone wins here.

How many Catalans are in the army? I imagine their chances of winning a civil war being very low.

yeah, because letting indocumented immigrants from a sand cult religion that want to kill us because they are still butthurt because our queen made the mayor of granada cry like a baby in front of him is a good idea. Right?

No chance they would win. But what would Spain do? what would the EU do? What would the fucking world do? They would support Catalonia because they know shit of them and we are bad oppressors!. Not only that, after that the EU would demand us to take refugees.

Totally ok for me as long as they stick in Barcelona.

But they wont user. That's the issue.

>the mayor of Spain’s second city, had called on Barcelona residents to “fill the streets” and march
>approximately 160,000 people had heeded her call

the fuck? How can people afford to take time off work and fucking march over 'welcoming refugees' which are gonna further weaken Spain's financial structure

Going to Barcelona soon, will Catalans get triggered if I speak to them in Spanish?

Just thinking about it is rage inducing.

same. The collapse of the EU is the only way for us. That's why i think supporting Schulz for speeding up the process would do us a favour. It will mean that nationalists parties will rise and we will have a chance.

>muslims literally conquered most of Spain, forever tainting their genepool and culture
>muslims had to be constantly fought or they would spread further and enslave everyone
>they barely manage to drive them off the continent with countless lives lost in the process
>fastforwards centuries later

No words.

>Look at all these engineers&surgeons selling shit in the street
>Nice, I want 1 more million

Delenda est Cagalonia

Why are liberals so desperate to be raped and killed by Muslims?

The fucking Greeks just let a mosque be built in Athens too. I guess all those centuries of Ottoman subjugation taught them nothing at all.

>every muslim is a killer/rapist

oh nvm jew flag

t. Molenbeek

What's up (((sons of Isaac)))?

>Everyone wants euro countries to take refugees

So how many refugees haev filthy rich saudis taken in?

They have the empty skyscrapers to fill and the dollars to spend.

What about chinks? They're not exactly overpopulated and underfunded either.


Volem acollir

We are literally hitler because we colonized africa.
Consider suicide.

Say you speak Spanish and they'll get butthurt
>you don't speak "Spanish" you speak Castillian

I hope they got the independence soon. They and the Basques are the most cuck people here by far.

Anyway, Barcelona is our LA.

A shithole full of immigrants, millenials, cuckeness and degeneration.

I hope that PP is the conservative rightwing party

Isn't Spain like, fucking broke and they want more leaches?

What the fuck is going on?

>Wanting to split off from Spain to avoid helping poorer areas of Spain
>Muh solidarity towards refugees instead

Catalonians are too jews even for the jews

And also retards (pic related)

>I hope they got the independence soon
me too, they are really trash

>baskonia muh nationalism and autonomy
>vote for internationalist communists

Well, theorically their are conservative demo-christians

Really they are as cucks as the rest, like the german CDU

they are cuckservatives. They are far from ideal, but better than to be ruled by commies. I would have preffered Ciudadanos but they were a new party.
Now this is just retarded.

>I would have preffered Ciudadanos but they were a new party.
PP 2.0 ultra feminazis

Spain is doing alright economically thanks to cutting taxes and refusing austerity

Ironically the pro refugee EU keeps threatening Spain trying to get them to instill austerity and tax increases. Thankfully for Spain the center right cares more about staying in power than pleasing Goldman Sachs and the IMF

Wellcome to the Spanish peripheral nationalists meme.

Most of them are far left retards, and only defend that nationalities to hurt the country integrity.

Left in Spain is basically anti-spainsh and based in the hate against Spain.

This is a perfect PERFECT fucking example of a liberal's understanding of how economics "works" in their ideal world.

Remove people that bring money into your country and import people that will be a net drain on your economy.

Fucking christ man.

>tfw living in Barcelona

They also have the highest concentration of immigrants here.

They think they could introduce them the nationalistic identity (lmao) and help them in their fight against the "Spainish oppression"

What? they wanted to change the laws regarding females having the high ground over males. They are EU cucks i know, but what party is not a eurocuck?

Perfect bait to call all Sup Forums spaniards.
De paso, como va la cosa por alli, España aun esta como hace unos años o peor?

>Barcelona, capital of the wealthy northeastern region of Catalonia, put forward a plan in August 2015 for resettling refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea.
They really are the worst cucks of the country.

>España aun esta como hace unos años o peor?
peor,no vuelvas ,manolo