We need a recession

>25 years uninterrupted prosperity
>60% of economy relies on digging shit out of the ground
>Houses cost 10-15x median wage

We've had it too good for too long, guys. People just fall for the corporate job meme and don't start a business (even though everyone is all about MUH STARTUPS)

Companies openly virtue signal with female affirmative action bullshit because they think it will get them more sales.

We need interest rates back to 10%, 10% unemployment, property crash, asx back to 3500. Then maybe the people in this country would grow some fucking balls.

Also, aged pension. If you pull the pension while living in a paid off house, the indexed sum of your pension earnings becomes a payable death duty when you die.


I have a better idea:

Genocide White Men
World Wide

Pic unrelated: A based Sikh qt

proxy making Indians look bad

I agree. With no money we can't afford the shitskin invasion.

Literally going into debt to pay to be invaded.

I think we're up to 500bn now. Plus I think private mortgage debt is about 2 trillion.

Gaand mara madarchod leaf

Indian in Canada trying to make Indians look good

Fuck off shit skin

9500 year old civilisation and you still don't have toilets.


Tyrone in Detroit trying to be Kevin on Sup Forums

>Companies openly virtue signal with female affirmative action bullshit because they think it will get them more sales.
Give em feedback desu. Yesterday I looked through some job announces and found a company advertising a position which would perfectly fit for me, with special request pretty rare in the field with the slogan along the line
>Be honest, be human, be different, be yourself. We believe diversity is great for our future.
Wrote them an anti application being honest af and telling them that their virtue signalling made me black list them and that I will spread rumours and bad marketing about them. Wonder if they reply or just black list me too.

It's all the Chinese buying our homes that needs to be banned. The money we export overseas to buy shit is simply coming back to us, buying muh properties, thus the inflated house prices.

Fake news keeps telling us recession is coming but it never happens, so I keep renting.

>With no money we can't afford the shitskin invasion.
this is why we are burning it to the ground. TO MEMES, MEN!

Lets all be honest. Australia has never been prosperous outside of being lucky that we have natural resources. I don't have any confidence that my fellow retarded citizen can turn this country into anything.

Especially seeings that any competent people have either left or are leaving and have been doing so for generations because this country does not have any entrepreneurial spirit or anything else.



Time for prayer to MoonGod Ahmed. Chop chop

Your ID almost kinda says cunt.

We shouldn't try to.

People should work within their capabilities just as countries should.

We were best when we were a b grade country that no one cared about.

One of the reasons why we were lucky is because we didn't breed like vermin and just took it easy. That's not really luck it's just not being retarded.

Just need a few nukes to prevent any gook invasion. Maybe bump up the navy and airforce a fair bit. Fuckin tell nz to help out more.

Good point.

Find a way to monetize shitposts. You'll all prosper.

>he bought a house after 2009
>he actually thinks he's going to make a profit
>he doesn't realize it's a big bubble and that house prices are going to collapse

USA got out the housing bubble by raising oil prices. I wonder how aussies do it.

By importing more Chinese buyers. House prices dropping? Increase the Chinese immigrant quota.

Australia is a third world economy with first world living standards (for now). We deserve everything that's coming.

here you go

For those of us who can't afford houses it isn't first world living.

>mfw people are unironically keep saying to me "now is the right time to buy property"

Be careful what you wish for goy, the next one might end in the partitioning of continental USA

That's a good way to be put on some kind of secret feminazi register. Just avoid them or find ways to quietly fuck them over.

A company I used to work for pissed me off, so I helped 2 of their staff find a better job and recommended this idiot to replace one of them. They are slowly going down the toilet.

Our country is fucking doomed. And I can't fucking stand the idea our country has to bend over backwards and help every cunt trying to get into this country who hates it and wont assimilate. But the aborginies are the worst of them, most of them don't do shit and don't want to, then blame everything on white people and 'duh government'. They hate our country and absorb all the benefits they can from it, leeching free university and more handouts and some of them are even smart enough to take the jobs that are prioritised to them because of their aboriginal heritage rather than any qualifications. Its fucking pathetic

The intervention of governments stopped the complete implosion of the world economy during the "GFC". But all that happened was the bubble was re-inflated and continues to fill. I cannot wait for it to burst properly. I just hope that it blows up in the faces of the boomers before they all die.

Underrated post, Seppo

>Still believing the GFC meme
We just simply weren't affected by it that much, the government hand outs just lead to good plasma tv business for a week or two.

If our economy crashes, we will have:

>More affordable property (as soon as the "property always goes up" jig is up, prices will fall rapidly, because city investors take 2% yield because they are hoping for 10% capital growth)
>Dollar falls
>exports are cheaper
>more manufacturing jobs
>more people will want safe jobs like copper and teacher
>less economic migrants
>People stop falling for the status chasing meme of more stuff and bigger houses
>Housing more affordable means people will have more kids instead of importing 80IQ Kebab purveyors

I can't see a whole lot wrong with a nice 10+ years of economic malaise that encourages the opportunists to fuck off and us Aussies to enjoy a lower cost of living.