What other boards do you lurk/post on Sup Forums?

What other boards do you lurk/post on Sup Forums?

/ck/ for industry threads to bitch about service and why commis need to die

I was a trainfag on /n/ but stopped going there so often due to mass bikefag immigration

/fit/ and /sci/ once in a while.
/adv/ to read on sob stories and hear about people getting cucked.

Sup Forums, /k/ and Sup Forums.

Fuck your mom roach

Just Sup Forums

Kids are not allowed to post here.

/x/, /po/, and /hist/.

/k/ and Sup Forums

/soc/ and Sup Forums
I just come to Sup Forums to argue

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

Gas thyself, degenerate.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums


This is b tier shit, get it off Sup Forums OUT OUT OUT!

/k/ and /fit/.


/mlp/ and /k/

>A fucking kebab


/o/ reporting

what the fuck do you even post about on /n/? Train schedules? Experiences on the bus?

Urban planning, comprehensive transit systems, personal experiences with various ways cities around the world have dealt with the problem of having a shitload of people who need to get places quickly on limited surface area.

That's aside from bike threads, which are basically /o/ without engines.


>Urban planning, comprehensive transit systems
Do you know anything about congestion pricing? Why is de Blasio raping our city streets with bike lanes.

>bike lanes on streets that are so tight cars have to pull over to let oncoming traffic pass

>congestion pricing

Road space is subject to market forces however it's provisioned. When an urban area gets large enough, the roads get saturated to a baseline level of service equal to the fastest public transport. if the roads are freely available, people pay for road space with their time; when that tradeoff doesn't make sense, they take alternative modes or postpone nonessential tips to off-peak times.

Congestion pricing shifts the model to one where people choose to drive or not based on monetary cost rather than time. Because people are more loss-averse with money than time, they become more conscious of the tradeoff and do more time-shifting in areas with congestion pricing.

>bike lanes on streets that are so tight cars have to pull over to let oncoming traffic pass

This is, in part, a traffic calming measure. In many cities, non-arterial streets are too narrow for two cars to pass each other without one stopping. Those streets tend to be quite functional as multimodal transports corridors, because drivers become aware of their surroundings, making cyclists and pedestrians more comfortable. That type of street usually doesn't even need a sidewalk. In NYC the streets are too wide for that, so the effect can be approximated with a bike lane and street parking. Ideally it won't slow car trips too much in total, because you're only on those streets for the last mile portion of your trip, so an average speed of 5-15mph isn't a huge impediment.

Basically the whole idea is that NYC has no spare surface area left to build roads, but it needs to move more people. Moving cars faster won't work, because increased speed means increased space between vehicles.

That means the only option is to build underground, which they seem to have supreme difficulty with because of unions or corruption or whatever, or to get people to use more efficient modes of transportation.

A bike lane has greater throughput per surface area than a road lane, because cyclists use less space. Modes of transport used by unadorned humans, like sidewalks and mass transit, are even more space-efficient.