Why are white countries killing themselves this way ?
160k people asking for more refugees in Barcelona
>Why are white countries killing themselves this way ?
>white countries
>Why are white countries killing themselves this way ?
cultural marxism
you must be new here
((They)) have engraved it into our skulls, wrists, and tongues that we must sacrifice ourselves while those we sacrifice for take everything we have
Not even Sweden would do this, what the fuck?
>all old people
the boomer genocide can't come soon enough
Catalonia = California = Berlin = Tel Aviv = pyongyang
Wife's son spotted
>Wife's son?
know your memes mate
Damn boy - Spain categorically confirmed as non-wite
jesus christ my man
They don't understand basic economics. The west is not prosperous, it's all a lie. We're all in massive debt. The countries they're fleeing are actually far better off because Muslims don't believe in debt. Spain's debt is $1 trillion. The "wealth" of our countries is just made up and the only reason we seem wealthy is because China artificially maintains a low currency value and mistreats their population to produce cheap goods for us.
We should share, it is not just for us to have so many of them.
>people in spain asking for more refugees
>unemployment is at ridiculous levels
Do they not question how they'll be provided for?
about as white as your colonies mate
Surprisingly smart bogan. Feels good to be a banker
Sorry Spain, back to nonwhite status for you.
Portugal is still white for what they did for Ian Smith.
Aren't all the "refugees" just economic migrants at this point?
There are safe areas in Syria and Iraq now, there's no need for them to flee to Europe.
include me in the fucking screencap
More importantly there is nothing actually in Europe for them.
RIP my city.
>Weaponized Autism
>MSM thinks they can beat this
Make me a meme in scree cap.
It's Barcelona, think of it as a mini-Sweden in Spain. Literal liberal shithole, makes the rest of Spain look conservative kek
Its only Barcelona. Seriously, why no one nuked Catalonia yet?
I honestly don't know, maybe it's self-loathing that translates into desire to lower everyone to their level
no wonder communists found fertile ground by shilling forced equality, really made me think
Spaniards are what as known as the 'Alt-White'
its the happy merchant
>Portugal is still White
>Ian Smith
Egalitarian cuckold
They need a certain number of slaves for agriculture. The original spanish youth has taken a degree and is gone away to work.
Btw Sup Forums has changed me. 3 years ago i would have fought against fascism. Now i see this and i want Franco back.
Isn't Spain historically part of the caliphate anyway?
Only in Catalonia
>Aren't all the "refugees" just economic migrants at this point?
Yes, they are. It just doesn't fit the narrative to differ between migrants and refugees, because you could easily send back the first group.
>gone away to work.
And they think anti-Med sentiment is jewish shillin. They have to go back
Spain is this weeks biggest climber in the official cucked nation charts. Thanks for joining the rest of Europe.
March organized by the association "Casa nostra casa vostra". President is Ruben Wagensberg Ramon.
How many will accept one into their own home?
(((Wagensberg))) every fucking time.
I didn't even know we had jews here.
They are a group of "tontos", they also proudly wear the flag of the terrorist organisation who caused the humanitarian crisis.
They are everywhere, there is no place on earth they will not turn up to subvert and rot from within.
you win
look up any subversive organization and you will find them there. it's uncanny.
There is no such thing as rock bottom. you just keep falling.
>160k people asking for more refugees in Barcelona
>Why are white countries killing themselves this way ?
No problem, they can have all of them.. we have enough over here
Fucking Ada (major) needs to be culturally enriched ASAP. With an AIDS dick.
Once you're in Europe, it's like you're in Germany / France or every other white country
>Not even Sweden would do this
True. Because they're already finished. :^)
Reminder that Franco did nothing wrong
check'd and kek'd
Hold up spain. I'm coming to town in a few months and I'd prefer not to be snackbarred
Reminder that Spain is more cucked than us with their Podemos party.
Also Barcelona is one of the few cities which deserves to be nuked.
Regionalist scum needs to die ASAP.
We should honor their requests and send them everyone
no real catalan went there, only charnegos
fuck islam is a tool of the church to fuck everything up into submission
>regionalists in favour of open borders
retarded detected
no, islam is a tool of globalism just like comunism
They were under Muslim controle for like 700 years. Best years they ever had (not even joking)
shut the fuck up, spain beacame a superpower only after expelling jews and muslims
WTF Spain..
Just convert yourself already.
Do you really imagine "tolerant" muslims watching your girls at night at the Disco or in the street? That's just asking for some good ol' reconquista
He looks like Schulz, fucking kike balding disgusting old fart and shitloving dead horsefucking pedo
>implying Spain was ever a superpower
Last time I went to that shithole the city was like Pakistan
>asking for more refugees
refugees dont want to come here, our welfare is too low compared to germany. We invited 10000 last year and only 90 came lol.
Those people are just idiots pretending to care about refugees
They are protesting against Trump, but asking for refugees.
Once someone kills him, these same places don't want refugees again
it was during the 15th 16th 17th and 18th century. Read history
Healthy young women goes to africa, gets pumped with massive shot of black sperm, feel good and changes - Wife's son. Many such cases!
Yes they are ?
It's a just another mean of destroying the nation which is the goal of every regionalists.
No you didn't, you let the rapebabies stay.
Catalonians imported Ayyy Rabs with an eye on indoctrinating the immigrants into their autonomic Catalonia project. The idea there was that immigrants would be less resistant to autonomy than those whose home language is Spanish. Well, unfortunately their imports behave like Muhammadans rather than proud Catalonians, for example poisoning locals' pet dogs. And of course there are people there from non-Arab Africa too. It's strange they want more of them.
The rest of Spain might just want to build a wall.
So let me get this straight.
We have sunny countries.
> People are just tan
> Not white
Well if white means you never leave your mum's basement and just say shit online then you are correct
Mediterraneans are better then. Boiling blood!
I'm from barcelona and this post speaks the truth.
Subway is nigeria.
Old town is pakistan/india/morocco
Bad zones of old town are simply kabul.
>don't worry bro, I'm just tan
if "tan" people visit less sunny countries, they get a greyish tint.
>they think someone non-ironically want to immigrate to Spain
holy fuck nice job.
I love you Sup Forums.
top fun friends
>tfw you develop autist level perception but instead of recognizing numbers and patterns you can spot jews and cucks in a giant crowd