Why is the American government so afraid of getting rid of the federal reserve and IRS? Are they so afraid that (((they))) will try and assassinate them like JFK? Freeing the American people from the shackles of (((their))) control is much more important. It's painful to see what our founding fathers fought for turn into a laughing stock.
Why is the American government so afraid of getting rid of the federal reserve and IRS...
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>Why is the American government so afraid of getting rid of the federal reserve and IRS?
Because there's no good alternative.
It's really mysterious how to best structure a currency.
>Because there's no good alternative.
Yes there is.
Authorize the department of treasury to print United States notes, debt free.... instead of renting them from the Federal Reserve Banking syndicate.
>Authorize the department of treasury to print United States notes, debt free
So you want the department of treasury to act as a bank that gives out loans?
How does the money get from the Treasury to the people?
>So you want the department of treasury to act as a bank that gives out loans?
What part of Debt Free are you having trouble comprehending?
>How does the money get from the Treasury to the people?
Government payroll.
>Government payroll.
Also, accept it for the payment of taxes.
Loaning a currency into existance nessecarily creates an inflationary spiral that is literally unrecoverable without drastic restructuring of HOW the currency system works.
Fiat currency that is loaned into existance is literally DESIGNED to reach hyperinflation, as the original loan matures, is repaid, and the interest exceeds the original loan (all of the currency in circulation).... anouther, LARGER loan must be floated to pay the interest on the first loan, and put more money into circulation.
This debt spiral allows the loaning banks to secretly loot all of the wealth from the nation, in exchange for ever increasing ink and paper.
The end result is the same in all cases.
The banks take EVERYTHING, and the country is left with nothing of value, and stacks of worthless paper.
Someone finally gets it.
>Also, accept it for the payment of taxes.
>Government payroll.
So you're saying the government is going to spend more than it takes in from taxes? Is that right? And the excess money will be supplied by the printing press that the government controls.
What if the economy needs more money in the money supply to prevent a deflationary spiral?
Seems that you don't really get what money is.
>muh deflationary spiral
>we'll have to pay people to eat
The only time you get a deflationary spiral is through rapid technological progress (the fruits of capitalism) or unwinding an inflationary spiral.
Isn't two great depressions under the reflationist regime enough? How many more great depressions do you need to convince you?
If it ain't broke...
>The only time you get a deflationary spiral is through rapid technological progress (the fruits of capitalism) or unwinding an inflationary spiral.
So you're answer is that you do nothing, because it isn't a real problem.
because that's how they keep us all enslaved
I'm not sure. Seems like you don't have a mechanism to prevent people from hoarding money; and conversely, there's nothing particularly valuable about U.S. dollars in that case.
The only reason to have dollars is to pay taxes.
I would say this: With that system there are fewer controls that a government could use to control the currency. This is good because it prevents corruption, but bad because it gives the government fewer options to help the people as well.
The ability to change interests rates can be useful, at least in the short-medium term.
But why do we have to pay it back? Im pretty sure our side has the army and guns
You don't need such a mechanism.
The tech sector is massively deflationary and people still buy iphones
cause inflating the currency is the tax that keeps on giving. Besides, its power and who would lessen their own power. about as likely as the DEA being abolished despite it's failure of a drug war, which is just getting worse (citation needed), or the CIA being abolished cause they're wrecking too many bad regimes and installing worse ones.
>invading Shi'ite countries to maintain dollar denominated oil markets.
>Why are they afraid?
Because chaos will ensue as the entire economic system is structured around it.
In the long run it will probably pay off, but people need to eat everyday.
The one real question I've always wondered is what happens if all debt is simply declared null?
Does anyone actually lose out besides the banks? Do banks themselves not take out loans from other banks?
>Jerkoff A no longer has to pay debts to bank for house
>Bank B is out of a house
>But bank also doesn't have to pay debts to other banks which lent it money to be able to make loans like such
I assume all businesses that actually do something else besides lend money would be relatively unscathed since it would go up and down the ladder. Consumers and producers wouldn't be effected in any substantial regard because the money they lose from pursuing debts would then be made up for the fact they themselves no longer have to pay debts.
>You can only eat the rich once
But that's the thing, how necessary is the current loan structure to the economy? Why can't lending agencies and share investment take their place?
Gold is money. If you disagree you're a nigger.
It's only money when everyone agrees it is, and uses it as such.
Explains it pretty much perfectly.
There's global elite hellbent on forcing money they can manipulate at will into everyone's minds and souls.
Or as they say: "The better currency is replaced by worse currency"