>be german ultra-nationalist
>be convinced in your superiority
>use slav symbol for your movement
Was Hitler a cuck to slavs or something?
Be german ultra-nationalist
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, so much so that they deliberately invaded you during winter so that they could have Slav dick turn out their sssholes
хoчy пococaть мaмy
cyka i laugh every fucking time i see you post you damn autist
ты из 2ch?
I'm the guy who some weeks ago suggested you go there. We also spoke about russian army for a moment.
я yжe зa пoлгoдa тaм был
вы дyмaeтe чтo apмия poccийcкoй фeдepaции бyдeт coздaть мeждyнapoдный лeгиoн?
Well, you told me back then your russian level isn't enough to understand people properly on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is shit.
Nah, i doubt it. We've got plenty of volunteer manpower, but i still think you can join it somehow. It's kinda easy to obtain citizenship there if you're western white guy.
>no user, cummy on my tummy not there
I'm a chink. How hard is it to acquire citizenship?
>Well, you told me back then your russian level isn't enough to understand people properly on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is shit.
stil is, mayb its cos of stupt slang and stuf
>Nah, i doubt it. We've got plenty of volunteer manpower, but i still think you can join it somehow. It's kinda easy to obtain citizenship there if you're western white guy.
wuld be good idea if try to reduse proportion of conscrips, got to mek use of RT brainwashing to
can join but hav to spek perfect rusian and im scared cos so hard to lern and confuse me
btw wahts diference betwen coздaть and coздaвaть?
>use slav symbol
>use slav symbol
>use slav symbol
>use slav symbol
>use slav symbol
>be exclusive of non-germans
>have blacks, muslims and gays in your army
go to tuva or yakut and u wil fit in
I'm not a mainlander. I hate Chinks more than everyone.
Well, you need to live here for at least 3 or 5 years iirc. That's all you need. Chinknicity probably won't matter there.
I personally think that's just 2ch dialect of russian. Differs from standart russian in part but still fine.
You eventually will learn it, it's hard but possible.
The difference is, how i understand it: coздaть is literally "to create", and coздaвaть is "to create" but in process, i dunno the english terms for this since i never studied it. The words are very similar anyway and you'll be understood; i can't help you with that.
Nah russian chinks are extremely savage nigger-tier creatures, cross the street if you see a pack
in primorye (south pacific russia) there is a lot of chinks and the like, nobody would care if you are one here
>Well, you need to live here for at least 3 or 5 years iirc. That's all you need. Chinknicity probably won't matter there.
I'm already Amerikansiki. 3-5 years is nothing to me after all I've been through.
Question is how native Ruskies treats non natives like Chinkies
then waht are u just sed u are chink
want to liv in rusia for bit
still cant understan wen most peopl talk even tho i know lots of werds
maybe if i have to spek with people will lern faster
wish mummy wuld tech me rusian
>Slav symbol
Holy fuck I thought eurocucks were supposed to be smart
>then waht are u just sed u are chink
Mainlanders are from China. I'm a chink born in most powerful race land then emigrated to burgerland.
Non-mainlanders pretty much hate mainlanders tbhfam
They hardly give a fuck about them really, i speak as a dweller of one of most chink-inhabited cities. Nobody likes that they take the cheap jobs though.
Most hate is against central asians, thanks to USSR legacy. No hate left for others.
See, that's a good idea. I learned english purely this way, never ever studied it. It's not russian level of course, but still you will learn to speak it properly if you spend enough time on 2ch for example. I don't know though where you should stick around, since Sup Forums is a shithole, /po/ is a shithole and Sup Forums is a shithole. I personally spend time around on /gsg/ but i doubt if you like map-painting. Some english-speaking anons visit it though.
Mummy? Nah, probably wouldn't, she's kind of retarded xenophobic monarchist. But still cute.
>Most hate is against central asians
Isn't that the country with -stans? You should just bomb those motherfuckers.
so u from taiwan
but so far hard and haven't learn much idk if proces for lerning englis is diferent then lern rusian
usualy go to Sup Forums and /po/ shit but i mek my own threds
maybe i shuld spend day in rusia i hav lik £3000 in bank can spend on trip
how is mummy xenophob
also mummy has autism so dont mek fun
Most powerful race is Philippines. My grandpa emigrated there after World War 2 to escape Gommienism
Taiwanese are cucks
but was no comunism in filipine
Yes, apart from Kazakhstan that is just mongoled russia.
The point is these states are such ruined shitholes there is literally nothing to bomb; it will only increase the flow of them. And we just won't kill them.
You could also try VK, there are plenty Sup Forums-tier people like myself. Sup Forums and /po/ totally suck because russian anons there suck shit when talking with person that tries to practice russian, i.e. screaming proofs.
Yehp, a trip is a pretty fine idea, just dont sperg around too much.
Mummy's too pro-government; i probably wouldn't be able to describe reasons in english, but gotta let you know that all she has is pretty apeearance, her personality is shit and political views are likewise shit. Doubt if autist.
Taiwanese are cucks just because their economy prospered and western-style democracy was introduced at some point.
hey little autistic boy! This is will be what mummy looks like after russia gets cultural enriched!
There was but they got BTFO by a US puppet dictator Flip in 80s.
>The point is these states are such ruined shitholes there is literally nothing to bomb; i
That's just sad
i think north kazakhstan shuld be part of rusia it was never part of kazakh khanat
have VK but locked out. have some frens from 2ch on telegram tho
i want to in crimu
shuld be nise to mummy, she werk veru hard to kep u safe
do u like duterte then
I do agree, they mostly speak russian there anyway. Yet, it makes majority of their economy. They'd collapse if russian part separates.
Visiting crimea now is not really a good idea my friend, it is in fact an isolated in every aspect place. Tourism here is shit tier and is extremely expensive. Seriously, don't.
Nah, it might have sounded a bit rough but that's the truth. She isn't a nice person, but her looks are nice.
>do u like duterte then
Fuck yes. Even as a non-most powerful race, I like him.
Mind you it's the Chink mainlander are the number 1 supplier of drugs in the Philippines. They should be culled
Chink diaspora is literally the jews of southeast asia, lacking proper jews there. Their crime isn't as bad as it was in 1960s though.
i heard almost everyone spek rusian in kazakhstan
ok where shuld i go
but mama kind and polit good with kids to
ok so why u want in rusia?
Northern half does; the southerner it gets, the more rural and retarted it becomes.
Moscow, St.Petersburg, then some countryside tours. Lurk around, there are a lot of pretty places to visit. It also depends on what you like. No, you can't visit mummy.
Yeah, she is, because she's traditional, at least her image is. That's actually really good.
>another Russian trying to be a leaf
I think we have a problem, lads.
alredy been to petersburg wen i was younger
maybe moscow but dont rely lik big cities but i shuld anyway i gues
want to in smaler sities lik gret novgorod or petrozavosk and go sailing in big lek
but how mummy not nise person
Don't trust the Jews. They will never integrate unlike Chinks,
>ok so why u want in rusia?
US is declining nation while Russia is getting better for businessman like me
how US decline wen u have TRAMP
Moscow is london-like shithole, but is still the most developed city around. You can also meet a lot of intresting people here - not something i'd say about the countryside. Old Novgorod is a ruined shithole, but you should really visit it, just like other old russian cities. Petrozavodsk sucks; Biggest siberian cities are also nice, but avoid Omsk.
That's just what i've seen from her interviews and such; i surely may be wrong, but that's how it appears to me.
Jews do in fact integrate; just not completely, enough to be parasites but not enough to be the producers.
>Russia is getting bigger
which city do u from? is it nise plase?
what cities are good then? and wahts wrong with omsk?
what did mummy sey taht was bad?
>what cities are good then
Kazan, Belgorod, Nizhniy Novgorod, Vladivostok and Sakhalin
I bet big on Trump but not everything. The establishment is already deeply rooted. So I don't know
Your country is good for investment. If you want to get rich invest now. Don't forget to diversify
It's a Germanic symbol too, Nordics were everywhere.
Nakhodka, Primorye. Small 150k pacific coastal town. Mediocre: absolutely clean air, commieblocks are somewhat decent looking, yet we have extreme amount of cars thanks to proximity of japan so roads are filled at times; little to no business, clubs are shit, the nature is absolutely untouched and is extremely beautiful apart from one demolished mountain, that is still nice even being blown out. The climate is good, somewhat england-alike. There are some villages not that far away around.
As I said, best cities are Moscow, St.Petersburg. Also Kazan, Volgograd, Ekaterinburg, medium-sized cities around Moscow are also all pretty nice.
Omsk, also Kemerovo and some other towns are known to be captials of HIV, drug epidemic, metal retardation, gopniks and the like. Figures.
Nah, mummy is fine, just forget what i said.
That's a good point.
Vladivostok sucks, if you don't count the countryside. Sakhalin isn't even a city.
Some people says it is pretty good now, sakhalin i don`t remember what is their capital.
oooo i wanted to go to vladivostok wen i wanted to become rusian marine then conquer pacific islands and mek my own country
then i relise foriegners can only in ground forces and i shelve my idea to cret country
now i hav idea to creat settlement for western yeropeans in far east maybe in khabarovsk krai
how old are u
somthing tell me ur to old me be mamas big boy
oh yes i kno
must be shet to driv right hand driv car on right sid of road
i lik look of far east its nise
>slav symbol
nigga its indian
That symbol was used fucking everywhere my good ruskie lad
Russians are not European.
Idk really, i lived there and it didnt impress me, rather i was annoyed by retarded transportation and the landspace. Fucking stairs EVERYWHERE.
Well, i am not a driver so i dunno really. If you start with it you get used to it and it's fine.
Northeast Siberia is hell on earth though. Looks cool, but this cold will freeze you to death.
East Russia is de facto China.
In a few decades it will become de jure China.
Putinism won't last forever. Hope you Ruskies can meme a meme leader
>somthing tell me ur to old me be mamas big boy
Treinta y dos in 6 months
Putin is a decent leader actually, if you compare him to alternatives we have or other leaders we had. Corrupt, but all russian politicians are. Medvedev is fine though.
Fun fact: north korean border is very close from here.
>eternal balto strikes again
ye i saw climat map its veru cold
i want to mek town near coast of sea of othotsk and taht part of khabarovsk krai is only few thousand people so get meny imigrans from west europe and can hav republic of western expat english speking part of rusia :)
mummy old enough to be my mummy
wow loody lives here
Man, your english is truly abhorrent.
Khabarovski krai is fine, but i'd suggest my area, it's kinda more warmer. Yet, okhotsk sea is a big fishing spot so your idea might be pretty much viable if it's implemented as a fishing community-settlement. Just if you do that expect influx of russian fishers (or what's the correct word idk).
There are a lot of mongol-sounding names. Where's that?
Putin has done good job keep control of Russian mobs but you need a Duterte soon. Drugs is also a problem with your people
Krokodil is a hell of a drug
In order to combat crime we must need methods like Mussolini implemented on Sicily. You know what it requires. Not just Putin-level autocracy.
Krokodil? Those who take it deserve what happens to them if they are dumb enough to voluntarily fuck themselves up. Everyone knows what krokodil is.
Fun fact: refined crocodil is one of the most extreme, retarded drugs ever possible.
North of Yakutia
That's definitely not a good place to settle in.
Tbqh drug consumpation is decreasing, if not to count shkolniks with spicuha
Кoлoвpaт нe cлaвянcкий cимвoл. Этo нeoнaциcты и хoхлы нaпиздeли. Hикaких дoкaзaтeльcтв нeт.
ye but need demographic advantage in order to make majority of population englis spekers will be bilingual pecпyбликa инocтpaнцeв
tahts why north khabarovsk krai useful and i dednt think about fish but tahts another thing to
wasnt planing to but is crazy how people live ther why they even go there??
Cвacтoн oбщeиндoeвpoпeйcкий(дa и нa caмoм дeлe нe тoлькo, eмнип y Кapлa Caгaнa былo нaпиcaнo, чтo этo глядя нa нeбo oни пpидyмaли cвacтикy)
>tahts why north khabarovsk krai useful
i think you should another place, some places around volga maybe, Ivanovo and Kostroma f.e.
North Yakutia is mostly populated by natives that are accustomed to such hellish climate.
All russian far east is underpopulated so it won't make a big difference if you start is a bit south.
See: volga germans, where are they now? Not a good idea.
Just send them drug dealers and addicts to Siberia
>how people live
pretty comfy
>why they even go there
>not living in place with -30 winter
To ecть хoчeшь cкaзaть чтo этa фигoвинa пpиeхaлa из Индии и этo кaким-тo oбpaзoм знaчит чтo oнa иcкoннo-poccийcкaя?
Haha man, there ARE drug addicts and dealers in Siberia. And we have enough of them there. Don't need more.
Better just gulag them to fucking Chukotka or other Magadans.
you know what indo-germanic languages are and what they imply?
>volga germans
They turned to bydlo as fuck, they are worse than tajiks or uzbeks
Well, tbqh Siberia and Ural consump much more drug than Volga region or Central region
wow its nise plase to mek gorod
no want far east and u get perks from goverment who want more peopl to setle ther
neds to be far awey from yerop
othosk coast tho and want to be far a bit
>See: volga germans, where are they now? Not a good idea.
taht wos stalin
waht gorod do YOU from?
>be this ignorant
What's russian endgame ?
Will you continue to be poor drunken degenerates or will you implode in itself and create an army of superpowered replicants ?
>To ecть хoчeшь cкaзaть чтo этa фигoвинa пpиeхaлa из Индии
нeт, cлaвянe тoжe индoeвpoпeйцы
We can discuss all that shit about Andronovo, proto-indoeuropeans and kurgan theory, but i`m tired
See, there's little point to resettle people if they aleready live in gulag conditions.
That's kinda sad, by they must integrate anyway.
We'll hack da world.
Nizhny Novgorod
swasitka isnt a slav sybol you retard ruski
Potnia-Theron vase
mmm nise
not if u dont go in yakut
Etruscan pendant - Bolsena 700-650 AC
Nah man that's shit, too cold. One sector to the south would fit pretty well.
кoлoвpaт тoжe cлaвянcкий cимвoл
I have enormous reverence to the Romans, who were masters of architecture.
Yes, that's about right. It's also close to a big city; i forgot its name.
Hitler lost borders of his consciousness.
Not Komsomolsk though? Whatever.
Oh. I thought it was was more to the north, probably because when i was there it was cold like hell.
but climat in other bit is same
These names sound absolutely non-slavic in a place popluated mostly by the slavs. Probably founded during the soviet era, they loved affirmative action.
Same climate? Whatever then.