Oh no, we've been discovered
Oh no, we've been discovered
Other urls found in this thread:
>hasbeen children's book writer fascinated by cartoon frogs
First cher now rowling. They're literally losing their minds over this.
Someone needs to send her the harry potter/trump image where it lists their similarities.
We've been memeing way too close to the sun of late.
Lets keep going.
making a twatter-account isnt hard, faggot.
This is totally like when those death eaters took control of the Ministry of Magic, and now they're praising their ORANGE lord Trump! But seriously we can't let this guy get the Avada Kedavra spell.
I fucking love this shit, it's hilarious, they're just memes, but people think it's some hidden message and shit.
Shit cracks me up.
>People thinking their own thoughts has led to people resisting the fake liberal NWO.
I'm happy every day now.
She's losing it and it's hilarious.
>newspaper in spanish
Wtf is wrong with these people why do they have to virtue signal every little thing
Good, she's actually leading people here only to have them redpilled.
Keep it up Rowling
lmao I guarantee this stupid bitch came here after reading that
You're a nigger Harry
No... I'm just Harry
Harry, you're a nigger
Who fucking cares. Let these retards know who they're up against. I'd love to see them get burned the fuck out and deal with their SJW suicide casualties like what happened to the Tumblr twats.
>@jk_rowling I was an old school Sup Forums troll in 2006-7.
>Then I grew up & became a liberal.
>These kids will grow up too.
What did he mean by this?
We drink milk, we created the skelegates, we are the skeleton key to Trump's victory and one of our implied pets is Mr bones. The ride never ends, folks.
You thought you came here looking for white supremacists, but you found skeletal supremacists instead! Bones for the frog god!
KEK, do they feel sorry for us now?
*breathes in*
Is that an actual quote of hers? Because everything reported on her of late makes it sound like she has bought into the SJW non-sense. I guess everyone can fall to idiocy once they start prioritizing feelings over logic.
You're probably baiting, but that's italian, not spanish
Watching such a successful author turn into a hysterical shrieking harpy is absolutely fascinating.
I have no closer analogy to SJWism than the contagious brain disease that makes you a zombie in movies.
>growing up and still be liberal
>pick one
I haven't seen many old liberals I can tell you that.
>Good, she's actually leading people here only to have them redpilled.
Bad, she's actually leading normalfags and 15 year olds here only to have them shit up this website even worse than ledditers have.
Doesn't the DNC literally own medium? Or at the very least they talk about posting/blasting messages there a lot from the Wikileaks emails.
Also someone post the HP/Trump memes and I'll send them to her on twitter
> that one guy in comments who claimed to be an oldfag and "grew up" into a liberal
What a faggot
that faggot needs to lurk moar then.
>its real
This timeline = best timeline
He probably came from Habbo.
Faggot is an understatement.
WHY corriere WHY. I'm stilll amazed up to these days
amico mio, I have to read the corriere for class all the time. Do italians think this a good news source or am I better off ignoring what it says.
He means "I briefly lurked Sup Forums during Project Chanology and that makes me an oldfag epic for the win"
>I'm a Trump voter but I'm disappointed in him and now I'm a liberal :\
every time
whats the difference you're all mutts anyways
>plebs lending the likes of that bitch their ears
Hi JK Rowling!
I've heard you have some big mansions through England!
You know, you can accommodate some migrants there, they are escaping from life threatening conditions in their original countries and they could really use your spare bedrooms.
Have a heart, JK, think of the children!
fucking pewdiepie shows Sup Forums in his videos now, too late to cry over spilled milk
somebody needs to lay some pipe
>seriously too much lead
>tfw they're more obsessed with pepe than we are
>tfw they've created an entire fanfiction universe in which he's some kind of embodiment of everything they hate
What did he do to deserve this
thats not the only problem
Then let's post more infographics and facts. Spread the word. Let them see why our cause is right.
It's shit like all Italian newspapers
haha they printed the jew 9/11 pepe
Knowing about Sup Forums is about as helpful as knowing the mass and velocity of the meteor about to destroy your planet: interesting, but not very helpful.
Do you think she will read this if I send it to her?
Bet this faggot's idea of "trolling" was rickrolling and responding with trollface reaction images.
at least wojak is still relatively unmaimed.
although normies use the word "feels" in the most cancerous ways.
for those interested, here's an article at the bottom of that same page
it's baiscally about some kike's funeral topkek
People have known about Sup Forums for a fucking decade.
Sup Forums is not your secret club.
I was an old school troll back in 2007. I've grown up a lot and now have a family of my own. I'm still here and still bringing the bantz. MAGA.
oh god ive been here for over 10 years and i still havent grown up
send help
Time to kick back and fap to some hentai porn to celebrate this good news!
Man, I've been lurking and posting here since 2008. When I point it out like that, it kinda fucking sucks. But now that I'm older I just browse different boards and completely exclude Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums.org. It was an offshoot of a different message board which I also knew from my referral logs, “Something Awful”
I bet she didn't even lurk for a week before being BTFOed
che palle.
> Trump is incomprehensible.
> The only way to decipher him is to try to decipher a rhodesian habidashery synod atleast 23 layers of irony deep.
Good luck.
There are literally NO draw backs to letting in millions of refugees. They are people too!*
*Conditions apply. No draw backs only exist when you are a multi millionaire. Your investments may increase in value. The value of labor may decrease.
Feelings of smugness are guarenteed to increase rapidly. Violence in poor and middle class areas may increase. Please consult with your accountant before supporting open borders policy.
it's the one commie newspaper everyone thinks is unbiased
kinda like your (((media))), really
Oh shit...we've been found out.
I'm gonna kill myself now lads,you should do the same.
now all the harry potter readers will become miniature hitlers, thanks jk
The normies know! Shut it down!
Those are some rare nazi-pepe's.
Why haven't you 'old-school Sup Forums users grown up yet?
>I'm an oldfag epic troll xD
>I lurked Sup Forums for a few days in 2006 xD
>now I'm a liberal xD
Fuck it. Let's hope she reads it and responds
I wonder why only scumbags hate us.. must be doing something right
Watching her scrambling for relevancy is as sad as it is troubling.
>Even the faggot writing the article knows about rules 1 and 2
Will this lead to an inflation in the (You) market? Are rare pepe's still worth investing in, or will there be a normie rush on the boards?
When it comes to international news it's not even about bias, they legit don't give a shit and copy/paste the news from foreign outlets.
>browsing Sup Forums
>ever growing up
Electing trump was way more fun than project chanology. We should tell him to btfo scientology while he is in office.
What used to require all out energy will instead be optional.
Women are evoluntinarilly hardwired to serve their protectors. This is why they cannot love men anymore, because ideology and the state are more powerful than any one man.
Epic 4 the win
I love how the author writes "Wachowski Sisters". Thats not how biology works. I really start to hate this liberal forced "tolerance" and "inclusiveness" towards obvious nutcases who need help and not female hormones.
>growing up
>becoming liberal
pick one
>as sad as it's troubling
Terribly inappropriate and unnecessary use of the abbreviation "it's" for "it is", but no surprise given her natural talent for prose
Look at it this way, I got here at 2010 and couldn't leave i suspect the same will happen to them.
I like how they kept assuming all of Sup Forums users are losers and keep underestimating the user base here.
Also its always funny when stupid faggots that never left Sup Forums think they "get" Sup Forums
>Children's book writer
Prepare for light-bluepilled turbo-normies.
I'm glad he's letting us know he's the real John Verley, there are so many fakes going around.
you could say
keep it rowling
He is a shit skin. Of course he became "liberal" when he got older.
>Votes for gibes
>Thinks he can vote away the police
>Is stupid enough to belive his situation will improve if more people like him are in a country
pretty sure there arent 16 26 year old syrian dudes kicking it at her houses so she should shut he smug mouth
2007 here
Conservatism comes with experience.
Nobody becomes more liberal with age, he's simply looking for public validation on the hugbox of Twitter
Oh noes what ever will we do
Speaking of losing your mind
You have to go back now, spic.
>media keep blaming a cartoon frog and a chinese tapestry forum
Former Trump voter here, not gonna lie it's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. But seriously we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes.
If only Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger could make it all better with their magic, and also give me a foot massage.