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Can't wait to see what the new polls say
But he's right.
Of course she's going to win. Trump won with a 1%. 27.6 basically means 99 at this point.
probably the same garbage as american polls if not worse because europe is super cucked by their media
Do you support the enslavement of white people?
It was a crime against humanity to colonise Algeria
Good thing there weren't any humans there
She better win. We should be bros with France again.
this makes no sence Fillon should be way down in the chances to win, and so far Le Pen is ahead of macron
France uses a run off system
i know, i watch french TV at home, Fillon died due to the scandal, and FN has the same problem as Trump, people are labeled racist if they support them, i dought macron will win since he shills for bing companies, and hes the one who made shitty laws which backfired to Hollande, plus hes neo-liberalism in steroids, and no one wants to get fired more easelly
Fillon is more acceptable than MLP.
What kind of poll is that?
no hes not, even the stupid communist dude, is more well seen than Fillon
His program is better economically but he said so much shit he is far behind now
wow it's fucking nothing
we can't let Le Pen get the baguettes mon amis
>fillon is gaining
Is fillon based and good according to Sup Forums ? because he has same winning chances of len pen
>His program is better economically but he said so much shit he is far behind now
Better how, he plans to increase the weekly hours you work from, 35 to 39 and maximum 45 is autorizated by the sindicates, this is a clear desrespect for the achivements of the leaft, and if he does not embrace them he will never win
>11.8% jump as main squeeze fucks up
seems legit
>(((chance of winning)))
I wonder what's the methodology that they use to determine the % of winning? Whatever, Macron and Fillon are politicians of yesterday, as proven by American elections and Brexit.
Colonialism laid the foundation for the foreign infiltration of Europe as well as Marxism and delusions of globalisation and civic nationalism. I'm glad Germany's colonial efforts were less than successful. Perhaps it is because of this that we have so much more influence in European inner affairs than France and Britain.
Was Fillon the one who hired his wife for €50k a year?
Let's hope this same disagreement is raging among the top anti-FN strategists.
yep, he paid her 2 what was supposed, and he also paid his two sons, he wont win hes going to court so its Clinton v2, he already lost he just hopes to win so he wont go to jail for the next 5 years
>Perhaps it is because of this that we have so much more influence in European inner affairs than France and Britain.
Italy too had barely any colonies. The eternal Kraut's sequential resurrection comes from its work ethic, geography, and sheer numbers.
French are simple single issue voters the muslims will be the only thing that drives them.
My girl's doing it!!!
Fillon's votes are gonna go to Pen for the 2nd round r-right guys?
Thanks. Fucking politicians.
>saying colonization was a bad thing somehow means white people will be enslaved
this is what Sup Forumsfags actually believe
>Fillon's votes are gonna go to Pen for the 2nd round r-right guys?
Probably, if it's macron vs her then defenitly, if it's the communist vs her then it might be a bit more dificult
SAY WITH ME Sup Forums -
Allah is on his side.
Nonsense. We simply set better goals for our nation after the colonial age. Europe can provide us with everything we need. The rest of the world is just a collection of wilderness and vacation spots.
Why do you want him to please everyone?
i dont want, i prefer Le Pen, and i hope she wins, but you need to understand, that if a candidate says he will wipe and destroy every acomplishment the left achived in the last years, he will not win, for him to push is right wing agenda he needs to be more sublte and to not instantly kill what the left achieved
A for effort, F for execution.
Other way around m8. If it's the socialist or the communist the Fillon voters will go to Le Pen. If it's Macron vs her, most of them will go to Macron as he will automatically get the center right vote, and the right wing party will be in a position to give Macron what he needs, aka a political party to support him in the national assembly in exchange for their getting minister cabinets.
This what Corsairs did. The French ended it for good.
>politically "western women are whores" incorrect
>shilling for a western woman
The invasion of Algeria put an end to 1000 years of piracy from algeniggers. In fact piracy was the only industry of algeniggers prior to the French invasion.
is this a Hillary situation? where the polls are deliberately dishonest to sway opinion and Le Pen is actually leading or close to leading?
This reminds me of alllllllllllll those polls that said Trump had 1-15% chance of winning the election.
Remember, anons, (((they))) use polls to shape, not reflect public opinion.
No, he's just smart enough to realise that committing atrocities generally comes back to hurt you.
You don't build a successful nation with cruelty. What did the Americans get out of their nigger slaves? A few years of cheap labour, and an eternity of ethnic strife.
What did the French get out of their colonies? Well, France will be the first African state on European soil, largely due to immigrants from their former colonies.
She's probably doing better than the polls, but I wouldn't bet on her winning.
No, based Macron will win.
macron does not have the support of neither the parties, he defied the left and the republicans hate him, i dought they will support him, f they do the people will clearly see it, For you to undertand the current situation you need to take into acount Trump's win, the migrants problem, and the ANti EU sintiment in France, since theyre always behind germanny, Le Pen "feeds" her political movement trought this problems, and most likelly will win due to them
>implying I'm wrong
Your superior goals resulted in your country being BTFOed at least twice and being split in half for 50 years. German efficiency my ass.
I'd rather lose a thousand world wars as a German than win one as a leaf.
No not really France has a run-off system so even if Le Pen wins the first round there are more people that hate her then love her so automatically vote against her in the second round
Say le Pen wins the first round with 30% and the second round she loses to a guy who lost the first round with say 20%
If digits she pulls 50%+ in the first round.
kek is with her
I won 13k USD on Trump win - thinking about placing a similiar bet on Le Pen, anyone got some food for thought and links with statistics?
is that poll from a left wing media or right wing media? cause if its from left wing media, then they'd constantly say that she's below the leftie candidate.
>there are more people that hate her then love her so automatically exactly like the us election?
Why do you compare a European nation to Clapistan?
Well your clearly and idiot. Good day to you xir.
Kill yourself Schulznigger
because this is the year France, UK, and the US BTFO of Germany once again.
End result will probably have Russia bulldozing your country again as well.
redpill me on this shit, not even know where aljezira is located
But is the french media and french (((polls))) as cucked as American ones?
>want to bet on Le Pen winning
>tfw the round system is discouraging me
What do I do?
Is there even a chance of her winning or is it all Macron?
what do you think? EU governament is basicly behind them
I want to eat your flag
Since you burgers don't seem to have any unique vacation spots, I'll classify you as wilderness.
Based Emu
Why do all French presidents sound like a type of fish?
we need a false flag in France to make Le Pen win, will kek deliver it for us?
>crime against humanity
>in 1830
I'd vote Macron because his name sounds delicious. God, I love French food.
Hope Fillon wins. Sorry but supporting a liberal woman is too much
Reminder that Trump won because of the US electoral college system.
Macron is a vicious shark and Marine is a wicked bitch, such a wonderful election is coming...
>false flag to make Marine win
Are you retarded?
macron is the (((globalists))) candidate
noms en -on = pièges à con
names finishing in "on" = moron traps
STFU toothpaste!
cue at 4:30
>Fillon +12%
I knew people had a short memory span but fuck me, he had so much shit on him in the last month, people have already forgot this ?
As far as I know it's mostly because nato wants a buffer against russia in eastern europe.
Good argument.
Unlike her father, she does have a small chance, but it is really small. Macron will likely win.
Dude, it was legal and showed that FF is invested in his family.
I'm generally not one to try and call out shills but who pays you to post this sort of nonsense?
macron won't even score 15%, this is all fake news
This. Macron is just shilled by the media
legal doesn't mean acceptable.
More so when you campaign on waging war against corruption, fake administration job in politics etc.
It is the truth. Just like Macron's inevitable victory.
just like melanchon when he first tried.
Media was shilling so hard for him it was cringey as fuck, he ended up with like 12% and never got more.
>Macron is married to Brigitte Trogneux, who is 24 years his senior
>The couple lives with Trogneux's three children from her previous marriage.
>Here come the president, his wife and his wife's sons.
>Implying there's any human in Australia.
Fuckin' emu fucker
Calme toi Karim.
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