Sup Forums let me survey

Sup Forums let me survey
if you use anti depression pills please reply to this thread

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get out and never come back

anti depressents make you more fucked up

as soon as you drop them life is hell

้how do you know that ?


everyday i wake up i want to kill myself but i know i wont.

its a ride that never ends

so you use anti depression pills and you tried to drop them right ?
is you still eat it nowadays ?

Been using SSRI's for ten years.

i dropped them last year

idk if its better or worse, could never tell

Currently taking Mirtazapine 30mg/Day; it has improved my quality of life and cognitive functioning. If you think you have a mental disorder don't cheat yourself out of a good life--seek professional help.

never took them. never would. felt real shit 15-18yo. then i was breddy gud from then on.
they fucked up all the people i knew who took them

m8 i was in the exact same boat

how did you education suffer?

do you want to drop it?
or it's better to not drop?

Shoving SSRIs down my throat for 15 years. The only time i've had negative experiences with them was when i tried to ween myself off of them without my psychiatrists guidance. Stopping your anti depressants too quickly will do a number on your head. Especially zoloft. I had the brain zap sensations, hostility and anxiety came flooding back in. It was enough to say fuck it, ill be on these till i die or society collapses.

The only thing i hate about them, and it is ever so subtle, is the feeling of indifference and slight numbness it gives me. But that's better than wasting the rest of my life away being depressed and anxiety ridden.

Depression and anxiety runs hardcore in my family.

yeah I knew but I want to stop use it
from 50 mg everyday
now i use it 25mg once every 3 days
feel better in some way
but my emotion is not stable . any suggest ?

sounds like you're just a pussy bitch

I had pretty bad depression. Chronic tiredness, no matter how much I slept,
how much I worked out, how much I ate. Occasional thoughts of self
removal. To make a long story quite short- I was watching A Preacher of sorts
life stream talking about demons and demonology. He was saying all these
things about how they effect you without being seen. OK tv man. He ends up
saying how to order them out just as I'm going to click the channel.

"Satan, Demons, get behind me and get out of this house in Jesus Christs name".

Knowing how much weakness I was going to feel throughout the day ahead
of me I gave Tv man a try.

"Satan, Demons, get behind me and get out of this house in Jesus Christs name"
and As soon as I said this I felt something decouple from the back of my head. I slowly
turned around expecting to half see something but nothing was there. One minute
crippling depression, zapped of all energy, than within seconds normalcy.

There are things that we don't see that interact with us. I personally believe they are the
causes for most of our ills. The preacher helped me, so I'm helping you.

SSRI's can really fuck you up.

I'm on 150mg of Voxra which is a NDRI and 16mg of extended release Concerta. Makes me into a normal, productive and social human being without any side effects. Without them I can't function at all.

Also both doses are minimum doses, so not like it's making me high.

Am I supposed to believe this?You got rid of depression just with a punchline?

Tried Paroxetine and Escitalopram as SSRI but they made me lethargic and basically a narcoleptic.

I have been on a combo of Valenfexine (a SSNRI, the best imo, no side effects except occasional nigh sweats) and Methylphenidate as a stimulant.Lots of success have been reported for chronic depression using that combination.The stimulant gives you energy and focus while the SSNRI takes the anxiety hedge away. Been 5 years already and I will use it for the rest of my life, don't care what others think of it.

> hostility and anxiety came flooding back in. It was enough to say fuck it, ill be on these till i die or society collapses.

I start to think like this too
is it really ok to eat it till we die ? we are in really bad age . I feel really envy people in my parent generation

Believe and say it. Alternatively pray for a set number of days.
Say twenty. Pray to Jesus Christ. Ask if he is real, and to reveal
himself to you in some way. It doesn't cost you anything. If the
depression is present I'm sure your willing to try anything so why not
pray? It costs nothing.

Did you gain any weight?

5 feet 8 and weighted 198 lbs before I started (couch potato, constantly eating shitty foods). After 3 years of Valanfaxine/Methylphenidate I was at 170 lbs, exercising 3 times a week and counting my calories with a balanced diet (without privation, having a few treats once in a while).

Pretty impressive, user

>tfw nothing works
>too scared to ask for medication/help


Not really anti depression but I was on xanax for 8 months last year, ended up taking 2 box and vodka bottle to reset my brain, successfully

I'm better now and don't take it anymore

I'm in your boat but taking only a little Zoloft atm thru my PCP but should be on stronger stuff from a shrink. Pride gets in the way of going to a therapist although I've been in the past.

The thing for me is that while off of medication you feel like yourself but you can't function.

So you take them and you function great, but it's all automatic. You lose self-awareness altogether. It becomes a philosophical dilemma.

It's like ego and self-awareness are inexorably connected to the depression.

Who cares? I can't make threads anymore


Yep. I use Paxil.

have you tried fucking a roo you ole cheeky cunt?

they are all virgins

they abo's fucked them all already

I take 250mg of Zoloft.

I take clonazepam, lorazepam, some zopiclone (does fuck all) for anxiety and alcohol for depression

Jesus. You're able to have erections and to cum user ? What dose are you on ? Don't have any brain zaps ? Paxil is old, lots of much better alternative out there.Effexor for instance.

>takes depressants to handle his depression.

Brilliant strategy, user.

Placebos score higher than antidepressants in clinical trials. Clinics get a payout for prescribing them. Most don't actually meet the legal qualifications of medicine. Depression is not real. Everyone's brain chemistry is unique.

Antidepressants are basically homeopathy-tier bullshit that will actually fuck you up.

>You're able to have erections
Nope. I dont need it anyway. 40 mg. My brains are fine, kinda. And its pretty cheap, yea.

>implying depression is central nervous system lag

i dont think its depression, im just basically a psychopath who can't experience most emotions. i tried like 20 different drugs and they did fuck all

Antidepressants didn't work, but antipsychotics did work for me.

No. I don't believe in drugs for pussy mental problems unless its for schizophrenia or something.

Has anyone here ever tried shock therapy or electromagnetic therapy? I talked to my therapist about it once but she said that she's skeptical of it.

Sometimes I just feel bitterly depressed about being a 23-year-old virgin and how I'll likely never have sex at this point.

How is depression not real you stupid nigger ?

What are your symptoms that made you think you're depressed ? Social withdrawal and anxiety ? Feeling of emptiness and apathy ?

300mg of Wellbutrin everyday. Just need to get by until I finally kill myself

Because everyone has problems and 99% of the world has it way worse than you do. The only reason people able to be "depressed" is because they live such a comfortable life in the first place.

Depression is a perfectly natural reaction to the outside world. That's why depression pill pushers never factor in outside influences. It is not a disease at all.

You should try a few molecules before considering shock therapy. True that it works in cases of hardcore refractory casesé



I was on Celexa for about 3 years. I have been off for about 2 weeks now. It is kind of fucked up. I have the brain zaps real bad and shit. I'm getting better though.

I don't know, the shrinks said I was depressed. I don't feel "depressed", it's just I don't feel much of anything (except anxiety, rage, etc). I don't know what feeling empty is. I'm not retarded, I can interact with others and do things but I just don't give a shit. I'm about to apply to jobs abroad, probably get one quickly, sell my shit and work for a few years, then I don't know

They go away after 2-3 months. They decrease in frequency during that time though.Shave off some pills and taper it off, dont go cold turkey

meh, shock therapy is just something to shake up the senses. it's all the same shit. it's like the masochist who likes pain because his life is boring.

>giving away personal information to the researchers

>implying the whole of Sup Forums isnt one massive research

Do you exercise ? Something like boxing or hitting a training bag for your rage ? If so, how long has it been since you felt that way ? Something it could be something as stupid as changing your life habits by doing a little bit of exercises and a better diet.

That being said the zopiclone and the benzos are terrible for mood, theyll make you extremely irritable and moody. I know, ive been there.

fuck off with your jew magic

>if you use anti depression pills please reply to this thread

So you can say "100% of respondents surveyed reported using medication to treat their depression"? Get the fuck out of here, ladyboy.

So vets with PTSD can go fuck themselves you're saying ? People mourning a loved one or losing their livelyhood are just faking it ?
Of course, using a 99% ballpark figure you've pulled out of your ass (hint : it's false, there are many places around the world that have it much, much better than the poorest people in western society) is retarded because you're working on the assumption that everyone else are US mongrels without a culture and identity, and live the stupid anglo way of life. You're talking about people who have an extended network of friends, family that support and help them, and clear cultural definitions of what it means to be a man, a woman, an adult, a child, etc...
This board is not for underage people, in case you haven't read it

Those pills are not medicine and you're retarded for seeing them as a solution.

Oh I exercise, swim, lift weights, etc. My problem is I get bored very easily and don't have the emotionality of others. I'm very charming and highly intelligent, so I can function when I want to, but I have no motivation.

Zopiclone doesn't make me tired, it just fucks my sleep cycle. Benzos work. I used to suffer from severe anxiety/panic attacks.

I still wonder how other people see the world, like what drives someone to go to work, date, marry, care about others, etc.

Nigga can you please refer me to a single sentence where I even implied I was in favour of SSRIs ?

Am on them they suck, first few weeks they work and I feel like depression is lifted then back to normal. I know they arent a solution but I need to feel good enough to sort health and job etc before they stop working.

What are you promoting exactly?

I took SSRIs for two years went thru hell getting off them have been off SSRIs for like 7 years now.

I occasionally still have depressed moments but they get further and fewer in between.

A huge tip I can give is to focus on diet and exercise and make sure your diet is right absolutely every day. Diet and Exercise has been proven to have a major effect even on reducing the occurrence of schizophrenic hallucinations. Think what it does for depression then.

I think a lot of my depression around 2009-2010 was very politically induced too. I haven't been even slightly depressed since Trump won as it vindicated much of what I felt depressed about

About how long did you have those withdrawal symtoms? I went off of them myself a month ago and I still don't feel right. I had the brain zaps come and go though.

Is that a spin on how Trump & Co. don't know how to work the lights in the white house?

Fuck off dirty Thaiposter

Opiates are the best cure for depression.

He's saying that sometimes they do work