>France is fed up with Trump's 'repeated attacks' to weaken Europe
Stop it.
We've had enough.
>France is fed up with Trump's 'repeated attacks' to weaken Europe
Stop it.
We've had enough.
>lame duck governments making statements
It will never stop being funny.
The current french government can go fuck itself with a poleaxe.
Im sure the French people are fed up with repeated attacks by the religion of peace
>France is fed up with Trump's 'repeated attacks' to weaken Europe
And what are they gonna do? Surrender themselves?
>repeated attacks
Name one attack
France has nuclear bombs.
And? So does the US
>the US govt. and the EU govt. will never go to war, destroying each other and all urban centres in the process and paving the way for a new Europe to grow
>trump's attacks on europe
>meanwhile ahmed is blowing himself up in the streets
And where is the outrage about CIA spying on their candidates?
Yes, nuclear bombs that they will paint white and give to us when they surrender.
>france let refugees in like morons
>france weakens because of this stupidity
>blames trump
That's rich
>France "fed up" with Trump's imaginary attacks
>perfectly fine with Islam's actual attacks
Keep on cuckin', Frenchy.
Actually Hollande literally answered that they would do nothing about it so I guess this is perfectly fine,
kek.. What attacks has Trump done to the European Union exactly? All I've heard from Trump is about the terrible mistake Merkel did letting in lot's of "refugees" and the saddening attacks that keep happening in France.
Also why is she flip flopping on policy again? One minute she says it's a failure, then it's a success, then a failure again, now she's saying to take in more?
Fucking sort it out woman.
He shook hands with Nigel Farage so he's literally Hitler trying to destroy Europe again.
He will not divide us!
>Fed up with mean tweets from across the ocean after a couple of weeks
>Not fed up with Muslim attacks and dindu riots they ve hd for years
She says whatever will work in the moment. The words are meaningless.
The plan is unwavering: destroy Germany with refugees.
>The (((French government))) is scared of Trump trying to weaken the EU
I didn't know a land mass could hold opinions.
Oh I see.. Fucking kek the EU is such a pathetic joke, I don't understand why some people still defend it.
I would have attributed it to the menopause but she's too old for that, I feel sorry for Germany though because it's that nutcase of Schulz.
*or Schulz
Trump's attacks (Not Muslims) ... Ok.
>And where is the outrage about CIA spying on their candidates?
CIA spies on everyone. Thinking they aren't keeping tabs on you and your people when you run for president is fucking retarded
literally who?
They just spin whatever the fuck they want into whatever the fuck they want
>If the UK leaves the EU, you're going to be put to the back of the queue on trade deals
>I don't think it's right that Vladimir Putin is voicing his opinion on our election
Maybe the French people should just learn to live with Trump's attacks.
it's fun seeing his presidency crash and burn, but in all serioussness, we can't allow this man to get his hands on the nuclear codes
Jean-Marc Ayrault is the worst french politician prove me wrong
Literally what attacks?
Just saying it? Like when nogs say "The White Man keeps us down" in reference to nothing in particular?
Who cares? I can't make threads anymore
It's baffling to me that if an alliance is threatened by calls to meet its financial obligations you would rely on them to fight a war.
>Not using a halberd
America? The EU is dividing Europe just fine by itself.
Anne Hidalgo
better him than ségogol desu, was legit scared she was even considered for the job
Yeah Trump is what's weakening Europe
I'd look for distractions to what's going on in France too if I was a French politician.
1 shitty politicians opinion = France....
Isn't france kinda busy being on fire and full of chimping nignogs atm?
>teach german
>become a millionaire
I think there is a missing step here
It's no secret that Trump roots for the breaking up of the EU. Whether you agree with that sentiment or not, this is an attack against the EU, which is what the french dude in the OP's article is probably referring to.
The Prime Minister even told people to get used to weekly terror attacks
What an utter joke Europeans are really, just look at the stark differences between leaders
Meme candidates don't count
>It's no secret that Trump roots for the breaking up of the EU. Whether you agree with that sentiment or not, this is an attack against the EU, which is what the french dude in the OP's article is probably referring to.
Funny considering the EU is pretty much an American invention in the first place...
It's always a surprise when something reminds me that Jean Marc Ayrault is our foreign minister. Dude has the power of making any ministery irrelevant, even the Prime Minister office or the Foreign Relations
>Name one attack
Trump sent B-1 stealth bombers to suppress riots in Paris last night.
Won't this just help Le Pen? I mean the French are going through quite the awakening right now, and it's the EU and the current french government that's truly weakening Europe.
>implying we need to make attacks
Enjoy your riots and muslims.
Last night he Paris and I believe Nice (or some other French city was a disaster
>Pretending to be a real country
So do something about it.
>I feel sorry for Germany though because it's that nutcase or Schulz.
I mean, the one thing I can offer in his defense is that he's NOT a glorified Cat Lady, so if presented with a sufficient evidence that Rapefugees prevent Germany from ensuring the existence of the Jewish State, he might do something, while Merkel never will.
Who speak in the french name?
the EU can rot in hell
True, I was just messing around
>Isn't france kinda busy being on fire and full of chimping nignogs atm?
Yes. As of last night, the chimpout has spread to other cities as far away as Nantes.
>Not a Bec-de-corbin or Voulge-guisarme
Sassenach pls
Trump uses France, Sweden, and Germany as a model as to why we don't want refugee's. Stay Cucked Europe. Japan, UK, and soon Russia are our new best friends now.
>be France
>want to leave the EU but too afraid to do it
>pick a fight with US
>withdraw from the EU
>Wanting the EU to rot in hell.
>Not wanting to make it strong again with France at its heart.
Traitors to the emperor's will the lot of you.
He is truly one of the most lame politician ever
France has to live with the constant fear of terrorism, but not mean words from Donald Trump, no sir.
What is this a photo of?
She said multiculturalism was a failure because the cituzens weren't accepting Ahmed into their homes to rape their wives and daughters as quickly as she wanted. So multiculturalism was a failure. Now she wants only one culture. Islamic culture.
Bullshit, the guy who developed the idea was literally a zionist jew who died in Israel. Everything from the undemocratic structure and the policy of telling countries to revote until they get it right.
Don't you remember trump gunning down 100+ people at bataclan? Only did it to claim paris is unsafe, too
So do we.
Oh I see, cia was strengthening France when it embedded into their election
What are they gonna do about it? Start a war and lose again?
Shut the fuck up France
What has he done to 'weaken' europe exactly, that they aren't already doing themselves?
Really tired of these fucking cucks pretending their opinion matters to us.
Go to hell.
>reee stop telling the truth !!
Friendly reminder that this government has a 4% approval rating. It doesn't even represent 1 in 20 Frenchmen.
>Traitors to the emperor
He said "Europe should be as one country with Paris as its capital". He did not say "Europe should be as the Middle East with Berlin as its capital". The closest the EU was to reviving Napoleon's dream was De Gaulle, who specifically wanted a "Europe des Nations" and not this vomit-inducing multiculti pipedream we have today.
Alt Right is a religion of peace.
The French people are getting fed up with "repeated attacks" I imagine
>She said multiculturalism was a failure because the cituzens weren't accepting Ahmed into their homes to rape their wives and daughters as quickly as she wanted.
I know you're joking, but you need to see this:
This is what German schoolchildren are told about France. Without irony. This is real, it isn't the German counterpart of "The Onion" or anything! And here's the real kicker: ZDF is a state financed channel.
Which is why the EU should be reformed, not destroyed. Even if it were a confederation of nations as he had envisioned, a fiscal and monetary union are dire necessities in this day and age.
>Praises BGTOW
>Praising my friend is attacking my friends enemy
Getting real fed up of fake news 2bh
>the guardian
That's pretty close to CNN tier, m8.
fucking hell
>Which is why the EU should be reformed, not destroyed.
It's past reform. Destruction preceeds creation, the EU must die before it can be reborn.
>a fiscal and monetary union are dire necessities in this day and age
[Citation needed]
meanwhile it was released the CIA was fucking with the french elections hahah
Then trump sends troops to help prevent the poor oppressed Americans in poland..
google "Bataclan Massacre"
bunch of Arabs tortured and killed French citizens in a theater while the government negotiated with them and the media kept it secret.
You left out the best part. They cut off dudes willies and nutsacks, stuffed them in their mouths and laughed about it. The French are known for their love of penis but that was some next level bantz
Not gonna lie, former Hollande supporter here. It's hilarious to watch him crash and burn but honestly we can't let him have the nuclear codes.
Shhhh. What you say was labeled as fake news just after it spread.
>Any U.S. attempt to divide Europeans is doomed to fail
Couldn't even get past the first sentence without keking, they already succeeded in this long ago.
Poutou is gueninely a retard.
Marie le pen #1! French cucks BTFO
>Poutou is gueninely a retard.
>that cuck face
I'm looking forward to April tbqh, I want to see them desperate, like those lefty cucks in the US after Trump won.
>Not using a guillotine
Will this guy be removed once le pen gets supreme leadership?