Why do white people get SO FUCKING MAD when you make a joke about them?
Especially white Americans
Why do white people get SO FUCKING MAD when you make a joke about them?
Especially white Americans
Because they get away with racism and we don't. Fuck those stupid niggers and their unseasoned chicken.
>white people get mad
Ye? Call a black guy a nigger and see how he becomes full of cheerfulness
Being triggered easily can be a sign of:
Low intellect
Daddy issues
Small dick
Its usually all of the above
why do black people get SO PISSED when i call them niggers? i mean its just a joke.
People wouldn't be mad if you could be racist both ways while laughing at it, but that's only fine if you're shitting on white people.
>white people season chicken with water
We literally conquered the planet to obtain spices
No one likes an ingrate
Why don't niggers don't like statistics?
>White people don't use seasoning
>Literally wage wars for spice
Black memes are fucking lame.
>calling a black person a nigger is the same as saying white people cant cook
It's an inaccurate meme.
The "spice" meme isn't funny. It does not make any sense. Seriously, where did this come from?
What does seasoning with water even mean?
>Try to force shitty, completely untrue stereotype on white people
>Get mad when white people come back with actual facts about the black race
The best jokes have an element of truth to them
Bad jokes over and over are just tiring
Also worth noting that not everyone can deliver a good joke.
It's the same thing
It's a black person meme that white people only like the blandest food
>Why do white people get SO FUCKING MAD when you make a joke about them?
I dunno. Why do niggers get so fucking mad when you tell the truth about them? Is it because they don't know who their dad is?
Black people need to step up their game, the only ones that come here post shit like "hurr u triggered pinkskin? I fuk your women now"
Like goddamn please learn to shitpost so there's something to work with other than "lol mashed potatoes umad whity xddd"
Try joking about black people and see what happens, you get shot. Throwing factual statistics on someone is a mild response compared to that of niggers.
'cause yo cookin' was so borin' in the first place honkey
Pretty self-evident. It is math beyond simple sums/drug dealing math.
As opposed to black food: bush meat, old mud and tree bark.
Black people are just jealous because we made them obsolete.
It's actually less mean because nigger is just a word but saying white people can't cook is actually directly saying they are inferior in a specific regard. "Nigger" doesn't attack something about them.
Yeah, I mean if it related to a real thing in some way it wouldn't be quite so annoying.
lmao we colonized half the world just to cook with spice.
What kind of retards tries to force those shitty memes ?
Oh yeah black people whose only culinary achievement is the mud cake
Yall traded people for forks and spoons
May I see nigger facts1.jpg, please?
I don't get the "white people can't cook meme" desu
>why do white people combat lies with truths?
Apples to oranges, but they're both fruit.
If you say black people can't read or they can't speak properly, they ape out nonetheless
As you wish, dear boy.
Because we know you stupid niggers and Jews want to continue to cuck us, unimpeded, and we're not going to allow that.
Remember niggers, you're only here by our discretion.
this is the worst kind of niggerdom right here.
I've never in my life ever seen a fucking riot because a gas station sells crackers. On the other hand, saying niggardly which doesn't even have anything to do with niggers, invitess protests.
"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Matthew 7:5
It's true doe. Yall white ppl can't cook for shit
keep telling yourself that, you might get prize in mental gymnastics
>when you post a thread about white people not being able to take a joke, and come back to see people crying that they cant call black people niggers.
It's because white people are insecure about on single unspoken truth. They are only good at things that involve being by themselves. (Writting books, homework, drawing pictures)
Black people are social creatures. Go to any party and watch us dance with your girls, while you sit in the corner drinking all awkword and shit.
Same with jokes. Most white comedians are nebbish dudes witj glasses talking about their self-esteem issues or how shitty their life is. Black comedy is fun.
This goes with music as well. Yeah, every now and then you can get together with some friends and start a band. But the end result is anti-social. People either stand around doing nothing, or at best getting into a moshpit fight.
Black people on the otherhand only need one mic and a beat to get girls basically fucking us.
Sometimes I think white people don't even like havimg sex. They have sex to reinforce some wierd self-esteem issue. Black people have sex to fuck.
Ask any girl. This is why the "once you go black you don't go back" comes from.
Name one famous black chef. This meme is sad and frustrating. Most of the black people who propigate this stereotype will never progress past the intalectual capacity of a child. They lach the ability to taste subtle flavors. It's like a little kid who will only eat tendies with catchup telling you that liver and onions is gross and has no flavor. It's just a bunch of dumb nigger bullshit and like the vast majority of dumb nigger bullshit it has very little basis in reality.
Name one famous african dish please? Also we have this thread every day.
Niggers do love there fried chicken.
Probably why they regularly die of heart attacks at 45.
>Italian Cuisine
>French Cuisine
Let me know next time you run across a five star restaurant serving live grubs, Kunta Kinte.
They think that they are on the height of the food hierarchy when that field is dominated by the french cuisine which has shaped the way everyone cook food for centuries.
Because white people are fucking dumb and harmless bantz aren't part of their culture
They call themselves nigger I never heard a white person say whites can't cook.
White fragility. Are you laughing yet pol? It's no laughing matter. White fragility is real!
You sound like a normie that wears knit scarves and girl jeans on a regular basis.
because we are fixing to start genociding shitskins but you are too much of a shitskin to realise the change that is happening.
Is that what they call getting shot through the heart now? A heart attack?
I guess that's one way to keep the crime statistics down
>Lol white people don't season their food! Never mind that the best chefs in the world are overwhelmingly white, THEY FOOD BLAND LOL!
>How dare these racist Crack as post statistically backed info about how sheit mah niggas are
>Black people can't coo-
wait a minute booooiiiiii
>confusing cultured with dumb
spotted the nigger
>be black
>joke about blandness of Dutch cuisine in good spirit
>white people get mad start citing Wikipedia articles on spice wars
why do white people have such complex?
>dump container of cayenne pepper on chicken
>i cook gud mufuga
French learned from the Italians via Catherine Di Medici's cooks
But I think that was centuries ago, so you're still right, just throwing in a little historical factoid
>Name one famous african dish please?
Do flies count?
Couldn't be forty years of niggers and Jews poking at us "lightheartedly"
No, surely not
Found the nigger
how about calling blacks outdated farm equipment? that's somewhat similar to mocking an activity they sometimes do while implying they're insufficient at it.
We should just be talking about crime statistics non stop anyway
Maybe take the hint. Not welcome.
Why black people especially black americans thinks they have the best "seasoning food" or spicy food ?
i don't even call black people niggers anymore I just call them white people, I think it's more irksome cause they don't even know what to do when I say fuck off whitey.
I don't think it's fair to say white americans get mad when you can trigger african americans into assaulting you using one little word.
I do use my george foreman grill for burgers and they're 1000x better, not memeing.
If you're going to make jokes they need some basis in truth otherwise they aren't funny.
Because we aren't allowed to make the corresponding opposite jokes, idiot.
I posted on twitter the other day how 72% of niggers (I said blacks) are born to single mothers. You would have thought I called 600 niggers a nigger to their face amd advocated genocide. Got a 72 hour softban, even after posting Don Lemon and (((politifact))) confirming it. Don't post statistics about the nogs they chimp out hard
I think white people are naturally autistic than other races. They can't handle jokes or nuances and resort to violence or aggressive attitudes to make a "counter attack".
Also whites love blaming other people
>we can't handle jokes because of joos
They are the same people buying premade spice mixes at the grocery store.
Because it's retarded. At least we have a national cuisine. It's like a blind guy telling a guy with glasses "DUDE YOU DON'T HAVE 20/20 VISION? LOL REKT XDD"
Maybe there arent many famous black chefs because they dont need one? They dont need to watch some washed up piece of shit on television telling them how to cook.
Celebrity cooking isnt even good.
Ah thanks, I know that Italians and French have a long standing history of food wars with each other which has served to push each other to their limits.
So yeah, you can add Italian to my statement as well.
Spotted the kike
Research "the dozens".
Blacks almost universally have no grasp of flavor profiles. They just dump any kind of red seasoning they can get their hands on into the pot, whether it actually goes with the food or the other seasonings. Something as simple as a pesto sauce is beyond their grasp, and very likely they don't even think anything green *counts* as a seasoning.
Whites are busy using subtle, savory flavors to compliment the wine a dish will be served with, and blacks are just burning holes in their colon.
The true red-pill about niggers, is that they're distant relatives to us. We're not exactly the same species.
Because niggers aren't in any position to make jokes about anybody. They're the worst race on earth by a massive margin.
Niggers joking about white people is fucking retarded. Whites hold 95% of the worlds military power you're only alive because we let you live and then you're stupid enough to joke about us
ITT: Triggered white people
Why do black people refuse to evolve? Just mysteries of the universe user
Sounds very typically tribal of them.
Blacks were never able to grow out of that stage of development.
Because niggers should know their place.
Nice JPG britfag
Text looks great
>black people can say blatant racist things about white people, get away with it, and encouraged by others that it's ok.
>white people say one negative thing about black people, they are worse than scum and deserve to die a horrible painful death
>claims to be black
>intentionally misspells words
>uses the word (((nebbish)))
Seems like a negro to me :^)
What do you even mean by tribal?
>Why do white people get SO FUCKING MAD when you make a joke about them?
Says people who are triggered when they see someone drinking milk next to them.
Lol u mad black boi?
*white AMERICAN people
normal whities are not so insecure, know the statistics and quietly wait for the nigger to be shot by cops or other niggers
only a redneck would react to such a childish provocation
Evolution is white man's memes, real niggaz is baptist.
I'm white and I made chicken wings and brought them to a party
2 black people told me I was better than the colonel
My dad plays in a blues band
I have a larger than average penis and a slightly overweight white girlfriend
I'd like my official partial nigga rewards card so I can get excited in the movie theater and say nigga please? Thanks
>le white people can't cook meme
Fuck off you black shit
Who cares if whites don't season their Turkey with cayenne and paprika and BBQ sauce?
We season our BRAINS with literature.
The greatest seasoning to whites is a classic story by Shakespeare. I don't need to coat my chicken wings in black pepper when I can coat my IQ in the works of literary giants, all of whom are my fellow whites.
A nigger requires his 'Senegaliese 50 spice' to make his fucking disgusting brain experience anything that isn't 'feel the urge to mug someone and steal their Air Jordans'. A white person cannot get anything from spice. We need documentaries, and books and music.
I have a phrase
'The blackest in society are the lightest of brain. The whitest in society explore the darkest depths of human emotion, in their art'.
It sums this up nicely.
Deep down, we all know, niggers all wish they were white.
>Posts Alwayssunnyhamintheocean.jpeg
>"When Vince be like "Its almost ready" xd"
>Posts Yougottabequickerthanthatfriedchicken.jpeg
>"When Jamal gets fucked over by his tax returns"
>"omfg im fucking ded rngood one br-
post benis, nigga
Niggers have absolutely no right to critique "white cooking" in the first place. We are the best chefs, and we have the best cuisines in the entire world. Your race is renowned for eating unseasoned dirt cookies and ebola-ridden bush meat.