What can we do to stop the rapid growth of single motherhood?
Current mass media agenda is too empower them and portray them in a positive, almost envious, light.
I fear this will have grave repercussions down the line.
What can we do to stop the rapid growth of single motherhood?
Current mass media agenda is too empower them and portray them in a positive, almost envious, light.
I fear this will have grave repercussions down the line.
>What can we do to stop the rapid growth of single motherhood?
Send all single-mothers to death camps.
They are cattle.
Just focus on raising a good family and let the degenerates kill themselves
I've met lots and lots of single moms in my dating life.
1. No morals, will act all moral but ultimately is just dumb and fucks on the first date.
2. Always always always complains about the dad.
3. Kids, with one memorable exception, are rotten little monsters. Also often like visible stupid or have behavioral problems. Ps. When I say visibly stupid I mean, the kid is so dumb at the genetic level its etched into their faces for all to see.
4. Single mothers are by far the worst, most toxic sort of women to be around. Everyone else in the world is to blame for their problems, and they expect hand outs constantly.
5. Always have terrible relationships with their parents and siblings.
6. And without exception, are bad with money, do not know how to save or plan, would be helpless without the endless kindness of others, and
7. Can't maintain any kind of relationship. Typically surrounds themselves with abusers.
Single mothers are reject/defective women. It's so obvious no? All female instinct is to find a mate to provide for child. Female withchild and no male is literal cancer to the "tribe" of nomadic evolutionary past. Basically only stupid people let themselves get into this kind of situation.
stop all state support of it
Stop child support.
Remove government benefits and make abortion illegal. This will cause women to be more resposible with their vaginas or have a baby they cant afford to raise and become a burden to the people they are closet too. This will make the people around them resent them, and they will be looked down upon by society. being a single mother will be shameful again.
This, you never see the kid: you never pay for it.
I don't think we can stop this epidemic anytime soon. It's too ingrained in modern society that single mom's are strong, independent, and in lots of cases smarter and better with kids than married women. After all who needs a man lol amirite.
If we took away welfare benefits it eould start, but you'd have to go further, the media would have to get behind it and we'd have to do some social engineering and me meticulously warfare.
>if he won't make a good dad don't fuck him
Type shit against a typical girly meme background like the beach
>drinking the carbonated Jew
Bring back marriage without no fault divorce and cut welfare to the bone
>kid has asian hair and face
looks like she got riced
Sincere question, then, explain my gf of ~2 years.
1. Sort of applies, but held to morals in her actions at all times
2. Applies 100%.
3. Absolutely not, 2 kids, both well-behaved and seem intelligent.
4. Sort of. No expectation of handouts, but does externalize a lot of issues.
5. Good with parents and once sibling, viciously bad with other sibling.
6. Nope.
7. Not true, but seems to have been true earlier in life.
Before everyone says run she's just after your money, I'm a broke college guy who's too old to really be doing the college thing, and she provides for her own kids.
Did I catch an injured unicorn, or are half these stereotypes just horseshit?
>What can we do to stop the rapid growth of single motherhood?
Simple, be child welfare checks, single parent benefits, and most importantly divorce settlements.
Otherwise, no you can't have half my things, go fuck off and live in poverty bitch.
mind your own business is the answer
We've proven we don't need the media - Welfare cuts, unfucking divorces, and making family courts fair to children first, men & women second (rather than the gynocentric way we do things right now) would do all we need.
I agree with your memetic warfare ideas, also. Guess my core point is fuvk the media who gives a shit
I'm paying for the child(ren) so it is my business.
>gf has 2 kids
are you a cuck?
Maybe you got lucky but just be careful.
I'm not paying for them, and if being around children without being an asshole is hard for you, I don't know what to tell you.
What if her husband has been deployed goyo? Or was KIA defending your freedom to shitpost? Yeah let's get rid of all the freedoms that made America great and replace it with a toddlertarian fecist regime for all time.
theyre stereotypes, if we have to explain that to you then we will have to explain why not all asians are good at maths or why all niggers aren't either bloods or crips.
also, unless the dads dead, get a prenup. you've been warned.
thats not what a cuck means, dont bother replying to that nigger
You can't shame single motherhood itself because sometimes there are unavoidable cases like father's death.
It's really promiscuity and divorce that is the problem.
>tfw sister is a single mother
My niece doesn't deserve this. What am in for? What can I do about it?
Ask someone raised by a single mother anything.
Always. I would really like to do some kind of study to see how widely these problems apply to single moms though.
Thing is, some are hard to quantify, and good luck getting funded on something the government and media has a vested interest in keeping misunderstood.
Could turn the cultural tide a little bit, then see about analysis, I guess.
Then, if we're vindicated in our beliefs - how do we solve that? Passive encouragement to have a real family is a good idea, stopping disincentivization of marriage, ease up on glorifying whores... But I don't see that reversing the trend anytime soon
It's time for you to take responsibility and become the surrogate father.
Abolish the welfare state
Love single moms. They are easy fucks.
promiscuity definitely, but i wouldn't say divorce, just the heavily biased rulings.
divorce is useful if you marry in good faith and she turns out to be a cheap whore and you would rather not kill her.
how did you meet her
You're a pretty classy guy Tyrone.
> gf of ~2 years.
You know nothing yet.
But do not marry anytime soon.
Oh no. Keep going out with her though. It's invaluable life experience.
t. lawyer
Stop retarding them with welfare.
Having kids isn't an excuse to become unemployed for the rest of your life.
while we're at it put a limit to how many investment properties a person can own so they stop raising rent and in turn reduce crime!
oh fuck, if only things were so easy...
Meant to type rewarding, but I guess that works too.
Vasectomy makes it a good time without consequence.
i think single motherhood will sort itself out.
women do increasingly dangerous things like tinder hookups or partying all night because "its 2017 i should be able to do what i want without considering the risks involved. in fact risks are sexist and i am a strong womyn."
orphanages will fill to the brim before the social elite disappear them to their dungeons
then the white male will rise as champions of the down trodden orphans and slay the elite snakes to liberate the shivering masses.
this is also the plotline of my new buffy vampire slayer fanfic. thumbs up and share please
Listen to this guy
Son of a single mother here and i saw what she did to men
This is the true redpill but it's always hard for me to swallow - my mom was a self imposed single mother because she didn't want me and my siblings growing up around dad's drugs, she decided she needed to be the bread winner and for ten years worked and took care of us and went to school, now makes bank as some spine doctor. All 3 kids turned out pretty well, too, all college educated, living on our own, dad dead from drugs, mom finally remarried.
I'd be okay with a single mom like that but they seem to all be like how you described
If they apply broadly, it's a problem. There will always be exceptions, hell I work with a black scientist who's non-violent, well-spoken, creative, and seemingly owns a shower. I really like him. Doesn't mean I give a shit about 95% of his racial group though.
Prepharmacy, college.
I know it isn't the actual definition, but these people seem to think if you aren't with a virgin you're getting cucked. Past ~21 that's unlikely for good looking women, sorry to burst your bubble folks.
And if she's beautiful, intelligent, and has her virginity into her 20s, you better be a hella good catch yourself for her to even pay attention
>free contraceptives
>sexual activity sensibilization
>free abortions
>no gibs
>removal of human rights if you dont have both parents
more or less, those no father kids will grow up to be cucks or sociopaths empowering feminazis and making society implode
Seriously why would someone raise the kids of another man.
It's literally cuckolding.
It's fine if the mother can support economically the child.
She's just tired of dieting and riding random cocks, so she wants to settle down with you and go to all you can eat buffets. She will ruin your life.
>the white race isn't having enough children
>There's too many single mothers, let's end all child benefits
Pick one.
Your subconscious was right tho. Can't deny that.
To the subconsciousness of fTDDsPv7, please have this (you)
did you approach her
Agree. Anyone who is against subsidized birth control is stepping over dollars to pick up pennies.
Kek. I love this one
My friend started dating a women who WAS a single mother, she claims she is 7 months pregnant with twins but really does not look like it, she's just fat. I think my poor friend is just too stupid and lonely to see what's going on. He just happens to be a nice guy so shes latched on like a leech.
Now he's raising someone else's kid while they live on welfare. Even if she is pregnant his friends and family both have told him to get those kids a DNA test.
They are emotionally damaged degenerates and should be forced to live in state-run asylums
I have commuted myself to what was a single mom.
1. Didn't fuck on the first date. I refused.
2.She rarely brings up the dad.
3. The kids are the shit. I never thought I would ever be around children let alone make them my own.
4. She took responsibility for her part in the divorce. It has helped her make better decisions in our relationship.
5. Her parents love her and she loves them. She has a great relationship with her sister and brother.
6. Maintains at least 10k in savings, doesn't question how I spend my money and doesn't shop compulsively. Budgets very well. I have learned from her.
7. She divorced the abuser. Didn't take long for her to realize she had fucked up getting married and went it alone for six months before I found her. We have been together three years, the kids aren't in elementary school yet and they call me daddy on their own accord.
Sup Forums is not always right. One thing I have learned being with this woman is that men are the problem alot of the time. You have to be strong, intolerant to bullshit, and do your part. When they fuck up you gotta set them straight. They are attracted to real strength. Not the image of it.
Teach black men to not leave.
Son of a single mother here, I can say that most of what you said is true.
Fuck life.
Elaborate, more facts, less ominous generalities.
She's thin, wouldn't say fit, but has been attending the gym with me regularly and semi-enthusiastically.
How can we re-establish the white race if all women are traps and single mothers are all dead empty whores?
You realize even the Mormon-est of virgins aren't trying to crank out an entire football team of children, right?
Marry them.
How about you deadbeat motherfuckers actually be there for your child?
Casual friends for a couple years, she left her husband, we started dating/fucking about 8 months down the road from there.
I would say I made the move but she pounced on it.
Trying to re establish the white race by out breeding others will just create a generation of useless trailer trash.
People like you who think that when someone makes a general statement that they're speaking in absolutes need to kill yourself. There's exceptions to every rule you stupid fuck. This doesn't mean he isn't correct about the majority.
>The word cuckold derives from the cuckoo bird, alluding to its habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests.
i expect birth rate drop cuck to assault soon, dunno what's the point of growing population if you get in all disfunctional members.
He obviously just wanted to tell Sup Forums he had a GF
Probably hasn't even dated her two years and is inflating the time so his story sounds better
>no one asked anything
kek. i love when people try to draw attention to themselves and no one even cares
>If they apply broadly, it's a problem.
sure, but stereotypes are usually oversimplified.
consider the following:
all blacks are criminals
being born black in a low income household in a bad neighborhood increases the chance that you will end up in a gang and do something stupid that will attract the attention of law enforcement.
no stereotype applies broadly, but the reason it's become a stereotype is most likely true, hence the creation of it (even with the exceptions), and the backlash when used.
You fucked up by GIVING him attention you cuck.
"only a sith lives by absolutes"
there's no need to be rude anyway
There was a thread the other day on whether or not LSD causes narcissism and half a dozen people tried to get AMAs going to explain why you can't be a narcissist once you take acid.
Reasonably good looking white women with PhDs aren't trailer trash, or, if they are to you, holy fuck how's the rent on that ivory spire?
People like you who insist that questioning the extent to which a stereotype applies is saying there is no reason for the stereotype are intellectually dishonest or retarded and should be gassed.
Yes, I want the credit as an user for finding someone who doesn't think I smell too bad to fuck. Definitely making a tripcode and linking to my livejournal after this glorious victory.
About 4 months short of two years, the ~ was in front of "~2" for a reason.
> raising another mans children
also she chose the father, if he was a fuck-up it's her fault
nobody is laying eggs in his nest you fucking backwards nigger, he created the nest after the fact ergo not a cuck.
now if someone comes along and fucks his wife thats a different story.
why cant you understand this?
>inb4 cuck
Why not just say 20 months?
your reply just validated what I said.
I can't stand when people do this though. You can speak in generalities about something and there's ALWAYS one guy who says "that's not true I know this one person who..." it's annoying as fuck. Sorry
White trailer trash outnumbers PhD. I am taking early retirement over breeding.
you cut the welfare, doesn't matter if it's taken from tax payers or men.
or at least severely reduce. Getting paid for living somewhere else warrants nothing more than the base minimum for surviving.
yeah i get your point, but after years or useless raging i just exhale and say "yeah, true"
all my hope and energies. gone
This is great news!!!!!
We can pump girls full of cum, and they'll be perfectly fine (possibly even 'excited') when we leave them! Holy shit I'll be able to spread my seed so far and wide
>One thing I have learned being with this woman is that men are the problem alot of the time. You have to be strong, intolerant to bullshit, and do your part. When they fuck up you gotta set them straight. They are attracted to real strength. Not the image of it.
Isn't this what all cuckolds say in defence of their actions, though?
You'd like to believe that you're the bigger man, but whose children are you raising?
I think it's more to do with the welfare state and the related dissolution of the black family, and the 2r allele ("the warrior gene", look it up, relatively interesting), seems to be related to criminality in response to being raised under bad conditions, but doesn't when families are strong.
As an example of the opposite, criminality among subpopulations with the same 2r allele in Polynesian cultures that strongly value the family, criminality is almost perfectly in line with others that don't have the gene.
Something something nigger culture shittily raised kids become criminiggers.
>still though, your example's point is taken
Shorter, didn't require recalling anniversary for an irrelevant data point in an anonymous conversation... whole bunch of other shit. If that timeline were vitally relevant to the topic, sure, but it's not.
But isn't that an absolute in itself?
>doubles advocate
It lacks control variable by race.
Single mom's are usually women who are young, and get pregnant before marriage and usually don't get married to the father of their kids. At least that's my definition. Not someone who got divorced.
...ok? lol
>checkmates in fedora
>2r allele ("the warrior gene", look it up, relatively interesting),
i will thanks for that
Just got out of a relationship with a single mother. Holy shit. Sup Forums was right.
And yet you are still raising that abusers seed. No matter what you tell yourself those kids will never be yours. She fucked up and now you are cleaning up her mess.
If you really are "strong and intolerant to bullshit" you would have dropped her the second you found out she already has kids.
My father was an asshole who regularly stole my pocket money I got from my grandparents and set it on bets when I was 112 years old.
He was also an alcoholic, smoked alot in the house and subdued my mother alot for the most trivial things, even mindlessly slapping her; he was very aggressive.
I am really glad my mother eventually left him.
>What can we do to stop the rapid growth of single motherhood?
get rid of the earned income tax credit
Cool story Benjamin Button
>2. Always always always complains about the dad.
badmouthing the other parent is always a way to ensure the child will have problems
To clarify I'm talking about a woman who let's some retard impregnate her, and the guy "nopes" right out of the relationship shortly after the kid is born, getting married whether before or after having the kid is inherently a sign of actually attempting to be responsible and do the right thing. It may it may not workout.when I hear "single mother" I think of the type of girls who get knocked up, dumped or cheated on, and then want to continue the lifestyle they were living that got them in trouble in the first place while the kid develops into a shithead.
>112 years old.
Are you an elf?