I have just been to Mass. A Catholic Mass. AMA.
I have just been to Mass. A Catholic Mass. AMA
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Did the kids get raped by a priest?
> Praying to a dead hippie sandnigger on a stick
Why do you love jews so much?
did you wear mixed fabrics?
What? We hate Jews. Jews killed Jesus.
>tfw too intelligent to believe in a god
>tfw not intelligent enough to deal with this reality
Can you still do basic math now ?
Was it cold?
Did you go in back for the rape afterwards?
Did your priest talk about the death penalty during his sermon?
Jewsus was a jew.
And the jews are still the choosen people for catholics
Boethius nigga
Not here. Its legal to touch a childs pee pee here.
Polo shirt and my wife has a veil.
Still cold here in Manila.
GTFO burger. PH has more Catholics than Burgerland.
>we hate the jews because some jews got our favourite jew killed by the romans.
>tfw to intelligent too be atheist
I hope you didn't cum in your pants because that would make you a mass shooter.
Can someone make a Mjölnir -shaped brain one?
just go to church and pray. you will find yourself believing in god in no time. just do it
Yes, and also violent video games being just as sinful.
Kek is dead. Your dub dub$ do nothing here, toothpaste.
>Just turn your brain off
At least your honest
Shoo shoo prottie scum
It's called Faith you fucking faggot
Did you have a good time, OP?
Did you imbibe holy communion?
It's 9:44 PM, there's no more mass, you liar
Where have you just been?
Catholic Mass is a joke. Literally 55 minutes of singing gay songs and 5 minutes of half-assed scripture.
It's called delusion outside of church
most people outside of church are cucked liberals
Was the Homily any good? That's often my favorite part since after you've been going for a while it's just the same readings over and over again.
How does it feel to be revelated, bitch?
That's one of my major complaints is that you spend so much time there on such a tiny fraction of the bible. Good formula to impress some basic messages on people, but it doesn't exactly lend itself to going any further unless you're ready to try to tackle a big book stuffed with allegory you probably won't understand your first time through.
Agree. Every person inside the church is cucked.
Except the atheists who exploit gullible goyim for money
Jesus got killed because he was a Jude.
what does the word mass mean?
chekkked, praise kek
indeed, kek blesses you my child
>going to hell this hard
How did it feel to be surrounded by schizophrenics for almost an hour?
>tfw I like catholic mass aesthetics but hate the papacy and stupid dogmatic bs
>tfw protestantism just devolved into praise jeebus buttrock
>get btfo that non religious people vote retard and left leaning
Why is that?
Are they to smart to be a conservative, user?
Atheists are the most cucked people in the world. Can't even produce a birthrate above replacement level
good goy
any evidence that it is because of atheism, and not say feminism?
Atheism caused Feminism
Feminism and atheism are two heads of the same hydra.
Show me a feminist whose not an atheist.
>tfw go to confession, go to mass and take communion
>fap later that night
>all for nothing
I'm so sorry Jesus.
not true, prise kek
the destruction of the family through feminism, and the encouragement of atheism were both aims of the cultural marxism of the frankfurt school. which was a jewish plot
Orthodox mass >>>> Catholic mass
Either become a Christian or read some philosophy to fill the void of knowing life is pointless.
>Islamic feminist
so atheists then
Did you at any point get diddled in the butt?
Go for high church Lutheranism of Anglican
That's not this works newfam
>Why is that?
Because retards like you connect religion and right-wing and people who are off-put by this retardation have no common ground.
>church attendance in Nazi Germany went down
>birth rates went up
I wonder why kikestains always go for cultural reasons to defend their larping and never actually give evidence for YHWE
Its almost like people who form close knitted wholesome communities aremore likely to be conservative.
You are full retard if you dont see the link between christians, especially more orthodox ones, and the right. They literally one the election for trump because christian have a consistent right wing leaning voting record. Now. WHY is that, user?
The Homily is what I go to Mass for, to get some elaboration on the day's readings. Ain't any good if I miss it.
Sadly, in my country, you can count on the presider trying to dip his nose deep into current affairs.
There is always Orthodoxy, though I would avoid the Russian and Greek churches cause the Russians ones might be Russian agents and the Greeks are a bit cucked as a people.
Thing is the left went fully looney bin luciferian. The right is dangerously close to the same thing but at least it pays a little bit of lip service to not being an full-on death cult.
Muslims don't count. Since it's just Takia.
Is it true, as I have read here on Sup Forums, that Islam was created whole-cloth by agents of the catholic church for the purpose of conquering jerusalem and returning it to proper roman control?
who is this fag, and why should I care what he thinks?
>so atheists then
you think of jews just as atheists? not parasites?
>Its almost like people who form close knitted wholesome communities aremore likely to be conservative.
Yeah. So even less correlation why Rabbi Yeshua.
>You are full retard if you dont see the link between christians, especially more orthodox ones, and the right.
No I see it. I think it's the knive in the back of white people. Jew worshippers should fuck off
>Now. WHY is that, user?
Because right-wing is a broad term and presidential elections are about many subjects. I don't care that Trump will bring Hannukah back I care about white ethnonationalism. Something the bible explicitely condemns
its called a fairy tale ;)
/christ/ is the board to go
/christian/ bans everyone who refutes catholicism
Who cares? I can't make threads anymore
>cuckdeau is a shining example of a chirstian
>any of those people in that picture
>actual christians
bet those faggots dont even go to church or pray. Let alone know anything about the bible other than the bits that fit their narrative.
Alright i forget you youths these days have a completely corrupted since of Christianity as it has been going through a long and painful castration, especially the catholics. But even after the poisoning of the well they STILL are more conservative. WHY?
You seem so afraid to answer that one question. Why are religious people more incline to vote conservative than ANYONE else?
2009 called, it wants its r/atheism kiddies back
>No I see it. I think it's the knive in the back of white people.
Yes, the people who are voting for the policies that save us and are solely responsible for turmp getting in instead of clinton are the ones pushing the knife in our back. FULL of SHIT.
Gimme that old-time religion
"hurr i can't defend my position, better post memes in my defence"
Why do you waste your time doing stupid shit?
He was btfo when we found out they arent the most delusional people in this world and the voting records makes this clear.
I have known Old Believers yet I never went to their churches.
>Respond to memes with memes
>real christianity has never been tried
I'll give you that the bible is anti-feminist. Though every christian in the world is to beta to recite what it actually says about women
>they STILL are more conservative. WHY?
Conservatism is BAD not good. That's the whole point. Fuck Romney. Kikestianity stops right-leaning people from getting redpilled because "Rabbi Yeshua loves all people"
Because they grow up in stable families and get induced conservative values.
YOU were ight-leaning before you pretended to be christian so why can't other people too?
That's the whole problem. Cuckstainlarpers get redpilled by facts biology etc. but instead of quoting this they just say "Yeshua told us to"
>better dedicate my entire life to Jewsus wuldn't want my internet friends to think bad of me
Cuckstains are the cuckiest cucks of all time. How is it even possible to be this insecure
Stay Chrtistian, flipbro. Deus Vult.
>ever going to 8gag
This nigger is a shill from eight chan. Mods should ban him right now.
>implying stale r/atheism memes deserve any better
I will.
>solely responsible for turmp
Lying is a sin user. And the thing that saves us is that Trump DOES NOT go for biblical egalitarianism. There is simply no way you can reconcile what the bible teaches with our goals.
So using the bible actually harms us not helps us
Fedoras don't breed. Fedoras are Leftist. Fedoras won't exist in a generation.
Why the hell would I care what you niggers do?
/christian/ is one of the few good boards there.
See and >YOU were ight-leaning before you pretended to be christian so why can't other people too?
>That's the whole problem. Cuckstainlarpers get redpilled by facts biology etc. but instead of quoting this they just say "Yeshua told us to"
Trump's approach to religion is pretty spot on imo. Stick to the stuff we can agree on and don't make it about voting for muh jebus candidate.
I quite liked that he flubbed it at the church appearance in Iowa and then decided he shouldn't play that game any further.
>>real christianity has never been tried
God damn you're dumb
>Conservatism is BAD not good.
>Because they grow up in stable families and get induced conservative values.
wooow its almost like the bible specifically teaches this and encourages you to grow up in these environments or be damned for eternity!
>so why can't other people too?
REALLY ask yourself this. WHY CANT the other people, especially the people who grew up in a christian family and then LEFT THEIR faith do what the christians who remain in their faith do, user?
Yeah. I appreciate christianity as part of our culture. It's just that these insecure larpers are so obnoxious to defend what they admit is complete bullshit that it gets frustrating. Religion belongs on /cgl/ or /religion/ but fuck off from Sup Forums with you cosplaying
Nothing of that was a worthy response. I take that you have none
Europe is dead. America should not pay attention to its demands at all, least of all Germany.
Wow. Be more of a scared little bitch incapable of making arguments, why don't you?
Pathetic little cuck cant answer his own question.