Choose ONE group of people that you believe needs to be completely purged and wiped out:

Choose ONE group of people that you believe needs to be completely purged and wiped out:





What's your choice, user ?

the average person will say sand niggers, and its a good choice. but the educated person will understand that when we purge the world of jews, the world will be great again

You need to treat the disease, not the symptoms, so jews is the only answer.

Purge them all


t. shitskin

Which is why Judenfrei countries like Syria and Iraq and Pakistan are such glorious Utopias.

Wipe out third-wave feminists and transtrenders, sandniggers and jews and the world will be a better place

Juden without any kind of hesitation

commies, thats atleast 1/3 of the world population gone


Sup Forums tards

Same thing.


Shitskins and Juden are about 90% of the world's commies so yeah commies deffo

well the most dangerous is shitskins
so purge them

>purge the homos and shitskins will act out and get violent leading to more death

>purge the commies and the shitskins will act out

>purge le jew and the other 3 are lost and will chimp out.

>purge the angry shitskins and the others will fall in line because they have no violent grunts to do the dirty work

>Kill the commies
>Get rid of the rest at the same time

Everyone else I can tolerate to some extent.
Jews ruin everyone's lives they come into contact with, though. I'm done dealing with them.

Start with the commies. Anyone who leans far left really need to be removed

OPs for the love of god remove.

Sup Forums tards who cannot be bothered to think about why such stigmas and stereotypes exist and whether these people are actually at fault

>would kill most queers
>would kill most juden
>would let shitskins stay where they are

But if you goyim murder your favourite scapegoats how will you psychologically cope without having us to hate and shit on all the time.

Who wil you blame for the Workd being hard or your own personal inadequacy?

Think about it, you actually owe us a debt of gratitude.

Getting rid of jews gets rid of them all

Yeah Muslims would just kill themselves with grief if Jews were gone.

T. Idiot.

Or we could send them back to their containment zones without the Jews crying about it, you retard.

But why would liberals stop crying about it and suddenly reverse their ideology?

They wouldn't.

Seriously, fuck this board


There's so many more shitskins than anyone else


This would solve 90% of the problems

They actually were great before the juden Arab springed them you turbokike

gas the leftists

>Iraq and Syria were great

No, just stable.

>Pakistan being Arab

Pick up a fucking map.

Educate yourself.


These don't look like Sup Forums memes at all.
Where are they from?

Who gives a fuck about Agent Orange's closeted butt-boy?

If you remove jews removing the rest becomes much easier


If you say anything else stop larping as being redpilled.


Yeah, Muslims would be so demoralized. Pakistanis in the UK would jump off buildings if the Jews were dead.



I choose murica because it wipes off all of the mentioned