>calls CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post etc. fake news
>while listening to Infowars, Daily Mail, Fox News and Brietbart
>calls CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post etc. fake news
>while listening to Infowars, Daily Mail, Fox News and Brietbart
Other urls found in this thread:
>trusting corporate media with an obvious agenda
also why do people shit on daily mail. They have a great format and it seems to have tons of accurate info
Typical Australian shitposting...
Prove me infowars is not a credible news source. Protip: you can't.
Do you remember the FEMA camps next month look at these coffins episode?
>yfw all of those are just two sides of the same (((coin)))
OP is just globalist scum, he cant get to us
Infowars is literally the definition of Fake News
Here are some fake news articles. Literally 1 min of Google searching:
Another rural and suburban retard detected.
Why you are saying these are fake news? Why are you so sure? How you can be so sure? Are they fake, because you don't like them?
You provided zero evidence.
i dont care if alex jones gets something wrong because i know his heart is in the right place, however cnn's world view is insane and so i don't care about calling them fake news when they propagandise
this is war, play fair and we lose
"This is it, folks! You better buy gold and water filters, because this is it! The market is going to crash, it is all coming down, the government will be moving people into FEMA camps."
said in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
I would like to apologise on behalf of my dumb cunt countryman Sup Forums, I assure you we are not all indian or chinese here yet.
Brietbart has really been cleaning up their act the last few months. Same with daily mail, just to a notably lesser degree. And Brietbart says it has right wing tendencies. That's a big reason it isn't "fake news", at least not to the same extent as those very left leaning ones claiming to be impartial.
Because none of the news in those articles happened. There are 30 min videos on YouTube of all the failed predictions of Alex Jones. He really is a fraud who has made millions upon millions of misleading retards like you.
Are you white?
i only get my news from Sup Forums, so joke's on you
Thats where you're wrong pal. I dont listen to any news
Yes. How does calling out retarded double standards mean I'm not white?
Are you white? Because all your posts ITT reveal you to be a low IQ monogloid
Prove it
>literally says that Obama is an antichrist alien
Yeah totaly real news
Why are you so angry?
They were predictions with some extensive background work and vision. I appreciate Alex Jones' work, because I really don't have time to gather all the information he has.
Stop using ad hominem arguments and provide proofs (you still can't).
look fine to me
seems you do not like the conclusions
Compared to the MSM Jones is a credible news source.
I've already provided 4 articles as proof and referenced the numerous failed predictions of Alex Jones to support my point. Are you African? Because your IQ suggests you are.
Only 90s kids remember this fake news from 2001.
Did they really think they could get away with CGI planes?
Ohhh no all this salt, its making me feel like a retard ohhh no
Stop avoiding my post, prove you're white with a photo
So lying and making failed prediction after failed prediction 'looks fine' to you? Do you enjoy living in an alternate reality where the facts and truth don't matter?
CNN said Hillary was gonna win and that didnt happen either
well, he is much smarter than we are, so his thoughts must be respected.
>not checking sources when you read the news
Allowing news reporters tell you what's going on in the world is to allow yourself to be a cuck.
OP is Asian, disregard thread everyone
> failed predictions
Damn you are thick headed and angry, its funny.
Has Alex ever said he has magic powers or he is a prophet?
How does that discount the fact that Infowars is fake news? Look through the archives of Infowars from 2008-2016 to see what a load of shite Alex Jones is. This is why he gets retards like Mark Dice who believe in the illuminati on his show as credible experts.
42 predictions of Alex Jones:
This is just scratching the surface.
He makes a luxurious living by peddling bullshit to gullible morons like you.
Because none of that shit happened you fucking mongoloid. There was no market crash, there were no FEMA camps and there was no "natural disaster" that wiped out the city of New York in December 2015.
We had a term for fake news in America, its tabloid, TABLOID. Everyone says fake news instead now since someone made it up.
Then it wasnt news to begin with, but warnings?
Are you actually retarded? Sometimes I can't tell if people are shitposting or are bona fide dumb Trump supporters.
for fuck's sake
Well he said that Saudi Arabian passports are made of fucking adamantium by Thor
Because there were no airplanes and no hijackers. 2 towers turned to dust and they managed to find passports.
I Alex Jones hacking into my bank account? I have never bought anything from the INFOWARS store. Although the Caveman chocolate bone broth looks pretty good.
Anyways your prediction is wrong too, still laughing at you
We live in a post-fact world unfortunately. Both sides of the political spectrum have devolved into literal retards. Whether it's the liberals who believe Trump is a Russian agent or the conservatives who think Hillary is a pedophile. They're the same type of people who don't care about the truth.
>tfw a leaf is the voice of reason
Who cares? I can't make threads anymore
Then why can you still post comments
wtf l hate whyte """people""" now
So you are saying that those passports are made with the same stuff that Thor's hammer is made of. If you belive that, it also implies you belive in Thor, not the original one from norse mythology, but the one from the fucking Marvel comic books. Do you belive that the X-MEN were actually behind the Boston Bombing as well?
My favourite is his "nuclear war heads have been started" when Y2K came around :^)
No, I understand sarcasm when I hear it.
What does this have to do with white people you meme-spouting Swede? Stop being retarded. The reason why white people and the West got to where it is, is because we uphold the values of scepticism and critical thinking and logic.
Yes but that means that him talking about 9/11 being staged is also sarcasm?
jet fuel can't melt steel beams
you are saying it wasn't?
He was talking with the same tone the entire video. Congratulaltions, you just played yourself. Go back to your Spiderman shrine and maybe the MARVEL gods will let you into Superman heaven
It's not unfortunate at all. Eventually the propaganda war is going to get so out of hand reformation of the media will be necessary. Hopefully it'll be the end of media propaganda so they can start reporting facts without spin and ideological commentary, and all it took was for people to start listening to Alex Jones for a year.
You poor idiot.
>gets fucking destroyed by not being able to proove a single fucking claim
You dont know what sarcasm is when you hear it. You think its only a tone.
Im spending time on a shill.
oh hey it wasnt a leaf this time
Yeah i get payed 5 dollars from Alex Jones every time i destroy a Nedercuck on Sup Forums
>(((CNN))), (((MSNBC))), (((NYT))), (((WP))) (((etc)))
>"Our anonymous source says"
>Infowars, DM, Fox, Basedbart
>"According to this source [link] and this source [link] X has happened. Check this source [link] and this source [link] for further information"
Edit: The eternal Asian strikes again.
Listen to this man.
Reason, clean data, and refusal the submit blindly to authority explain the evolutionary success of our culture. I mean, the Catholic Church was trying to prove logically the existence of God in the Middle Ages and that was one of the most intellectually rigid periods in the Western culture.
I wonder if there are even people like that. Most Fox News, Daily Mail listeners just think CNN, MSNBC etc. are liberal outlets and don't like them. Careful journalism is of no interest to this audience.