The Ultimate Redpill is not caring about any Politics. You can't change anything
Fuck off bluepilled kike
If enough people care they can change things
fuck off nihilism is for kids
Go fuck yourself your country might be lost ours is not.
This is bait.
Picture related watching trump rally in bed with my family on a Sunday morning.
>actually believing this
might as well KYS
2011+6* newfag
He didn't change anything tho. In fact he only made it worse. Kennedy was at least a bit of a moderate. Because of this sperglord we got LBJ who basically set up the nanny state and secured the nigger vote that we're still dealing with today.
i've met a lot of white bluecollar that have said this type of shit to me in the past. guaranteed they went out to vote on nov 8th.
You might not care about politics, but there will come a time when politics cares about you.
white pill=red pill?
>You're worthless goyim
>Shiggity diggity doo
wasting ur time with politics is the worst thing u can do, think for yourself ones
>You can't change anything
Yes you can just b urself
>2012 was 5 years ago
that's the most bluepilled thing I ever heard. Doesn't surprise me that it's coming from a krautcuck.
I used to have the same mindset about all politics
but the last election simply invalidated that mindset
Breivik took the lives of like 80 cultural marxists
thats what one determined man can do
fuck off merkel, we got trump elected
now it is time for AfD to shine