When will the race war violent?

When will the race war violent?

>Be me
>Only white guy at party
>All the niggers and spics start collectively ripping on white people and talking about how white people are crazy
>"White privilige" is dropped way too much
>"Hey user why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Hahaha"

There was no way for me to redpill them all, how long until this shit turns to violence?

>people say "haha white people are so violent"
>OP: "I got quiet and couldn't prove them wrong...when are we gonna start getting violent?"

really does make you think

Until you start it, faggot.

>At a party where people are using the term "white privilege".

Sounds like a real ragin' party, brah.

Puncture a gas line and leave

You should gangrape them

Welcome to Cali. ;_;

Why would you go to a non white party?

Tell those cucks you civilized their sorry asses. Then when they kill you we will shitpost about it.

Why the fuck were you at this party?
How does one even end up in an all-nonwhite party?

>Going to a party full of niggers and spics.
>Staying even after realising this fact.
You deserved it.

This, OP you are also faggot. Get some real friends

You sound like a total pussy. Why would you even go to a nigger party?

THIS. A 1000 times this.
what is the name of fuck were you even there for 2 mins after realizing the demographics?

Mate, you're gonna get jumped by a drunk feral nigger or triggered spic who just had his aunt deported.

Stop going to non-white parties.

I'm sorry bro

>post pic of pepe qq'ing
you are overweight
arent you


Do you and your buddies go out at night and gang-rape poor, low-caste prepubescent girls while they are just trying to have a nice peaceful shit in the designated shitting street? Is that where you hide, waiting for unsuspecting 8-year olds? Jesus Pajeet.

Heh, you have fat in your ID.

Until next party. Wear a baggy jacket, and have a couple of hidden guns. Kill them all. White privilege is based upon our unparalleled ability to kill shitskins. Make it real for them.


>There was no way for me to redpill them all, how long until this shit turns to violence?
Should've happened 50 years ago. Now it's too late.

Most whites of today are cravens, including 90% of Sup Forums

>Aussie shitposting

Just hope the US balkanizes. Seriously.

Make a party for white people only, invite everyone but them and their friends.
Or, turn up to their party dressed in Nazi Uniform

He lives in California. The whitest man you'll see is a Mestizo.

Nah. The streets will flow with ash and blood before that happens.

You should've called them assholes and.left

>im too dumb to articulate myself thus i want to kill people who disagree with me


>Only white guy at party
Well there is one of your problems.

>Gets pissed at liberals for being too politically correct.
>Gets upset enough to whine on Sup Forums because he got butt hurt over people making a couple of white privilege jokes.
There is the other problem, fuck off. You cuckservatives are fucking hypocrits.

>Be only real white at party
>White privilege comes up
>Argue against it
>No chance
>Discussion goes to which minority has it the hardest
>Get out and roll a splif
>Nigger smells it and follows, asking to have a hit
>tell him to fuck off as my joint is white and do to his privilege cant be smoked by minorities
>Laughs and calls me racist
>smoke it alone
>role another one
>Nigger gets pissed, ask if he could pay me
>"sorry dude that would be criminal, white privilege you know"
Really what kind of pussies are you? If you dont hang around with some ghetto criminals and mafia and those "minorities" are some ass pussy PC college folks, stand your ground, they have no method against dominance except autistic screeching

white peeples