I'm here to drop redpills and chew bubblegum

and i'm all out of bubblegum.

(!!!) Adolf Hitler's Warning (!!!) MUST WATCH!!!

Jewess admitting that Jews are behind the push for multiculturalism in Europe:

Why did Hitler hate Jews?

George Lincoln Rockwell - American National Socialism

"Sir Oswald, do you now with the hindsight and knowledge of history, blame the Jews or Hitler for the second for war?"

"I blame both"

Goebbels on who they were actually fighting in WWII:

Other urls found in this thread:


The Jewish Question

Pretty much everyone would agree with the statement “the President doesn’t run the USA maaan, it’s money and corporations”. While it is true, the reason the system still perpetuates is because very few people end up understanding what “money and corporations” really mean. Lack of knowledge, and shame for even entertaining the idea of the real answer are two important reasons. Any good Youtube-video on the JQ gets blocked in all of mainland Europe, and you know that swallowing the redpill isn’t exactly pleasant; threads about how Sup Forums ruined someones life (depression, alienation) are not uncommon.

Some people are redpilled to the point where they agree that Jews have an enormously disproportionate influence, but at the same time are so incredibly bluepilled that they don’t see a problem with that. “They’re just smart and hardworking” they say naively, thinking Jews have maintained their powerful positions by virtuous means.

The reason for this naivety is that whites are seldom racially aware, while other races see everything through a racial lense. Blacks tend to be more vocal (and violent) about it, but the fact that “Jewish” is still a distinct ethnicity, despite them living among Europeans for thousands of years, proves the point. They have an extreme preference for their own kind, so extreme that at its worst it causes the death of millions of people, and at its best they subvert a nation to hate itself.

The former is what began during the Russian Revolution of 1917, when a group of Jewish communists (Bolsheviks) started and won a civil war, eventually leading to the formation of the Soviet Union 5 years later. However, the Bolsheviks didn’t consider this a victory, because the goal of communism in Russia “would not be realized without a world revolution”, in (((Leon Trotsky’s))) own words. The Bolsheviks are responsible for the death of tens of millions, by civil war, famine created by the government, and people being worked to death in labor camps.

A year later, in 1918, Jews would attempt to bring this to Germany, probably as an effort to form a communist state composed of Germany, Russia, and every country in-between (and eventually, the whole world). Thankfully the communists were defeated.

So what do these revolutions have to do with Jewish supremacy and in-group loyalty? These Jews were not communists for the same reasons the useful idiots of today are; the latter lean that way because they’re naive and stupidly think communism is the answer to poverty and other ills in society. The Jews however were communists because they wanted control. But by the 1960s they realized that communism was not a feasible goal. However, an other system of control that is almost as easy to manage are capitalism and “democracy”.

When a country’s banks and media are controlled by a small religious and ethnic group that accounts for 2% of the population, that is not democracy. When this tiny minority is able to control academia, laws, what you can say and what you can not say, that is not democracy. When this minority is able to shape the opinions of an entire nation, that is not democracy. And when you only have 2 political parties that serve the same masters, that is not democracy.

The Jews got themselves into these position because they are extremely nepotistic. And since WWII, they have made sure to squeeze the swamp of sympathy and pity to beyond dry. I almost gotta give them credit for their mastery in subversion; they’ve made the slaves pity their masters.

Adolf Hitler - "You Said I Was A Dreamer"
(try watching this without crying)


The definite and sourced redpill on niggers:

really nice video, thanks op

How much John Kennedy was against Jews?



>Hitler was of Jewish decent but could see how the globalist schemers operate.


It is a small rootless international clique
They can supress us
They can kill us, if you like

he had some good lines





He was against the Federal Reserve, which is pretty much owned by Jews, and issued an executive order to reign in its power, so that's one reason he may have been against Jewry.

He also has that famous quote about subversion which sounds extremely like how Jews operate, but on the surface at least, he was talking about communism. Which is also a Jewish invention so... pic related.

"The most precious possession you have in the world, is your own people"

Not surprising




No, that's a stupid rumor coming from the fact that his grandfather is unknown, and his grandmother was a maid for a Jewish family. That is literally all the evidence.

Hitler was a meme machine

This, immagine a communist revolution in your country that brings degeneracy and violence and ALL leadgin figures are jewish despite beeing >1% of the population



Drop more redpills Denmark here i have some search the belour declarement and the haavara agreement massive redpills for normies

Thats fucking child abuse. I dont care what they say. Two lesbians and a son who wants to be a girl. They were probably slipping him those pills long before they got a perscription.





I mean grandmother is unknown*

I love how this vid has doubled in views after an user hacked antifa.org and put it on their front-page:







Prince of auswitz




10 min of Hitler speeches with some nice music in the background:

guys... are we winning?

Ford was based as fuck.


Bubblegum Crisis

Nice work OP







>Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said the Nazi hunter told them that he chose the 5 million number carefully: He wanted a number large enough to attract the attention of non-Jews who might not otherwise care about Jewish suffering, but not larger than the actual number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million.

I have ALWAYS, since I was fucking 10, thought it was suspiciously convenient that the number of non-jews were 5 and jews 6.





>shared 1 million times

edit: liked 1 million times 1,1k shares :(

>1000000000000000000000000000000000th redpill thread
>some jerk is posting hitler's speeches

yeah indeed redpill/10





I can understand you're butthurt about the Nazis, but please understand that if you're in favor of preserving the European peoples, we're on the same team now.




>The Haavara Agreement [...] was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in 1933–1939.

>The Madagascar Plan was a proposal by the Nazi German government to relocate the Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar.




Anti-white propaganda: youtube.com/watch?v=_gOn9MuFimo






If a normie asks you about the holocaust say why is it called the FINAL solution




If I'm smart enough to realize that Jews control a large part of western society behind the scenes, why should I hate them? For all they supposedly do, why should I hate them?




>Both Hitler videos and the Goebbels one are blocked in my country
You can't make this shit up.

>preserving the European peoples
from what? their own retardation?


start posting redpills for the crashing waves of bluepilled that will be landing on our shores right now.

lil' davie tours auschwitz, finds only soviet propaganda?

wait is that really the official story of treblinka? whats going on here?

what? historians now actually acknowledge this one is a myth? what is happening here?

one third of the holocaust. wait, what? what?!

what? do you have an answer?

Hitler and Goebbels always talked about eradicating Jews... from Europe. Many translations leave out the last two words.

Are you serious? Do you think Europe is better now than it was it the 60s? I live in a small city and every third day a girl is violently raped in a park or back alley.


You clearly aren't smart enough to understand the issue. Or don't care that Canadians are being controlled. In both cases its your problem so there is nothing to be said here. Just leave you cuck.




Any redpills on race?

I'm a graduating senior and don't give a fuck anymore and I want to BTFO of a particular sociology professor by going balls deep into genetics and sociobiology

I've already watched Hjernevask and read the Bell Curve along with a few Jared Taylor published books.

Thanks, faggots

A theory about the retarded levels of empathy for northern Europeans is the cold climate which demanded team-work.

Either way, anyone can be brainwashed.

What if I told you that Jews have extreme foresight and created the migrant crisis to accelerate the inevitable societal clash with Islam before it gets large enough to wipe us all out?

I think I understand more than you ever will

>Any redpills on race?
Yes, the ultimate redpill is that race is a social construct: