This video shows a reporter interviewing white libs and then black people about voter id laws.
>white libs - voter id is racist cause black people don't have id, don't know how to use internet, don't know where dmv is...
black people - why the fuck would they think that?
Confirmed: Liberals Are More Racist Than Conservatives
Other urls found in this thread:
racist cunts just trying to speak for minorities instead of letting them speak for themselves
Great vid, just goes to show that the libs got memed and just repeat bullshit they are told without ever thinking about it. Hell you can't get anything done in this country without ID.
Of course they are more racist. They we've blacks and POC as literal fucking toys. This is not an exaggeration. They see them as little trinkets to fix and play with and make themselves feel virtuous at the same time. This is why liberals are incapable of fathoming the idea that these "toys" come with very human traits and very human problems.
They're definitely more racist. They don't even see blacks as men. They treat them like they're fucking kids who don't know any better.
I'll tell a black man to his face if I don't like him, and I'll tell him if it's because of his shit culture, too.
To me, that's respect. You show that man where he stands with you. You owe him that much.
You don't fucking act like a woman and passive-aggressively fuck him over without him knowing.
Let him know who he might want to avoid, at the very least. Liberals never do that.
This video needs to go viral. Post it on the_donald and fb as much as you can.
Of course. Their entire platform is identity politics and treating minorities like they're not capable of the same achievements as whites while simultaneously leaving the inner city people who actually need a change high and dry. They want you reliant on them so they keep getting that taxpayer funding.
When minoities assimilate and become self sufficient the democrat party will die. Maybe before.
The race card is a weapon of the LEFT. It is their creation. When the right tries to play these games of accusing such and such of racism, they are dancing to the left's tune. Stop accusing people of racism. It's a device designed by the left to stifle and silence political opponents. When you accuse someone of racism you are saying that it is wrong of them to expect different outcomes from different groups of people, therefore you are implicitly buying into racial egalitarianism and hence you are functionally on the left.
>that bitch who literally says black people are too stupid to know how the internet works
jesus fuck
This video unironically made me like niggers more desu. I think all white women should racemix and purge their retarded genes that make them so susceptible to brainwashing.
bumping epic troll vid
>When the right tries to play these games of accusing such and such of racism, they are dancing to the left's tune
No. Saul Alinski tactic. Make the enemy live up ito their own rules. It works marvels. Surely you notice the left devouring their own... This si the biggest reason why. When they fail to live up to their own rules.
You are right partly. It is a left tactic and it is used for silencing opponents. But that is exactly what we want to do to them.
>(((Saul Alinski)))
Teenage coalburner Tana Mongeau yelling FUCKING NIGGER is a big example
They racemix with blacks because they fetishize them as non-humans
>they live in areas with less access to buildings like dmv's
most niglets live in urban areas, wow liberals don't know shit
There never was a shift in idealogy for the party of slavery, the party just switched its manipulation tactics
good meme brackets
Hey Sup Forums, is there such a thing a self-identifying racist?
>inb4 i'm not racist i just follow facts
It's all coming out now. Even the pundits pause before virtue signaling. They know we know!
Thats one video. Not exactly "CONFIRMED".And at the time of this posting, theres literally a thread called "Fuck Niggers". I mean. Christ. Own the racism cuck.
this. if they are told its racist, they oppose it. why haven't we exploited that yet?