>oy vey, Trump won presidency! Better draw swastikas and blame it on his supporters so that I can claim we are right
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?
>1 to 2
yeah, against white people
Hi Chaim.
>illustrative photo
nice art, rabbi.
Doubled from 0 to 0
>13 year olds drawing swastikas on stuff to be edgy is a hate crime
>obvious anti-Israel message
>"anti-Semetic graffiti"
Tired meme
>doubled from13 to 28
please inform us when it doubles another 50 times
Inport milions of muslems wonder why the antsemitism is rising oh vey
2 Million Jews in Jew York City,
28 crimes against them.
That's an astonishingly low number.
I guess with all the sandniggers Merkel let in, we can easily double or triple that with even less Jews living in our entire country.
>blaring Hebrew music from his car at 4 am outside the Islamic Society, interrupting Ramadan services
28 times oy vey! Why were jews targeted 56 times already this year??? 112 times already this seems insane!
its just the beginning, kiddo
kek confirms
Anti-Israeli graffiti is plain old antisemitism now? I think they're padding the numbers if that's the best example they could find.
It's a Times of Israel article, what do you expect
kek I'm from Bay Ridge. Apart from opening up a shit ton of hookah bars and dotting the avenue with gyro carts they good boys who dindu nuthin
except they have a big problem with xanax ODs and oh yeah, one of the guys that exploded that truck under WTC in 93 was harbored in Bay Ridge, probably at that same islamic center next to the Alpine. Ya know what fuck em but esp kikes they always pull this shit
>We're supposed to believe that brooklyn and manhattan are filled to the brim with white,trump-supporting, neonazis.
But that's a full on Fibonacci growth progression.
Fuck that's right by the movie theater. Felt like I was in a different world since a couple of blocks down, it's like Beijing. Bay ridge needs help
I feel for you fellow user. I live by the Verrazano and everyone who used to live there years ago left for jersey. Fuck the Chinese and Muslims.
I wish user. I really wish it was like that: No degeneracy in sight
lol I love how they are trying to blame Trump supporters for writing Zionism = Nazism.
Why do the Jews want to ruin civilization?
>trump is elected president
>liberals hate trump
>liberals hate everything about trump
>trump is pro-israel and pro-jewish
>trump even has a jewish daughter
>"hate crimes against jews in ny have doubled in '17"
>new york is very liberal
Jew York can use some more Koreans and less chinamen. And less tourists as well. Sick of them everywhere. Actually remember scaring some German tourists when I was a kid
>15 extra jews decided to use their lawyers to make a statement after assaulted
>did so as a fuck you to Drumpf
>actual crimes probably did not increase at all
Literally nothing
>giving a jewish person incorrect change also qualifies as a hate crime
> illustrative photo
Are liberals fucking retarded?
There's still a large ital and underground Norwegian resistance but yeah, its a lot more 'crowded' than it used to be. Ret aint bad but I dont understand how those leeches can afford it. Chinese can have old bensonhurst
So a grand total of 1.
One hate crime against Shlomos = OY VEY ANUDDAH SHOAH
Digits and they all are sent to Israel
>over 1.5 million jews in new york city
>supposed hate crimes go from 13 to 28
Jews are eternal shitposters
They dont want to ruin "civilisation"
They want to ruin everyone who isn't a jew
Digits and they are all sent to the oven
Italians are still there, but sheesh. Took some bike rides over the summer by bay ridge to play some paddleball and shit, and Muslims/Jews were common to see. It pains me that my area now turned into shit thanks to deblasio and the liberal idiots
18th avenue is lost to the Chinese. So much for high ass rent here
It was probably written by a progressive youth activist.
Yeah. They are like a eternal backstabber
Ever wonder what the world would be like if it wasn't filled with thin skinned faggots?
Because they see us as beast
Pretty much chaos but lots of logic put in as well
Or a person who believes that this crap is real
inb4 rabbi falseflags
It was definitely started under Bloomberg's 3 term reign, at least what I noticed. When I was a kid it was ruskies and other slavs which was fine, Arabs and Chinese have no respect. Jews and Muslims even worse.
Ive told this story before but I did a boars head route for like two weeks and some arrogant fuckin jewbag demands I let him into the truck at a red light and drop his ass off like ten Avenues up because it's Saturday.
One mans anti semitic graffiti is another mans piercing political commentary.
What song was it ?
>too lazy to read it...
post song p-plx herar-r nother s-suaoing
>Jews still bitching about hate crimes
>When mexico and all those other places receive far more bigger threats
Fuck off, kikes
where is Sarah Silverman with her bright orange "pavement swastikas"?
This one, user youtube.com
lemme guess, the jew was by ditmas avenue and had to go to avenue U?
Fuck them to be honest. I get that you have to be a helping hand, but Jews have this urgency to not do Shit on saturdays because they are obligated, meanwhile Christians work on sundays and don't give two shits.
Also, the Russians have been disappearing in my neighborhood. It's starting to get worse
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?
So who's doing them? What group, religion or lack of or, race? They never say, just leave you to assume it's whites.
There's a lot of talk about fake news, but the most common trick. Is spin, misdirection and editing the news to fit your preferred direction.
I'm sorry HITLER didn't finish the JOB!!!!!
keep it up rabbi.
Subversion only works when we don't know about it.
GL out there.
kek yup right on the nose
I miss my slav negroes plus their girls are extra skanky, now they're all babushkas or at coney island
Good lord this is amazing
I miss when the area actually looked happy. Now all those hookah bars are opening up, along with crappy stores that they sell their food with. I feel bad that L&B, my favorite pizzeria, is right by Marlboro, which is filled with nigs.
At least there is some telling of what it looked like at one point. Train stations like bay parkway looks decent
They want to enslave us
Reported "hate crimes" != convicted "hate crimes."
>hate crimes
>article photo is sharpie doodle of swastika
this is like another holocaust!
This is what we need to start doing - con Jews into harassing Muslims.
Let's see how long their liberal attitudes last once they realize Muslims are now above them on the Left's "muh oppression" totem pole.
>You will live to see Jews fight alongside White nationalists against the Horde.
NY here, I know who's doing them. pic related to article.
Lots of Muslims.
Give me your spastikas you dirty nabzees.
Oy vey.
I wish user. I wish. That could be the thing that makes America potentially better
Feels like it's about time for Sup Forumstards to dress up in yeshiva gear and do some driveby hate crimes in new york.
I wanna see the news reports when blacks and latinos start complaining about cars full of hasidic jews screaming at them.
>Includes story of a Newark employee taking a hijab off a Muslim women
The same reason we want to destroy normies, we're outcasts of society and we control it from the under ground
That's a good way to put it, it does look miserable. In the early mornings, before and around 7am it's nice. The old timers come out, WW2 and Korea vets, now the Vietnam vets - again people with respect, getting their shitty greek diner breakfasts and buying the news and post.
Sunset is far worse though. My aunt and uncle bought a place there in the 60s, and its constantly under siege by unemployed spics day in day out. There's Irish Haven by the funeral home and some other mick place, only holdouts
you're alright user hope you have a great day my man
>Israel =nazis
>yo vey, must have been a nazi that did this
I take the B82 every day and see almost no whites on the bus. It's concerning
So damn close user
They're actually promoting love and equality between nazis and jews.
Ever consider they just doubled up on reporting them? And this "rise in antisemitism" might be media manufactured, to get more page views?
It's funny because leftists are more antisemitic now than righties...
>implying it wasn't assmad camel niggers
You really think a bunch white people are committing these crimes? (If they happened at all).
The Jews are under Kek's protects.
Please observe the numbers of this post...
Ask your liberal Jew friends to stop they hate iseral you know
apologize for 9/11