Post ITT why you're /neverdrumpf/.
/nd/ general
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my name's buck
1. Fuck white people
2 fuck drumpf
Just look at that jaundice case, LOL, what more need be said???
That flag
That self hate!
Must of went to Jew school
Doesn't go far enough for me.
I voted for McMullin. Problem I had with Trump is he seemed apathetic towards Mormon's and some of his supporters were calling for a "Mormocaust."
Now; he has denounced those crazy supporters, appreciated the Tabernacle Choir singing at inaugural, has a high-level advisor that's a church member, and has made every executive order enforce existing law and are all constitutional.
I have no grievance with him or his cabinet.
I'm /neverdumptrump/
I'm not a rural and suburban retard.
That X isn't even symmetrical, at least put some effort in your post.
Bernie Sanders:
..tried to buy property (40 acres) from a Catholic Church accused of child molestations also needing the money to pay off lawyer fees.
The Sanders are not perfect, they are now owned by Soros and his people. Wither if he failed (sold out or was always bought) you or not, its you Bernie supporters who failed. How can you all be anti- establishment if you faggots let the DNC cheat and commit voter fraud.
Why would trump fans go after Mormons? That's like going after the Amish.
>Your wasted donation for his campain.
Look up "Mormocaust".
Because the embassy still refuses to abrogate visas for us.
I /nd/ because I don't like the taste of jewish cock
Because I want my country to be over-run with Mexicans and Muslims, unironically.
1. I'm a proud cuck, like any other /neverdrumpf/er is.
2. I don't know shit about economy
3. I'm a proud communist
4. I want to legalize pedophilia
5. I'm disconnected from reality and refuse to not believe the mainstream media.
cus drumpf is an anti semite
because he actually is literally hitler, no homo no sarcasm no nothing that is the actual situation
The madman..!
>self hate
It's not self hate if he lives in Sweden he's probably Somalian