Seriously how the fuck do liberals get away with conflating Islam and feminism
They are completely incompatible
Seriously how the fuck do liberals get away with conflating Islam and feminism
They are completely incompatible
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Mental sickness and since they denounce their white heritage and ancestry they have to find something to attempt to fill the gap.
They have a common enemy: Western civilization, Christianity.
Muslims put women on a pedestal
women enjoy a lot of special treatment in Muslim countries
they also have many obligations, but liberals like to ignore those and only focus on the special treatment
this way Islam becomes feminist
liberals are retarded children, more news at 11
Because a woman said it.
It has to be true.
Whats an Islam?
I'm beginning to think this is all a CIA attempt to subvert islam
How does Islam put women on a pedestal?
Seriously asking. I don't know shit about Islam other than it needs to be eradicated.
Feminism is about women advocating for this idea that females have should have the agency and be empowered to do whatever they want in society without social or cultural pressure. A woman who chooses to wear a hijab is thus just as allied with the feminist movement as a woman who is a nudist.
It's bullshit. They claim that by holding women to higher standards, they are advocating them. But you aren't doing anybody any good when you don't allow them to READ or marry them off to rich pedos at age 12.
christianity, judaism and islam are incompatible with feminism
the only argument i can see them having is adam and eve where born at the same time in islam, and eve was not some second tier human
t. Mehmet
Democrats dont give a shit about women. How can women be so stupid. They want to give you free abortions so that youll be OK with getting raped. Now they even have you following the rapists orders we empowered women. So now instead of looking for decent respectable and well to to men they just become whores who fuck any loser whose packing.
When has any member of any human ideology ever been above bald-faced lying just to get what they want?
People would conflate Nazism with Zionism if they w... oh wait...
They are retarded.
The primary goal of both feminism and Islam is to destroy Western civilization.
That's how they can be allies despite disagreeing on virtually everything else.
Oh look another omega who thinks they should be rewarded with a government waifu for showing up to work at Cuckcorps Ltd.
Saudi money buys you lots of (((facts)))
> they don't allow them to read
Women's literacy rate even in a conservative as fuck place like Saudi Arabia is 91%. Never go full retard.
This. Bitches need to realize fast they are brainwashed into thinking this
If really irks me when people bash trump's immigration policy while supporting this whole "we all deserve to be treated with respect" ideology. Don't they understand that it's because we hold these ideologies that we must stop the people who are trying to destroy that ideology from entering the country?
so feminist
In what country are Mudlim women forbidden from reading and married at age 12?
I'll wait.
When do they associate islam with feminism? Dont they sort of just sidestep the issue of womens rights?
The simple answer is that muslims are fairly bron on average. This means that liberals are unable to criticize them.
don't know about reading but child marriage is common in e.g. yemen
There is no AOC in these countries. All you need is to be married.
And if you're just going to sit there and say the stories about fathers setting their daughters on fire for dancing too slutty or women being stoned for going to school alone are made up, suit yourself.
Women don't really choose to wear a hijab out of their own volition though, it's more about conforming to societal expectations. Hardly empowering.
It's feminists signalling that they will surrender to Islam.
p.s. oh and also most islamic fundies are against the education of women. the taliban, boko haram etc
>Seriously how the fuck do liberals get away with conflating Islam and feminism
They don't.
It's empowering the same way high heels are on a lipstick lesbian feminst.
The premiere looks like a tranny
The word empowering has lost all meaning then
>In what country are Mudlim women forbidden from reading
Forbid from reading anything other than the Koran in Afghanistan, Yemen, Nigeria, the Maldives officially. Other Muslim nations have unofficial laws. In Iran, women aren't even allowed to get a job without their husband's permission (or which ever male owns them, their father, uncle, etc).
If Islam knocks on your door to take your wife and/or daughter as a sex slave do you expect ME to stop them?
We place a ban on certain countries based on Intel but you liberals screamed to high heaven that it was unconstitutional. Look at this poor woman being sold to the highest bidder. She will be beaten, repeatedly raped, and possibly killed so you can "feel good" about your tolerance.
How do you think this woman feels about YOUR tolerance?
You left bastards that want to let Muslims in our country make me sick! I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire!
It never meant anything except this.
Fuck Mohammad and fuck brown people!
You have to go back.
liberal left fuckwits are cowards , they are scared at everything, they shit themselves at the thought of an alpha of any religious or political denomination imposing their will upon them,
they believe that fellow white western man will fall in the comming war, and if slimes, niggers or feminists win they beliee that they will allow them to continue to survive
they believe by sucking black, faggot, muslim , and strapon dick they will be seen as sympathisers and when shit goes fugged up after the race wars, they will claim that they supported and backed them, claiming ... fuck the white straight racist man
they are just weak scared bitches without a backbone
you gotta put them somewhere before you stone them to death.
Uuh. I dont think that at all. Women are scummy. I have no desire to be with one nor do i want the government to provide me one. Im just speaking my opinion. You dont know me so duck off with your bullshit. Im an omega? Better than a beta. Alpha is the beginning. Im the end.
Yemen is the only one so should we not be doing something about Yemeni laws instead of Islam in general?
Which countries exactly?
I really couldn't care less about extremist groups. They are fringe and minority for a reason and will never hold any real power to enforce their beliefs for long.
Feminism and Islam have a questionable relationship to children...
Muslim men are anything but alpha, they impose this ideology onto their women then rape them anyway. Disgusting bootlickers.
You know whats funny, she is a open gay woman who talks about feminism and she had to walk in through he side door because the front door is for men.
She could not have been thrilled with it.
They actually collide with islam because radical feminism share the same goals as islam:
-Controlling the thoughts of the individuals
-Controlling their private life
-Monitoring what people can say.
It is a sort of alliance that allows them to push forth an agenda behind the nice mask of "multiculturalism" and "anti-xenophobia".
And most people are unable to see that this is completely horseshit, as they have no idea how life is in most middle-eastern countries.
Get a load of this shill.
Oil Money.
Yes, its the Lucifarian system that Jesus delivered us from.
Sour grapes mi familia. If your very existence being representative of the fall of civilization is the best accomplishment you can tie to your name, who am I to take that from you though.
This. And those shills who believe Saudi govt statistics have got to be kidding themselves.
I worked out there. The only difference between Saudi women and other mudslimes women living in a shithole is that the Saudis have more money.
How feminist is it to sit in the back of a blacked out SUV while your man grabs a burger? How about being escorted everywhere? Covering yourself up (not optional, the mutawahs will beat you if not) If you are rich and smart you can be a doctor or teacher and go to one of the female universities where a man teaches you by video link. No other options.
Husband gets bored? He divorces you, takes your children and leaves you destitute and shamed.
Be careful sucking Saudi cock, it still may have goat and five year old on it.
It is an attempt to divide the masses. Remember Occupy Wall Street? People were standing up against a very small, very wealthy elite. After that all the SJW and regressive left bullshit started. By demonizing the majority (whites, males, heterosexuals, "cis-genders", non-muslims) Soros et al make sure that there is no broad consensus against them.
You're in pussy Doucheland right now Achmed. Soon you'll be dealing with American soldiers.
We'll find who owns slaves and well make you wish you had stayed in the ME on the rubble pile we have made you.
Release your slaves and you may live.
Actually, you are correct. You see, religion kept them in check. Western civilizations gave them rights, because they got jobs, because jobs weren't as physical as before. The rights they had do not apply with their instincts and what they were built for. They destroy morals and values and turn us back to tribes. Civilization crumbles. This is only natural, without religion, people have no moral compass.
I'll believe that when I see a source.
Nice argument lol
They rely on ignorance of what Islam is.
The same logic they use to make 'Islam' a race issue.
>reported for racism btw
Leftists accepting “homophobia“ “sexism“ and “anti- semitism“ as long as it was coming from muslims was pretty redpilling for me desu
Are you aware of the actual premise of the hijab
The premise is that men can't be trusted to control themselves in the presence of a woman. So she has to cover herself lest they accidentally rape her.
Its almost as if the liberals too, are accepting of morally reprehensible behavior on religious grounds.
Women have a higher place in Muslim society like a dog has a higher place in Muslim society. Look how well we treat dogs!
imposing your will upon others is what alpha is all about
but i do hate slimes, betas do not fight or even argue , they just accept whats given and expected of them
No you're not a shill, you're just advocating for a pedophile death cult because it promotes (rational thinking)
The business of apologetics for Islam is a truly lonely and futile endeavor.
Because If you don't agree with it, you'd be a misogynist and islamophobic cavemen. They mixed two "oppressed" communities to create a more effective way of calling the attention of SJW. Add to that trans, gay, black and you would have the definitive oppresses minoritie to dominate the western cuck world. Don't look for logic or any kind of reasoning in it, It hasn't any.
Here ya go
It's sad to think that Humanity could only be good through living under a collective lie.
An orderly society of good goys wouldn't qualify to me as "good" just functional, like an ant farm. I have higher standards.
There is no good or evil. Only what works and what doesn't. And as proven again and again, religion works. Because people work in a collective form. If we would work only for ourselves, you would have to build your own computer, your own phone, your own roads. You can't do that alone, you need other people. That's why some people have to sacrifice effort in to building and inventing stuff.
If we don't have a main organ that keeps the people in group-thought, it degenerates.
Religion just says: we can all win at the same time, this is a team effort.
A pedestal between their legs.
>Seriously how the fuck do liberals get away with conflating Islam and feminism
They don't. That's just the latest round of sheer nonsense fabricated by the 8th graders here on Sup Forums to make cons shit their skirts. Works pretty well
>They are completely incompatible
it's pretty clear that the only thing binding their myriad disparate views together is a hatred of white culture. even if other cultures are more antithetical to these "values", the monolithic white "patriarchy" overshadows the flaws of these other cultures.
>free speech movement, discrimination protections
nice fucking cognitive dissonance
>give "us" back
Why do liberals think that putting on a hat that says "democrat" gives them credit for all the achievements of HRAs and labor movements? They act like they joined the good side and are personally responsible for all good in the world when all they actually do is sit at their computers wasting away and making these dumb ass propaganda images
You understand that bluepill and redpill are quintessentially using liberal and conservative as examples, right?
BS, I have liberal friends and they shill hard for Islam
Criticize Islam or point out the hypocrisy or how it is self-harming them and they just fall silent for a time.
Then they do it again.
>hatred of white culture.
False narrative. 99.99% of Liberals don't hate whites and they don't loathe themselves for being white. That lie was just something made up by the white supremacists that the stupidest people in America fell for.
>And as proven again and again, religion works.
Is that why Islam still exists, is invading Europe or why America uses child foreskin collagen cream? Fuck off christshill.
>Why do liberals think that putting on a hat that says "democrat" gives them credit for all the achievements of HRAs and labor movements?
Not all liberals are democrats. That's how bipartisan laws get passed the protect consumers, employees and citizens.
>They act like they joined the good side and are personally responsible for all good in the world when all they actually do is sit at their computers wasting away and making these dumb ass propaganda images
t. Unironically unaware of the intense 64-dimensional irony of alt-facts-right memes on Sup Forums.
Pick one
>BS, I have liberal friends and they shill hard for Islam
No they don't. Liberals shill for Freedom of and Freedom from Religion. Shilling for Islam only happens in the memes fabricated by right-wing conservatives to falsely accuse the liberals.
It's not real, but you fell for it anyway. That's probably why liberals look down on people like you.
>When Sup Forums gets BTFO and it's blatantly obvious they don't know what they are talking about.
Have you ever left your mom's basement?
Lol you are really out of touch
You're creating a "true liberal" fallacy, look at what your movement has actually become.
>They are fringe and minority for a reason and will never hold any real power to enforce their beliefs for long.
oh well that's ok then
all those piles of bodies in nigeria and afghanistan don't really matter really
Hey guys get a load of this fucking pompous idiot.
>rational thinking
>Seriously how the fuck do liberals get away with conflating Islam and feminism
No, both hate Christians and want them dead.
>They are completely incompatible
See above.
Not christian, you ad hominem faggot.
You need a couple of more pills to swallow.
>I'm an atheist but still think religion is important for people who aren't smart like me, hurr kys
>Muslims put women on a pedestal
They only do this at first.
After a few months they get more abusive and controlling. At this point they can't do much since they've willingly cut contact with friends and family. Now they're being watched by other Muslim women for signs of dissent so they internalize good behavior.
It's an effective Totalitarian system.
>Lol you are really out of touch
The opposite has happened. You're suffering from group non-think here.
>You're creating a "true liberal" fallacy,
The composition of liberal ideals has not changed much in the past 30 years. The right-wing conservative has been a clown-car trainwreck circus.
Michelle Bachmann
Glenn Beck
Rush Limbaugh
Newt Gingrich
Hermann Cain
Sarah Palin
>look at what your movement has actually become.
You mean the same 4 fat girls with colored hair memes you cherry picked and pretended represent all liberals? This is why we laugh at you.
Many of them do like the woman in OP's pic related who was born in the United States and has no one forcing it on her. It's also a cultural and traditional thing, in countries like India even non-muslim women like the Sikhs in Punjab cover their heads.
>Hey guys get a load of this fucking pompous idiot.
I gave out a bunch of (You)s and this is the thanks I get?
>It's an effective Totalitarian system.
All the Abrahamic religions need to be abandoned as soon as possible or mankind will not survive.
>you don't like whites? then give us back our inventions
>you don't like liberals? then give us back stuff
really makes me think
But if joseph, chaim and ahmed don't get their child wives and shekels allowance how will we get them to keep working?