Umm, guys... did we go too far?
Umm, guys... did we go too far?
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No way near far enough.
Not at al. We have just begun. It's time to take back Mother Europa!
On social media,... they counting larpers
>on social media
wow that sure will teach them a lesson
Until we have secured the future of the white race, we haven't gone far enough.
not at all. This is an appropriate response to the mongrelization of every white society on the face of the earth
First off, total MSM bullshit more than likely, and even if it is true, we need to continue redpilling. We can't win a war without soldiers. The white race is at stake. Mudslimes must be eradicated.
>the number of natzees has risen six hundred gorillion percent
600% of 4.
More than 600%! WOW!
So they got 6 more guys in one year? Truly anudda shoah.
Who collected this information and what the hell did they use to determine who's a nazi I wonder. Anyone with a green frog avatar?
>so called Islamic
Fake news
Why the fuck you're not in cuck-shed
>White nationalist movement is growing faster than ISIS on social media
>this is a problem
Neck yourself.
National socialism is the natural counter reaction to the over saturation of identity politics and the silencing of debate.
Google low base effect
It's probably pewdiepie
>the number of assblasted Indian """intellectuals""" shitposting has risen 600 pootillion percent
Must be doing something right.
>Create the new fascist movement of Canada
>Join my own movement
>undefined % growth.
>Great news, guys. Your TV show ratings have doubled! They've gone from six people to twelve!
Probably helps that anyone can be called a Nazi these days, the left's "it's coming right for us!"
>Umm, guys... did we go too far?
>Census: Hispanics overtake whites to become California’s largest ethnic group
Are you fucking kidding????
YEARS of "liberal white guilt" that have been brainwashed on the average America by the anti-American lugenpresse mass media, "educational" systems and treasonous regime government after government has given way to an INFESTATION of mexican cockroaches in California.
We need this white nationalist movement to remove the white guilt from people so we can fight back against the reconquista and infestation of mexican cockroaches in our country.
the fire rises
National Socialism is very adept at silencing debate, you might've gotten that mixed up.
Not too far enough!
>very adept at silencing debate
Yeah, like a helicopter and a soldier with a strong throwing arm when you threaten the stability of the nation with your leftist bullshit.
>Umm, guys... did we go too far?
nevar 2 far. right wing death squads when?
These LARPER's need more self discipline.
Thread theme
How did this happen?
It's almost like white people in western countries don't want to be replaced by double digit IQ, brown third worlders.
Liberals don't seem to realize that doubling down on FUCK WHITE PEOPLE HAHA YOUR TIME IS ALMOST OVER RACISTS IM GOING TO CALL EVERYONE A NAZI AND IM GOING TO PUNCH NAZIS only makes white genocide not seem like a conspiracy theory but something to be concerned about.
White people in white countries TWEET more than ISIS, a bunch of barbarians in a wartorn country.
Shocker! I hope no tax money goes to funding this idiotic """study""".
Tell me when they start flying planes into landmarks or beheading people instead of making tweets, how about that.
Their definition of white nationalist is anyone opposed to open borders and identity politics
What's this "we" shit, Kemo Sabe?
I hate communists and NAZIs. I hate anyone pushing socialism of any stripe.
There's no such thing as "too far."
If anything we need to go further.
That pic shouts out how would you know?it was great before you got in fucking shitskin!
Fucking migrants daring to judge their hosts and fucking leftards for encouraging that....reeeeeeeee eee!!!
you're fine. they were always there. just in the open now.
>I hate NAZIs
>socialism of any stripe
>National Socialism and Marxist Socialism are the same to you
>on Sup Forums
Get out.
You can be a white nationalist without being a socialist. See: the founding fathers.
Why do they act like this is a bad thing when ISIS kills people and white nationalists don't?
If you look at FBI terrorism stats, radical Judaism kills more than white nationalists.
Came here to post this
>comparing white nationalism to ISIS
Woah boy
This, what's the next step lads
>did we go too far
There's still a long way to go
This is just the beginning.
The best part about our "network"?
They attempt to sew the fear knowing that we will be the chemo to their cancer.
>national socialism had socialism in the name meme
Every time.
NatSoc was an ideology built around race, while Marxist socialism was entirely different: built around class. Hitler aimed to unite the right and left, workers and their bosses, into a new German nation based on racial identity. Marxist socialism was a class war between workers, bosses, and owners (Capitalists), aiming to build a workers state in which race and gender were insignificant. Marxist socialists, were anti-religious atheists, whereas NatSoc went so far as to make Christianity the religion of the state.
Marxist socialism was internationalist, NatSoc was nationalist. Marxist socialism was egalitarian, NatSoc believed nature was unequal, demanding competition. Marxist socialism banned private industry, while NatSoc privatized every major industry except the railroads (it considered these a military asset). Hitler once joked "they didn't need to nationalize property because they nationalized people". NatSoc drew on a range of pan-German theories, to blend Aryan workers and Aryan magnates, to exterminate class-focused socialism as a non-German ideology.
>“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
>Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. ((((Marxism))) is anti-property; true socialism is not. ((((Marxism))) places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”
--Adolf Hitler
You couldn't say that at least until every last kike gets oven'd.
I wonder what they are defining as white nationalists? People with pepe avatars?
so the narrative here is, "if you are white, pride in your race is literally worse than terrorism"
You know what, they can just have California if they want it back so much.
These people aren't pol
These people are basically the Thule Society to our NSDAP
>Trump/Hitler will never have met with them or much liked them
>they RP as failed old system wrapped up in antichristian nonsensical cosplay faggotry
>they're almost all actually repressed fags (my gut instinct on that one, tho)
>they discredit our broadbased movement nationwide, but only ever attract a few hundred nerds total - Thule had 1250 members at peak, 250 meeting in Munich- just like Spencer's 250-man autismfest in DC
>they will get btfo just like Thulies did, watch
>"on 26 April 1919, the Communist government in Munich raided the Society's premises and took seven of its members into custody, executing them on 30 April."
>pretend like we are all part of their dumb fantasy club
>"...described this membership roll and similar claims as "spurious" and "fanciful", noting that Feder, Eckart, and Rosenberg were never more than guests to whom the Thule Society extended hospitality" Sad!
>"It is quite clear that Hitler himself had little interest in, and made little time for, "esoteric" matters"
Neofascist *ideas* are good. Jew-triggering shit like pic related is great.
Neonazism (the kind that predates pol) itself is cancerous LARP faggotry, and NEETFag Spencer will be second against the wall (Next to Lena)
>m-m-muh enemies in the right
>this desperate d&c
Hey chaim.
> this content is not available on this country domain
well rip me
This 100%
They keep talking about how jokes about racism "normalise hate speech," but that's so fucking backwards. Joking about terrible things takes their power away. You think anyone was fucking joking about Hitler during the third reich? If they were, then not for fucking long.
What's really happening here is people are taking innocent irreverence too fucking seriously and painting it as so much more, and only succeed in dividing people and destroying their own credibility. It gets to a point where I could wake up one day to an article about American minorities being taken to the gas chambers, and I'm just going to scroll on past assuming it's more overblown hysteria. THEY'RE the ones normalising harmful shit.
And when it comes to actual neo nazis, the most common reason people fall into that shit is the exact same crap that gets black kids caught up in gangs. They feel like no one's looking out for them, then suddenly someone's looking out for them. Telling them they have no place in society does nothing but perpetuate the problem.
>so called islamic
See guys, they're not real muslims!
"white nationalist" they probably classify Tommy Sotomayor as a Nazi, in reality it's a huge increase in a diverse group of people that don't want to see arabs with ticking hats running into their country, nignogs causing chaos and Mexishits mooching of the system.
Independent calling someone nazis.
So, they're just normal people against immigration or economic policy.
Not an argument.
Socialism. A ideology of thieves and beggars where they demand the government steals from the productive members of society to benefit themselves. Get a job you filthy hippie.
Unironically nationalist socialism is the most diverse ideology that truly helps those who adhere to it no matter the stripe.
>founding fathers
>white nationalists
*revisionism intensifies*
>I love gargling balls
>not available
just cuck my shit up
>>m-m-muh enemies in the right
I told you guys the alt-lite lolcows were a mistake
(((civic natcucks)))
Not an argument.
If the white nationalist group is smaller than Isis, it would take less time to grow 600%. What kind of byline is this? It tells me nothing about the size or relevance of White Nationalism, only that a group went from 1 to 6 members.
when the first post is also the best post
The racist card is a weapon of the LEFT. It is their creation. When the right tries to play these games of accusing such and such of racism, they are dancing to the tune of the left. Stop accusing people of racism. It is a device used by the left to silence political opponents. When you accuse someone of racism you are saying that it is wrong of them to expect different outcomes from different groups of people, therefore you are implicitly buying into egalitarianism, a left wing position.
Can you not see the value in using people like Milo, Bannon etc to push the Overton Window while not joining up with these redneck attention whores?
I think the holo was mostly hoax, i think that saudi and mossad did 9/11, yet
>s-s-stuttering meme
>le jew
We won BECAUSE Trump wasn't going to play "no enemies on my side of the left-right"
>Neocons btfo
>Bushes btfo
>compassionate conservatives btfo
I, like Trump, disavow. No divide, no divide, your the divide
how are the two groups comparable? isis doesnt just tweet
Theyre not
>muh PR goy
>racism is bad goy
>m-m-muh redneck neonazi disavow neonazi divide and conquer against based blacks and jews!
America was great.....until you came here. Fucking bag
I guess this is true when you call anybody that shares a Milo video a "white nationalist."
Liberals opened the can with their identity politics. Now white men are using it and they will try to shame they movement into regression. NOT GOUNA HAPPEN
>people like Milo, Bannon etc to push the Overton Window
No. The media is it's own circle. There is no overton window there. Media is there for itself and nothing else -There is no breaking it, there is no pushing it. That's why internet media is growing and the blatantly biased paper media is dying.
Go prep the bull for achmed cuck
>Jonathan Bowden
You vastly misinterpreted my post, read again.
White Power!
Solid poo post
I dont get this retort, can someone else explain why im wrong. checked nonetheless
>Milo and Bannon aren't pushing the overton window
>people are moving to different mediums because of how Milo/Breitbart/Trump's strategy (via Bannon, literally his job) are pushing the overton window
Let it grow, brothers!
Or maybe it's in response to the growing multiculturalism and promotion of anti-white rhetoric.
I'm not even WN but this shit is hilarious.
>m-m-m-muh oberton window goy
>le Sup Forums is merely ironic goy
>Im a REAL natzee and I like blacks and jews
Tila pls go
Again you misunderstand. I'm on your side here, but what I'm saying is that when you accuse someone of racism, you are implicitly saying that it is inherently immoral and wrong to cast judgements about certain groups of people, (even though the data relating to IQs and other intelligence metrics shows a disparity between groups) and hence you buy into egalitarianism, a left wing position. You feelin' me now?
Where are Slavs ?
Do this with a black baby adopted by a dumbfuck lib family and get back to me, i don't buy it. The ~15 average iq differential shouldn't create this disparity.
>muh racism is bad goy
>wow I'm so scared of the label don't you agree it's bad to think like this?
Ok rabbi
>nigger loving faggot is also the PR shill
It's the same
It's what happens when the left pushes too hard
the right has to hit back harder