What's up with liberals and coffee?
Liberals and Coffee
Please don't. Coffee is a drink of peace.
Coffee is not exclusivily a liveral thing but liveralism in itself is a mental illness or at least a symptom of it. Coffee triggers dopamine which could help with depression.
I drink coffee and I am a conservative. It is like their obsession with craft beer and the like. Since they can't have trucks or guns they get into weird shit.
>drinks coffee
liberals get sissy drinks though while conservatives take it straight
Is it true you americans like your coffee not strong?
Liberals need to compensate for their low energy
It's just a thing that makes them feel superior over the average man. Sure we know a shit load about coffee here in Australia, but I wouldn't rag over it on an American for drinking drip.
Dont you mean liberals and fucking up tea/coffee
>decaf espresso
>reduced fat
>artificial sugar
>goats milk tea
As a non-coffee drinker I will say that most coffee here is pretty gross and that I don't blame hipsters for wanting to pay out the ass for something slightly better than trash.
But like most food in the US, it is nothing but blandness and chemicals. The only ways to go are to be a rich faggot or to learn to make your own food.
>not reaping the rewards of colonialism
eat a dick faggot.
Literally what is wrong with drip coffee?
liberals rely on things like music, coffee and craft beer for a personality. they don't have any original thoughts, they have no unique personality, so they revolve their identity around these things.
that said i like coffee and go to hipster coffee places often
How do we take over coffee? If we make coffee /ours/ what will libs do?
estrogen production (+46%)
Because most of the liberal capitals of the world are in northern parts of the globe. Most people living here need caffeine to compensate for the lack of sunlight in order to keep themselves productive. Liberal productiveness is an oxymoron, of course, but you get the idea.
Most coffee shops sell coffee as a shot of espresso, a metric ton of sugar and twelve gallons of cream.
They leave some room at the top if you want more sugar and cream.
Now let me give you my take on the matter. I buy Crown Russe brand vodka ("finest vodka made") because it is the cheapest form or alcohol available and it has no flavor so you can do anything with it, unlike all the competing disgusting cheap vodkas that are actually more expensive. That's great day to day feedstock for drinking.
As you go up the scale you can pay for ridiculous fancy vokdas that are better than the cheap shit. But it's still just vodka. GOOD JOB.
So if you give me some tasty coffee or some tasty vodka than I can enjoy it. But I'm not paying faggot trash hipster money for stuff I don't care about.
Atrazine in coffee makes you think?
I voted for Trump. I'm in the infantry. I wear crocs, drive a prius, love coffee, and my favorite beer is old rasputin.
You are all autistic peasants.
It's something that allows you to feel like an expert with very little effort at a relatively low price point.
Though, of course, everyone knows coffee tastes bitter as shit and there isn't a huge difference between the thousands of varieties.
Wtf are you talking about. Coffee is grown in central and south america or arabic countries. How is it different here than anywhere else moron?
Coffee is something liberals are actually helping by opening new local coffee shops while Starbucks tries to close all the small coffee shops down. Their hippie BS is better than anything Starbucks serves.
I only take my coffee BLACKED
> finest
> vodka
Ffs. Only good alcohol is kvas with a little dry champagne.
Liberals saw their parents, who were grown-ups, drinking coffee when they were children, and now they associate with coffee drinking as being a grown-up thing to do despite the fact that they are far from grown-up.
The formulation is different, dick.
As a matter of fact most of our best food gets exported because other countries have higher standards than we do. The food here on the whole sucks and if you ever left your hovel and talked to somebody from elsewhere in the world you'd know that the top common confusion is why we eat garbage.
best coffee is the cold black syrup from the day before that is still in the carafe.
black coffee is best coffee. cold even better. cant stand to put shit in it.
Its disgusting you faggot.
This. Plus they make good food. Starbucks food is dogshit
Coffee is the drink of Americans.
As for hipster coffee bars, I dunno. They are "artistically inclined" places for them to hang out and talk about problem glasses. There have always been coffee bars where beatniks and hipsters have hung out. Conservatives are too old and have kids, so they can't hang out in the hip places anymore.
What is an "original thought", exactly?
Give an example of one.
>drinking the bean jew
I see. You must be one of those fine gentlemen in the OP picture.
Nonsense. I've been drinking it black for decades whereas my Trump-supporting friend always has some whipped cream chocolate caramel bullshit mixed in.
Leave the house every once in a while.
>argues for hours about craft beers.
why cuckoldism is the thinking man's fetish.
Hey man, it says "finest vodka made" right on the label. We have laws about truth in advertising.
And I will attest that this truly is the finest vodka made. It's cheap as hell and has no flavor at all. It also says "distilled from grain" but you might as well just have mixed ethanol and water from the lab chemist distributor.
>As a matter of fact most of our best food gets exported because other countries have higher standards than we do.
Sounds like your parents buy nothing but Lean Cuisines. Must be suffering.
Coffee memes were used as tracking meme for CTR shills to identify collaborative slide threads during the election.
How? It's just coffee produced by running hot water through the coffee grounds.
Liking guns and trucks and hating foreigners. Stuff like that is original.
Coffee and beer is fake "personality signaling."
Do you see the distinction?
Nah, many craft beers are objectively better than mass produced brews. I do like yuengling and will drink whatever's around.
However, I'd rather support smaller breweries who put out a vastly superior product and don't pander their piss water for letting migrants in.
drinking an excess amount of caffeine produces estrogen and at the very least lowers testosterone.
id imagine drinking espresso all day will turn men who do nothing physical or strenuous into sissy girl bois in no time.
I have to hand it to my parents because even though they like bland food at least they always cooked their own and even grew their own.
What is this pic on about?
I was in the navy and ive travelled abroad for work also ive been to guatamala mexico colombia panama italy turkey greece oman somalia.....
And to almost all the us states. Im in my 30s so you dont know what the fuck youre talking about.
>drinking vodka
Look at this faggot.
Some chinese shit that taste more sweet then normal tea
Good coffee comes from the following
>Good water
>Good beans
>Good Pressure
US coffee is dogshit. Same goes for your cheese, meat, and I'd say veggies too but I dont think anyone there eats those.
Some kind of chunky slosh you can suck up through an XXXL straw like it's projectile shit and then feel kawaii about.
I have been to other countries in Europe and they drink the same shit as us.
>I've been to starbucks in other countries
degeneracy epitomized
It's not fake, Vienna really was a hub of great thinkers 100 years ago.
What's up with conservatives and beer?
Coffee is a communist dog-whistle. A bigoted symbol of anti-whites.
Coffee is for cunts
Liberals probably drink tea more.
Frankly if they also drink coffee more then conservatives aren't human.
1.) French Press
2.) Pour-Over Cold Brew
2.) Chemex Pour-Over
4.) Drip Coffee
5.) Percolated
9001.) Neapolitan Flip
Beer, guns, trucks, sports, these things are normal male passtimes.
Wine, coffee, having too many cats, arguing about shit doesn't matter, these are for women.
I'm a retard. What im trying to say is what is this Picture trying to say?
No one noticed their tight little finger ?
Do you know that it's a code for French noble women and they had to do every time they used to drink in public ?
I think it's Thai or Taiwanese? Anyway it's sweet milky tea with tapioca balls in it. Nothing tremendously special, but it's a nice easy drink for girls and fags.
The coffee fetish here is just bizarre.
>he doesn't import his coffee
>he doesn't use a french press
I read it was Taiwanese. But i called it chinese considering they want to be called Republic Of China
Many of the 20th century's great leaders and thinkers all lived within 5 miles of each other during a 2 year period. Interesting coincidence. That's it.
we have a third wave movement here in California. Portland and LA are doing good, too.
i drink Ritual, Blue Bottle, Four Barrel, Sightglass, Stumptown, sometimes Intelligentsia, Counterculture. Right now I have espresso beans from 49th Parallel. $17 for a cup of nel drip at Blue Bottle San Francisco (mint building).
my siphon coffee is lower temp. 175 F at the lowest. light roast. very acidic, and therefore fruity. i drink third wave or classic nel drip in Tokyo, usually. $12 a cup on average.
Libs think it's some kind of art form. Real Americans just get and extra large cream and sugar from Dunkin Donuts and call it a day.
Imagine what Hitler felt years later remembering his youth spent drinking coffee next to communist revolutionary leaders.
Oh thank you sir
I heard that's from syphilis.
Its a spoil of colonialism. Drink up!!
I love coffee and hate niggers.
Life is good.
Reminder black people hate coffee.
You can tell by the size of the cup. That's a liberal for you.
The kind of coffee I drink would kill them, and I drink it all day while I program and build shit. I don't take a fag sip and think of a good word to describe how gay I feel in the poem I'm writing.
Wow, you certainly don't sound like a faggot at all.
1: Aeropress
2: who gives a fuck, it sucks.
I've heard DD is actually pretty decent for daily coffee.
I got some once during a long drive and it was pretty agreeable for somebody who doesn't get erect at the smell of coffee.
Everyone with a job drinks coffee, not just liberals.
Liberals just tend to drink better quality coffee.
If that triggers you then so be it.
It's always shown on murrican TV shows and shit. "Oh I'm so tired I just NEED my morning coffee or Starbucks™ in order to function!", and as usual liberals are like sheep and do whatever, based on what's popular.
Tea master race, not only does it taste nicer and go better with snacks, it's also actually healthy.
>Give me my coffee I need coffee I can't live without that caffeine yeahhh!!!
>You got me espresso? By coffee I meant pumpkin vanilla frappuccino latte...
In reality hipsters are more liable to avoid all these things
Real men just get a large coffee black
They can't get woke by themselves.
Men are garbage.
SF is the capital of faggots. hotbed of the 90s aids epidemic. we have gay parades and public nudity is legal. recently the Towel law was introduced. (i.e. you have to put a towel down on a seat before you can sit, for hygienic purposes). maybe SF is not for you, mate.
That's why nobody likes your dessicated vagina.
I just chew on coffe beans and down them with scalding hot water like any true cis white male.
>it's also actually healthy.
So is coffee.
In terms of health:
Filtered coffee > tea > espresso > Turkish / french press / moka express / etc.
>Sup Forums talking about true masculinity.
Considering tea encompasses a gigantic unbrella of difference leafs, the majority of which are healthier, while some are medical level, no. Tea > coffee.
>Its different because I do not like them.
I think the difference is that one group tends to be pretentious about shit.
Most liberals I know are social climbers. They all want to be distinct from the working class. So they buy a volkswagon instead of a ford or a kia. They shop at target instead of walmart even though the shit is the exact same.
To me it seems like they are trying hard to be upper class.
Chink juice
Absolutely disgusting. I drink my coffee black but cold black coffee is foul
Back before Starbucks, you got your coffee at a single owner coffee shop. Coffee shops developed alongside counter culture in the sixties as alternative music and performance venues. Hippies, beatniks, writers, musicians, performance artists, all had a coffee house they liked to frequent. When the "indie" movie scene broke out, a lot of the filmmakers used coffee shops as locations because they had their own they liked to hang out at and since they were small businesses, it was easier to get them as a location for cheap or free.
The culture of the coffee house was pretty much killed by Starbucks, which is why I hate Starbucks, but the affection for coffee as a cultural thing has lingered. Sort of.
I dunno but this liberal faggot I went to high school with who is literally on food stamps still buys the nicest coffee he can find on the reg.
Based Blanton's