Larry Wilmore

I feel this guy got off pretty fuckin' easy considering his failed personal life and career. What else do we know about the living room paint job skinned beige motherfucker?

Other urls found in this thread:

I know he's LARPing as a black person

>hey Milo, first off, fuck you
>waits for crowd approval
>hold on Milo are you American?
>well fuck you
>crowd howls again


>asks a gay person why he picks putin over a country that lashes rape victims to death and stones homosexuals or throws them off buildings

this nigger is especially stupid

>milo is a literal faggot
>literal faggot

Doesn't Russia kill their gays?

no they just beat them up and imprison them. still better than death :^)

I thought russia doesn't give a fuck as long as its behind closed doors.

idk, I remember reading some Russian on here saying it was socially acceptable to go punch random fags on the street.

Have definitely read where gays are imprisoned and never heard of again. Not sure if that's because they were doing publicity stunts or what though.

Regardless poor protection for them and lawful execution of them are 2 very different things.

> Guise! Im black!
Literally all of his jokes

If you look at his two tiny surviving projects that pretty much exactly what they are. It's exactly what his press dinner presentation was, you could see Obama's inner cringe in his eyes. That's why I was so enraged when Milo let him off as easy as he did.

no doubt

Only the citizens do. There is no state endorsed execution of homosexuals in Russia. The population is just homophobic as fuck.

This motherfucker contributed to the divide of the country. If any decent respectful black man deserves his own show it's Morgan Freeman.


With such great arguments it's a shock his show was canceled.

>be black guy
>be given WILDLY popular show and timeslot
>be completely and totally unable not have your show be the 'fuck white people' half-hour
>fail miserably
>be shocked and claim racism

Fuck that fucking guy.

So it is in many ex-Communist countries. Most of them are fine with people being gay, but there's now this mobile partyfag crew that wander from city to city, jerking off rainbows in the streets and thanks to the EU there's nothing to stop them.

Shockingly, the only professional "comedian" other than Bill Maher on the show never told a single joke or said a single funny thing. This is some next level #woke comedy that I don't understand, I guess.

Hardly an unbiased source


Who the fuck is this nigger? Don't reply I don't care.

hes an admitted racist against anyone who isnt black for starters. that is why everyone hated him.