Bill doesn't look too good

Bill doesn't look too good...

How would you feel if your dick got sandpapered all the time.

They both dress like they woke up blind

He'll be fine

He's seen some shit

bill's mouth is always open like a freshly landed fish. A true arkansas trailer trash mouthbreathing hillbilly.

and done a fair amount too

looks a lot better than trump

That's his default expression by now... See

>When that alzheimer's kicks in

wtf is she wearing? it clearly describes her thoughts,those girly design with flowers and all but the manly design and firm creased black coloured cloth and the eyewear
typical feminist outfit

He had sex with Hillary once. What do you expect?

It's part of the "tinpot dictator" line she had made when she was still expecting to win the election.

Bahahahahahahaha this whole picture. Saved for future something even a retard like me should be able to do something with this in gimp

Moloch won't let neither of them die as long as they could be of use

Bill contracted AIDS from an african hooker

what is he thinking Sup Forums?

That's veganism for you.

>I wish I didn't eat Hillary's Spirit Cooking last night

He's a Frankenstein Zombie powered by Hillary's satanic rituals.

>when you failed to become president but you still became celestial empress

I hurt myself today

he spotted a female.

For a a 70 year old man he is looking good

kek will not spare him. meme magic is not done yet