>mfw there was a terror attack in my country around an hour ago and no one cares anymore
Feels good to live in a shithole tbqh.
>mfw there was a terror attack in my country around an hour ago and no one cares anymore
Feels good to live in a shithole tbqh.
Just another random sandnigger failing at being smart. Who gives a fuck anymore? After Bataclan and Nice everything seems so tame...
>It is unclear what the motive was for the attack.
>Who gives a fuck anymore
It's the reason it has been like that for 40 years and the reason it still gets worse.
>when youre literally an arab country so terrorism doesnt faze anyone
Never change frogs
And youre gonna vote Macron
I googled it to see if I could find another source
I found a bunch of other unreported terror attacks
Jesus Christ, this is madness
I mean, come on. You can't talk about the real problems. The mere fact that the "banlieues" are filled with radicalizing youth should give people a hint at what should be done.
But nope, talking about any of that is baad 'cause ur raceest.
I bet the talmudvision won't even talk about it tonight.
In the unlikely event he ends up in the 2nd turn of election it's a possibility, but like hollande, no one actually likes him. Worst case scenario he gets elected because "fn is racist and has anti-semitic roots it's problematic!"
I hope we don't get this retard. Even more cucked than Trudeau.
Who would make it to the second round in place of Macron? Literally every other candidate is polling even worse. Macron is the second most popular candidate right now I believe.
Whenever I hear Terror Attack I instantly think that Mutons and Sectoids are on the loose, killing civilians with their plasma weapons
thanks X-COM
There is nobody else. It'll be Macron vs Le Pen electric boogaloo
Yes he is very popular, but only among a certain part of the population (hard left, but too hard either, and young retarded kids who have no idea how the world works). That means that he has very little backup and would probably not be able to sway up the votes in his favor unless Marine Le Pen gets to the second turn.
I was born in Montauban.
Full of sand niggers, the first murder before the school in Toulouse was in Montauban too.
We're at a point where he doesn't matter who goes against lepen, the score will be pretty much the same in every case.
Worst case scenario is still fillon.
polls are rigged to push macron but no one actually likes him in real life, it's the media trying to meme him in power. Melanchon is underestimated, I'm sure he'd wreck hamon in a duel and that he would scoore better than macron against lepen.
Regardless of the candidate the elections are rigged for the FN to never win unless it scores 51% 1st turn which is also rigged to not happen due to the sheer amount of parties running a candidate.
>And youre gonna vote Macron
I don't think Macron will win, even the most bluepilled normies smell there is something fishy with this guy, he is pushed to much by the medias.
Fillon was an auto win against Marine because he had the conservative vote in the pocket,but now it's open, I think Marine will win.
>Worst case scenario is still fillon.
Every case is worst case. Going to go with another shitty politician for 5 years.
Am I the only one thinking that each election is getting more pussy-ish every time? We are constantly fighting over more and more mundane things while we need some serious shake-up.
No government is ever going to kick out all the sand niggers.
It has to be from us, in Corsica they group and go beat the shit out of them when they burn a car, we have to stop being cucks and cry on Sup Forums and answer with violence.
I can't even believe after Nice and Paris, not ever 1 arab was killed, not even one mosque was burned.
France is just full of cucks.
We need some french Brevic(s).
If youre country is majority blue pilled why wont they just form a voting coalition?
You first, I'll be behind you.
Vote Le Pen, leave EU, save Europe
They will, but only against the FN boogieman.
Macron is a golem created by the globalists, you would be surprised of how shallow his base really is, he can lose everything in just few weeks.
I can't find any other sources of this news.
They do it each time, but they wait the second turn for this. If they did it the first turn they'd expose themselves and risk the 51% FN.
I already explained that.
Huge number of parties prevents FN from winning 1st turn
Holy alliance against the evil nazis prevents FN from winning 2nd turn.
If they ally 1st turn, it exposes their unholliness.
Can you Frenchmen provide more sources? Thanks.
Maybe not all the arabs, but at least the ones who are muslims. I'm fucking fed up of hearing about "islamophobia" and "moderate islam", when mosques are the breeding ground for terrorists in our country. I'd be glad to remove the law of 1905 just to regulate that shit.
Oh... Well no shit... You live in a fucking groid factory
I remember about that one, it was reported I think. Or maybe it was another one similar. Oh well...
heh... amazingly you're right
it's become the norm
see? in hindsight the gypsies weren't that bad compared to your new pests :^)
Rise up Jacques! Just start taking the trash out and your countrymen will follow. I know you aren't all pussies
Yeah, i had a friend who's fathers was from Algeria (french military), and he wasn't muslim and I consider him as french as me.
Ofc the targets are the muslims.
yeah buts whats fueling your belief they wont in the second round?
First is to vote for, second round is to vote against. And it sounds like a lot of people want to vote against Le Pen
this this one got posted a couple times when it happened I remember.
He collapsed one of the girls lungs I think. I recall the headline it was during that wave with the machete attack on the train and that whole other flurry of attacks.
Some members of my family are from Algeria, but they are not muslims and very well integrated.
But the problem is that they are being conflated by idiots with dangerous muslims despite not believing because they have the same skin color...
Ironical, coming from people who call themselves anti-racist, don't you agree?
Do you have any reading comprehension?
I literally said they WILL ally themselves in the 2nd round. Even someone else answered you the same thing.
Yes, 1st is to vote for, hence the massive number of parties, so everyone find a fitting shoe, this way the FN doesn't get the votes.
And 2nd round is fight against muh fascism so people are emotionally rigged to vote against FN.
>having backbones
>see guys we are a little better than retarded sandniggers
Also, checked
Tbh, that's not a great achievement, but props to you m8.
Yeah nigger and I asked why you guys have confidence shell win the election BECAUSE OF THIS EXACT FACT.
I don't remember if it got much coverage by the msm but that kind of news tend to be reposted a lot on facebook, so there is still hope people get redpilled
>I asked why you guys have confidence shell win the election
No one here have any confidence she'll win, we're all prepared for an other 5years long round of multiculti race mixing propaganda, zionism and terror attacks. The hope we have is slim at best.
Who's calling themselves anti racist in this scenario ?
The worrying thing is that the jews (really powerfull lobby in France) are the ones that are the most openly targeting the muslims.
And if you are working for their interest you're probably not working for the one of your country.
I don't see any solution in the future and in 50 years they will keep increasing in numbers and it will be too late if it isn't already.
>If youre country is majority blue pilled why wont they just form a voting coalition?
The conservatives can't play this game anymore as easily as they did in the past.
During the 90s and the 00s the FN was just one man: Jean Marie Le Pen, there was no real party behind.
It will change in 2017 because they now have more and more notorious heads/local people and they will enter in the assembly in force during few months after the presidentials (there are 522 sieges and the FN can hope for 100)
What does it change ? Welp everything.
The conservatives and socialists used to make alliance with the small centrist parties to govern, next elections the center will be wiped out and if the FN goes as far as 50 members they can totally block everything.
Noone really know what the LR (the conservatives) will make but they have more and more members talking out loud about "working" with the FN.
Anyway it will be a shitshow no matter who win because we are in total foreign territories with a situation that never happened since WW2.
Because the French realize that they need a strong conservative leader, and (very possibly) will choose to overlook the muh fascism of Le Pen if it's a content between her and a weakling socialist (which it's looking like it's going to be after the Establishment Conservative got fucked over)
Gypsies and sandniggers don't go well together because not enough gibs for both
plus the first time muhamad says something about their trashy women, they'll get lynched
it's like when you have spiders in your house but they do keep the flies in check
The Germans not only smashed the french fighting spirit but they also turned them into the ultimate cucks.
The funny thing here is that the establishment's cuckservative is overthrown by the establishment itself because they fear he might eventually betray them.
You wot? It's the work of the (((americans))).
Do you even history?
it's just another attack in another third world african nation.... why should we care?
To me, the solution seems to remove "La loi de séparation de l'église et de l'état de 1905" (not bothering to translate) in order to put an end to radicalization on the most sensitive areas, limit the influx of refugees so that we only take the elderly, women and children.
Every man aged between 18 and 40 should be sent back from where they came, or to Syria if they don't decline their identity. Of course this would be a dream scenario, as it is almost not feasible in reality.
But it is urgent to stop the massive immigration of people that are not compatible with french principles. The only way to change the course we're set in is to clamp down on those who instigate the racial divides in our country.
I was seriously considering moving to France some time next year but I feel like you guys are too far gone at this point
>radicalizing youth
Fuck off to JVC
Don't waste your time arguing with him he is most likely a shitskin
>mfw another Republic another Constitution
Why does that not seem implausible?
How can your government just lock popular parties out of government? You guys have a pretty shit system desu m8. Like the two party thing is kinda irritating and I wish more people looked into independent parties, but at least we cant completely shut someone out if they have support.
Well, the media can, but theyre on suicide watch lately.
Like ww2 has any impact in current year.
None of us were born at the time, we don't need reasons to be cucks.
It's easier to chill home with a beer and some weed then fighting, that had nothing to do with ww2.
>no chryssalid
yeah fuck off, we're full.
Depends where you go, the area where I live now there is less than 1% sand niggers.
Some areas it's probably more than 50% (south east)
It's time to start preparing for the collapse. Save up your money, start buying food provisions, build a bunker or buy a safehouse on the countryside etc.
Any specific regions I should look into?
They'd go home naturally if we started the cleansing left and right.
yeah don't bother unless you come for a carnage.
>Like ww2 has any impact in current year.
>None of us were born at the time
TV and schools are programming people to keep it relevant. It works like a killphrase, like that "would you kindly" in bioshock. The shitskin-lover Soral actually put the finger on that one.
South atlantic coast.
from Bayonne to Bordeaux.
Anything in the northern half, but i'd say either Bretagne (if you are not afraid by some bad weather from time to time), Bourgogne or Alsace. They are all beautiful places, and if you are a good person, you can still blend in fairly easily.
>Like ww2 has any impact in current year.
Are you serious bruv? Literally every modern struggle in the West is a direct responses to Hitlers NatSoc and WW2. It controls the entire dialogue and precipitated all the events. I mean the world wars themselves are literally all your countries faults but still.
>bad weather
what qualifies as bad weather in France?
Shhhh, that's a secret. It's Hitler's fault, even in WWI.
Bretagne is beautiful, I got to visit a couple years ago but I heard it was extremely cucked.
Thanks for suggestions
I was talking specifically about what the leaf said.
I don't feel guilty about ww2, i don't hate the germans, I don't feel like I'm a cuck cause my country lost a war (or multiple wars) in the past.
Ofc ww2 still affects politics, that's why the kikes are so powerful and you can't criticize it.
Bretagne is almost like southern england (because they are very close to one another). So fairly cold temperatures half of the year and some rain from times to times. But aside from that, most of the country really has nice weather. I'd recommend checking on google the yearly temperatures to get an idea.
>from time to time
>You guys have a pretty shit system desu m8
It's a system that has been tailored to never have something like pre-WW2 France ever again, today governmental instability is not an option and a party can be totally cuelled from representation if they refuse to play ball with the majority at large.
By becoming Nazi Germany proof (20 years to late...) we basically flushed a large pan of our democracy in the toilets.
bro, WW2 is the only war France ever lost.
K I admit, it kinda sucks in that regard.
Dude you've never been to Alsace Mulhouse is like the most disgusting city i've ever been in.
>being so booty blasted about the Franco-Prussian War that you set in motion a chain of events that will ravage Europe, knock it from its place atop the world hierarchy, destroy the morale and culture of your own surrounding countries and deprive multiple empires of all their territories gained over centuries or thousands of years in the span of three decades
>every just blames Hitler
>mfw Frogs
Goddamnit Montauban was my absolute favorite city in France (lived there 2015 to 2016). Architecture was /cozy/ af and the people were so kind. Reminded me of something you'd see in the 50s.
My father works in Alsace, but is not from there, and yes some people other there are assholes, but still the place is quite beautiful if you're into it.
>french police get attacked by minorities
who cares? us don't give any fucks when cops are murdered here except one shooting in dallas
I was being ironical. Of course we fucked things up.
Not for long, it's the next target for cultural enrichment. It already has a strong bastion for it with Strasbourg.
>southern England
So basically its beautiful all year
In the winter here it gets down to -15C to -20C and its just "oh brisk"
0C is basically sweater weather
well ya fucked up frogger
Why are muslims allowed to live in the south east? The provence is beautiful.
More like 20°C at most and rains half of the time. But aside from that the food is great and you are quite far from all the mudslime fuckery going on.
Basically, half of the population there is from maghreb and so it would be impossible to deal with it, otherwise you'd get crazy riots burning cities like Marseille to the ground.
>68 degrees is shitty
20C is hot
10-15C is perfect desu
France sounds like California plus rain
Like 30 people die in India every single day cause of kebab terror attacks, soon France will be the same and we'll see a Muslim part of France declaring independence and funding terror attacks in France
>terrorism in France is so common people don't give a shit
>reporting on terror attacks in muslim countries
might as well report on the sunrise too
The reason why it's filled with sand niggers is cuz that's where the ports are.
The reason why they are allowed to live... idk.
Well, if you go more to the east, you can get up to 35°C with no rain for two months, aside from mild storms coming around every two weeks.
France has one of the best weather, the amount of food-related heritage is just one good example of this.
This. France got so pissed that it wouldn't get to keep majority German provinces that it set in motion a chain of events that ended the white race.
More rainy days than sunny one, average temperature is 15°C with 30 at max and 0 on the worst days of the years, something laughable for a canadian or an alaskan but harsh if you come from California.
Also user is right with Bretagne, the place is still infestation free and that's why those retards keep voting socialist instead of Le Pen.
The best advice no matter where you go is to avoid the big cities and only pick the middle sized/small ones but even there on the mediterranean cost and around Lille/Paris/Lyon it is contaminated.
They're memeing, they aren't that many muslims in Provence, the land is way too expensive they're mostly in Marseille or in shitty towns no one cares about
It's because your country deserves it OP, this is for ditching us during ww2 you faggots
Well, after Charlie Hebdo, Paris, Nice, the beheading of a priest... You need to go big to make it to the news. Also since elections will happen this year I suppose they will try even harder to cover what's happening related to migrants, muslims etc because it could give more vote for LePen. And of course just like in the US the medias were against a victory for Trump, the same thing is going on in France, all the medias are against her
Ditching you? Dafuq m8 we got panzerspammed early game, and we didn't even complain when you bombed the fuck out of our cities. Even our politicians almost kissed Eisenhower's feet.
wot? everything that happens today is your fault.