He is now the epitome of irrelevance

He is now the epitome of irrelevance.

Feel old yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Implying he was ever relevant

who even is he?

lighting hand or something

He had 3 minutes of fame (anti creationism videos) and then another 3 minutes (anti sjw videos). But his smugness is getting boring.

he is still good, no matter what you say

Weird Al?

>his face when making two videos attacking Lauren Southern

I'm 30, and literally who is this?

Good he was a shitty Reddit tier atheist. Only slightly above the level of banana man.

Meh, fuck it, I still like some of his videos. Should of been less of a faggot about politics.

storm leg

My knuckles want dearly for company everytime I see his face. Love the vest..I wonder if it is from the Ork collection....

Someone whose name refers to the sound lightning makes in adjacent conjunction with the part of the body that touches the ground.

electro wanker

His relevance was tied to Sarkeesian's relevance and she's a nobody now.

>Sarkeesian's relevance
Don't fool yourself. She is still a hot MILF!

Who is that again... Anal Fist or something?

Her nose turns me off.

He's got 650k subs and gets quite a lot of views per vid, that's pretty relevant

I killed thunderfoot with my own hands

that fucking communist

Didn't he make that video about Lauren Southern that eventually made him stick to science videos because the alt-right censored him for disagreeing with him?


It's all about that nasolabial fold bruh.

The amazing analist? Or is that another one?

She couldn't use all her influence to keep Donald Trump from being elected and her videos are back to the digits she had pre-Kikestarter.


Stan Thundercock

This is his true name also chekt

Your good at cooking, and that sure means you good at plumbing.

Electro "Pubes Face" Toe

A Youtube atheist who made videos on creationism back when Christcucks were still obnoxiously relevant. Basically imagine the SJW leftists of today, and you've got a basic idea of what Christians were like a decade ago.


This is a video of Christcucks getting upset over players being able to fuck aliens in ME. Remember, this wasn't even all that long ago. It wasn't long ago that these religious idiots went apeshit over videogames and blamed them for all evils in the world.

How things have changed, now it's leftist atheists who act like the Christians did, having moral panics over everything.

He's a pro-EU anti-Trump cuck

He isn't needed. It isn't 2008. We're not anti-Christianity edgelords.

Anyone else notice how all the Sup Forums approved atheists have discredited themselves in the past year? Even Dawkins started bending over backwards to appease leftists, can't even remember the last time he said something redpilled

I wonder if Hitchens would've gone the same way if he was alive today.

part of me wants the west to become religious again. Particularly because of the replacement of decent christian family values with shitty atheist ones. Not full on Christianity, like going to church once a week and not sinning etc, but that low key Christianity people had circa 1950 where the community was important. not the rampant individualism infesting society today.

Dawkins became what he so opposed in the first place. Rampant belief in something. he quite literally represents: "you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain".

Thunder penis?

The majority of people simply called themselves atheists as a way to showing their unconformity.

But nowadays it's just another virtue signalling used by leftists.

Most atheists are actually agnostics.

>be Agnostic
>be on the fence
hurr durr I'm right either way.
at least make up their mind!

1950's America had more to do with basic human nature in the face of environmental change than religious idealism. Look into how societies with low male populations result in women competing for men, making the society as a whole become more conservative and patriarchal and thereby more safe and prosperous, and then realize that the 1950's western world was left with a low male population due to the most destructive war in human history having just been fought.

Also remember that this was before the birth control pill which was introduced in the 60's, meaning men had far more reproductive powers relative to the female than today.

If you want to return to that type of patriarchal male dominated society, you will need to introduce technology which will sway more reproductive powers over to men again, IE the artificial womb.

>Most atheists are actually agnostics
Literally the other way around. All agnostics are just atheists who don't want to label themselves as such, because they're cowardly cucks who are entirely controlled by peer-pressure. There is no such thing as a pure agnostic, either you're an agnostic atheist, or an agnostic theist. If you have no direct belief in a god or gods, then you are objectively and factually an atheist, sorry to break it to you.

that's true actually. Women tended to be more conservative then as they were more in touch with the family life, being at home and leading it, so wanted things to stay secure and the way they were, ergo supporting conservatism.

>more reproductive powers to women
rise of dominatrix?

Why would anyone choose to look like that?

Not really, there's people who simply don't care about a spiritual sky being existence or inexistence, those are 100% agnostics since without any proof of anything, it's useless to even discuss if god exists or not.

They would be fine with either results if there was a valid way to test god existence.

To be an actual atheist, you must "believe" that there's no such thing as a "god", they wont even expect any proof, god is a complete NULL for them.

Women today have all reproductive rights, and men have none. If you have sex with a woman today, you are legally consenting to have a child with her, and provide money to her. If she chooses to lie to you about being on the pill, or she steals your condom to store your semen, it's entirely legally legitimate for her to do so. There was even one case where a woman gave a man a blowjob, and then kept his semen and impregnated herself with it, and he was still obligated to provide alimony. Also when it comes abortion, the man has no say in whether the woman keeps the child in her belly or not. Most of the problems in modern society comes from women leveraging their ultimate reproductive powers, and going back to a more religious foundation won't change this. Religion simply won't solve anything. The only thing that can save us is science and technology to give back reproductive powers and rights to men, who are the only gender capable of leading society.

Shouty boot

It's Sam Hyde's retarded nigger wife's son.

lightning feet

What you describe as agnostic is in fact atheist. Educate yourself you low IQ shitskin.

I'm agnostic because I grew the fuck up and realized theres no way of proving or disproving god. The fact that most in the atheist community were a bunch of retards slobbering on Dawking's dick made leaving them a no brainer.

Scientists lose their careers for dropping red pills.

agreed. the situation for men when it comes to reproductive rights is shit


he makes youtube videos on science and debunking gamergate and sarkeesian

>ever relevant in the first place

Go pour chocolate syrup and milk down your ass and a banana up it.

one literally lost everything after saying blacks have a lower avergae IQ.

>debunking gamergate and Saerkeesian

That was ages ago though. he's a has been now. that's all youtube does. pulls people in and spits them out a few years later when they actually need to get a proper job. only a few manage to stay on for any decent amount of time. and then they get accused of being nazi's and get dropped by Disney

You're an atheist. You have no direct belief in a God, you are irreligious, and therefor atheistic by definition.

>triggered fedora detected

Here is the question:

>Do you believe in a god?

If the answer is yes, you are a theist.
If the answer is no, you are an atheist.

There is no inbetween.

>Do you believe in a god?
>i don't know / not sure...

What is he/she?

I stopped watching him after he went full retarded over Brexit? What happened since then?

Fucking retarded.

OP Here

The answer is atheist. Simply lacking a solid belief in god.

Can't prove either way so it's useless to put labels on it. Sorry you atheist cucks want to include us in your group so statistically you are larger then you really are.

By definition, yes. But the word hs degenerated so much the last years that an atheist is seen as a retard that BELIEVES in the nonexistance of god, instead of recognizing the uselesness of the question.
Atheism became a religion of non-belief. Agnostic is the term I use because everyone that calls himself an atheist treats science as his lord and saviour, and any other possible answer as blasphemy. They're just as closeminded as the people they constatly whine about.. I simply don't want to be associated with those kinds of people.

tf repeats media cliches when he talks politics, even his anti-feminist videos are getting annoying
his junk science debunking videos are great though

Portugalbro is right, you stupid Dane.

If you don't care about whether a god or gods exist, you are an agnostic.

Atheists DENY the existence of a god or gods.

I am myself an agnostic. If you can't prove or disprove the existence of gods, why even talk about it?

Do you want to believe there is a supreme being whose existence cannot be demonstrated, and whose presence is a matter of faith? Go ahead, just don't try to make social norms conform to your baseless belief.

Do you want do deny the existence of such supreme, unknowable beings? Go ahead, just don't be a an annoying fuck trying to control a priori what others can or should believe.

>X does Y and Z and X are similar so Z has to do Y

thicc neck

>implying you wouldnt be smug if you were an accomplished chemist and physicist who had to look at the shit he does all day long

>Atheists DENY the existence of a god or gods.
No they don't. They lack a belief in a god or gods. They are without gods, that's what [a theist] fucking means, you dumbshit. An atheist isn't just someone who listens to Dawkins 24/7 and jerks off to Marx.

It is now, Sven. Agnostics are the cool kids now.

Crack Toe?

Thats the whole point

Theists actively believes in god's existence.
Atheists actively believe in god inexistence.

Agnostics are those people in the middle, either don't care, not sure and would be ok with both situations.

It would be ok call agnostics atheists if atheists didn't act like they were part of some kind of anti-religion, the antifa of religions...

As I said, Agnostics are Atheists in denial.

Kinda like Austrians are Germans in denial.

Theists in denial could be called agnostics as well...

People who want to believe but are still not sure.

You either do or don't believe. If you aren't "sure" you obviously don't fit into the category of believing, therefore you do not believe. You are at 100% or you are not.

Thunderfoot's science videos are still fun though.

trying to keep the thread relevant to OP's post i see

Dawkins had a stroke and hasn't been very active since.

Just like the definition of feminism is equality between the sexes. Look at self proclaimed atheist states and you see what atheism really is. Soviet Russia actively persecuted religions while agonstic USA allowed it to flourish.

He was never particularly relevant, so, nah. He still does vids though, they're still watched, he's just not involved in any louder internet drama.

But again, there's people who actively are anti-god, thats the reason why people created agnosticism. Atheism is for those who are 100% sure that god doesn't exist, they BELIVE in it's inexistance...

Modern atheists are to theists what antifa is to fascism.

Saying agnostics are atheists is like saying agnostic are theists...

Would you call centrists right or left?

This as well, his science and science debunking videos are still pretty great. He just needs to keep anything metapolitical out of his videos since it's not his strong suit.

> People talking about agnosticism vs. atheism philosophically on Sup Forums
Goddamnit not here, go somewhere else like fucking Reddit or /sci/ or some philosophical board.

Fedoraf00t. A 45 year old manchild that is making videos of him playing with toys.

He also "pwned" a 15 year old creationist on Youtube around 8 years ago

Why do people thse days suck so much at understanding terminology.

Atheism and Agnosticism describe properties [which are unrelated to each other].

Agnosticism (as a general term) describes a philosophical stance in which you think that there exists [at least one] (logical) Problem/Statement whose real truthfulness or real falseness cannot be objectively estimated (due to limits imposed by our methods of estimation) - even if we acknowledge that said Problem/Statement must have some kind of definite logical state in reality. In laymans terms you could say that an agnostic thinks there are at least some Problems/Statements whose logical state he/she simply "inherently can't know for sure". Regarding the context of reilgious debates, we often limit "Agnosticism" to the problem of the existence of one or multiple gods (meaning we're looking at a specific form of agnosticism; or "agnosticism over a subset of properties"). That means an Agnostic Person (context:Religion) "does not think that he can actually know wether god(s) do exist or not".

Theism/Atheism describes another Propertie. A Theist is someone that "believes in the existence of one or multiple gods"; the atheist is someone that does NOT believe in it.

So, while Agnosticism/Gnosticism examines the question of "(not) knowing something", Theism/Atheism instead relates to "belief". You can freely combine both properties, resulting in 4 possible combinations:

Agnostic Atheist: Someone that doesn't think he knows wether god(s) exist or not, but does not believe in it either.
Agnostic Theist: Someone that doesn't think he knows wether god(s) exist but believes in god
Gnostic Atheist: Someone that thinks he both knows god(s) doesn't exist and (thus) also doesn't believe in god(s)
Gnostic Theist: Someone that thinks he both knows that god(s) exists and also belief in god(s).

Small reminder that believe is a neccessary condition for knowing, and knowing the sufficient condition for believing.

Don't worry user, I am sure it's just a passing hiccup of quality. In a moment we'll be back to calling each other retards and not-true-whites.

Right or left is analog. You can be on any point of the line. If you believe or not is digital. 2 options and no inbetween. If you are anti-god (whatever that means) and you do not believe in one, somebody whonisn't and doesn't believe in a god fits into one of the same categories, atheism. Agnosticism only means how sure of your atheism or theism, it isn't a middle ground.

>there's people who actively are anti-god
Those are called militant atheists, a subgroup of atheists.
>thats the reason why people created agnosticism
You didn't fucking create shit, you just don't want to admit what you are because you're an intellectual coward.


I guess that's the whole point about this discussion, for me, there's a middle ground, a grey area, and you think it's all black and white.

We're not going anywhere...

kek, even so shitposting >>>>> atheist/agnostic philosophical bullshit, it's been done to fucking death senpai


You are just objectively wrong then. Do some basic research and you would know this.

>Implying that this had anything to do with Christianity
>Implying that the woman complaining about the game in that clip isn't still complaining about games today
>Implying that playing sex games isn't degenerate
>Implying that the reason coverage of games has changed is because the market for games is now 8 years older

He can't seem to get a single word out without sounding condescending,

Fuck... You're right.. I've watched his videos for a long fucking time, and would love to keep watching (especially his science vids), but lately he's been a fucking shill bitch.

boom knees?