It does make a lot of sense if you think about it

It does make a lot of sense if you think about it

Other urls found in this thread:

no it doesnt

kys kike


herp derp get rid of nations and there wont be wars just like how there is no bullying in schools with uniforms.

what are you trying to imply

globalism teaches you to hate yourself for shit you haven't done and love people you've never met

this kind of bullshit can only be uttered by a rootless cultureless alien

>It does make a lot of sense if you think about it
Everyone is a part of people and culture, as a person. Everyone is formed by surrounding society, that society, inside which a person was formed as an individual is a fundamental part of his personality.
It is logical that people protect this relationship, the relationship of individual and the surrounding world.

>globalism teaches you to hate yourself for shit you haven't done and love people you've never met

End thread. Nationalism wins.

then liberals screech autistically when you talk about communist russia and china, or say a black person can be racist.

I am Nationalist and i dont get it why people think its bad?
I love my country, langauge, nature and culuture.
Im in national guard and i will protect my country and people.
Many think that nationalists hate other etnic groups but thats not rly true, well if they want to change our culutre or change official langauge- i wont be friendly to those people ( Not all etnic group only few who want it )

Is it bad to keep your langauge and culture and dont take rapefugees in your country?

I dont see anything bad in nationalism, well if u think about nationalism which was in nazi germany, well that was to extreme- killing other etnic groups but todays nationalists dont want to kill , just other etnic groups if they live in our country need to folow our rules and learn our langauge- integrate.

It is normal to be proud of my parents and childrens acheivments.

When people make shit like this I wonder if it crosses their tiny mind that all the third world country people would kill them in a second if it meant getting $20 or a loaf of bread.

Being in the military is good because once you deploy it really redpills you on Islam. I saw a woman get killed for going out alone to get medicine for her sick kid. All the pussies that say this shit have never seen any conflict past what coffee they are going to drink let alone people being decapitated for being Christian or being thrown off roofs for being gay.

As a nationalist I support the idea of Africans and Asians improving their own countries. Globalism shits on that by pulling the better educated individuals out of their countries to work in the west and leaving only poorly educated people to run the third world countries. And importing a huge amount of those poorly educated people like globalist (((EU))) is doing right now will just bring the third world problems to the west without solving anything.


Not to mention that poor countries keep reproducing at high rates and then think that it's justified to have 8 children with no clean water, food, or a means for education.


Nationalism occurs inversely proportionally to how good a country actually is.

We cant be racist, Bolivians arent people

if you hate your country just leave, live somewhere you want to live

Im proud of my country, because its my country, my home. Anyone that says that you cant be proud of your home and love living there is insane.

>take pride in shit you havent done
so you're telling me I've had nothing to do with maintaining this country?

good try retard.

yea but pay reparations for your history and always remember the holocaust

Leftist vermin.

Paki Dave, stop shitposting you mong.

This whole notion depends upon the premise that pride must come from one's own actions.
Would it be wrong to feel pride when your parents, let's say lose a lot of weight and becomes healthier? No!
Is it wrong to feel pride when your children, on their own accord, acts nice and does good deeds? No!
So why is it wrong to feel pride that the people you are directly linked to did something good?

That's not the flag of Greenland...

Great formula for teamwork: every time the group accomplishes something, you have an argument about who exactly gets credit, instead of just contributing and having group pride.

In a globalized world with the internet being such a big part of people's lives, everyone might not be formed by the particular society they grew up in. Some people travel a lot and thus have grown up in multiple societies. My point is that society is not a fundamental part of everyone's personality. So it isn't logical to act as though everyone should have this relationship or want to protect it.

In an advanced world, the relationship of the individual and the entire world is a much more important relationship than the individual and Country.

Most people who are globalists simply believe in individuality over things such as race and country, that those group identities have created more problems than solutions, when it comes to modern history.

Honestly if you don't get why people think it's bad, than I fear you are genetically un-salvageable.

For everything I support, I see the negative aspects, even when its purely practical.

You don't want to see the negative in nationalism.

Most so called Nationalists are actually ethnic nationalists. In fact I would like to see some instances where Nationalism hasn't devolved into it's ethnic version.

Even the so called American Nationalism that Trump supposedly championed, is actually a version of white nationalism. MAGA is proof of that, as minorities have never been as free as they are today and have never enjoyed more liberties than they do today, yet its mostly white Americans clamoring for the 80s or the 50s. Times where blacks in particular were facing severe hardships.

You already touched on the Germans horrible run with Nationalism. That's what usually happens to all Nationalist movements.

Humans simply aren't capable of proper Nationalism.

>le ebin group loyalty is backwards and problematic maymay
>1 post by this ID
Sage, hide, and move on.

Ethnos - this is not something monolithic, like an individual.
This set of relationships between people.
There are certain historical established ties between people - historically developed society - ethnicity.
And man is formed, as a person, his attitude towards the world is formed by society and the circumstances around.
This is not about the country as a state. It's about what kind of society in which enviromen a man has formed as a person (one way or another, he perceived the world through set of relationships between other people) is unbroken, a very deep part of the human personality, its worldview "oecumene". Foreseeable space. Those images and the connections that are part of his personality and who most vividly represented in his life, and is not an abstraction, as, for example, your perception of Russia. It is an abstraction, it is based on the latest knowledge obtained. But if for example you grew up in England, among the Englishmen, the English culture, these images, these connections between people - are living, organic and integral part of your personality and your attitude.



How about not taking credit for someone else's achievements and also not taking blame for someone else's crimes?

that is verrrry low quality shit u have there. where does nationality say that hate everyone else and what is wrong of having pride of own people? what is wrong with YOU? please do some research before posting these low quality communistic shits.

Tribalism is natural. Nationalism is simply tribalism

So then why do we have to take responsibility for things we haven't done? To people we've never met?


>Ireland on OP's image is part of the UK again


Nationalism is about loving the country your forefathers build and not wanting it to turn into a shithole.

It's like your granddad building a house, your father then improves it for you to live in and now gives it to you to look after and maintain.

>Sup Forums created anonymoose
>now edgy fags think it's a social justice army

This was the problem with user. Because of it's lack of central leadership, there was no way of controlling a message.


You didn't address any of his points, you're just virtue signaling

Say that shit to r9k op

That's patriotism, its different.

Nationalism is shit.

How nationalism is hating someone?
If I am proud what my country has archived, how does it make me suddenly hate someone?
This is liberal irrational logic as it best.

>Teaches you to take pride in shit you haven't done

>Accept your white privilege you bigot and pay slave reparations

Really made me kill my self

>What is Judaism

I'm constantly meeting people from all over the world, and it's not fucking good.

>But if for example you grew up in England, among the Englishmen, the English culture, these images, these connections between people - are living, organic and integral part of your personality and your attitude.
My point is that more and more people in this age of humanity are no longer growing up in one place or belonging to one culture, due to things like the internet and travel.

Even if humans could do Nationalism properly, it's becoming outdated anyway.

>Waaahhh I'm brown and I couldn't participate in awesome white society if they were nationalists.
Just gtfo

So how about neither nor?

It really is THAT simple.

watch some Yuri Bezmenov, he knows what he's talking about and you sir, do not. Taking pride in your country makes your country better and we should all just except everyones differences except the muslim stuff

The choice isn't very hard when presented like that. Anyone would choose nationalism.

taking pride in other people's achievements is perfectly fine if you feel a connection and they're not around. it makes people live on past their time, makes their achievements worth it. if everyone just forgot everything everyone else did then why even live on?

fucking saved

Well, you still live on enviroment around you.
Even if you have internet, it does not remove cultural realtions and regular attitudes.
Internet is internet, it is not enviroment where human grow up or create him/her/attac helicopter identity.
Yes, internet mighr to affect that, but it will not rule out anything.

It's actually about putting more into your community rather than experiencing the world as an international hedonist. People love other cultures so much because it allows them a vehicle to run away from themselves and their problems.


ethnic boundaries become more blurred, but they have never been monolithic, as I wrote. The essence of the ethnos - a historically established bonds between people - remain. And we can not get out of it anyway.
Even if we imagine that all existing ethnic groups will be assimilated by a single ethnic group, in a few centuries, there will be new ethnic groups, due to there will not be the external borders. Will form a unique regions with its distinctive culture. And because lack of external borders, will formation of new ethnic boundaries as established historical ties between the people in these regions, and ethnic groups will be new.
sorry for my runglish

We can't have nationalism with two dozen other ethnic groups running around inside the nation. We need homogenous societies to make it work properly. Globalisation is the polar opposite to nationalism and because human beings are tribal creatures it will only cause strife and conflict if you seek to create a melting pot.

Exactly. Racism is tribalism too. It is natural, but so is fucking everything that moves. At some point we have to grow up and mature, and advance. Tribalism has no place in an advanced society.

Actually I did. He gives a nice personal account of his Nationalism but the reason why people are against it isn't because of people like him. The majority of humans take Nationalism off the rails and too far. It's tribalism plain and simple.

I went right to the heart of the argument instead of dancing around it.

You can reject the environment around you or you can place your individuality over environment and its effects.

None of what you said is a justification for Nationalism.

I think it's hard but it's possible to have a Nationalist country with multiple ethnic groups if one weren't trying to sabotage the other.

I don't think humans are inherently tribal creatures, and that's my problem with tribalism. I think the more advanced we get the less tribal we get. Nationalism and racism are based on tribalism and it's becoming clear that the negatives outweigh the benefits as we advance further as humans.

The majority of humans take everything too far.

I appreciate not seeing my race go extinct and preserving my culture and national borders more than I appreciate world peace, sorry.

But for all intents and purposes you still didn't prove that nationalism would once again be taken too far, you are merely playing the psychic predicting another "doomsday" scenario.

I can do that too. I the mighty slav predict that globalism will be taken too far with the majority of the power concentrated in the hands of a few people who exploit the masses for their own wealth and luxury.

> You can reject the environment around you or you can place your individuality over environment and its effects.
Yes, you can.
But if you need to interact with other human kind, you have influenced by that culture.
And how your personality is on internet is different in outside on internet.
In fact, you learn majority of your cultural habits for your paremts and it is deep in you. You can adapt your surroundings or anything you want, but whay you had learn your parents will stay deep inside your habits.

>I appreciate not seeing my race go extinct and preserving my culture and national borders more than I appreciate world peace, sorry.
That's fine, I just want everyone to admit this. I don't care about race or national borders and I'm kind of pan cultural so I take the best from all human cultures.

I'm fine with the differences between us but I just wish when debating and discussing such things, we could be more civil, rational, and understanding.

You are right that I did not prove that Nationalism will be taken too far once again, because I don't think Nationalism will ever really come back after this last wave.

My point isn't that it's inherently bad, just that it's simply refined tribalism and that all forms of tribalism are dying out as humanity advances. Nationalism was practical at one point for some countries, but that is no longer the case for most countries in an advanced world that is hyper connected to each other.

It's not that there shouldn't be any Nationalists, just that there shouldn't really be any countries run by nationalists or have a nationalist agenda at this point in time.

>In fact, you learn majority of your cultural habits for your paremts and it is deep in you. You can adapt your surroundings or anything you want, but whay you had learn your parents will stay deep inside your habits.
I agree. One problem is if your parents pass on cultural habits that aren't a part of the mainstream society you reside in.

Civil, rational and understanding people should by now realise that immediately disregarding minor signs of nationalism as bad is creating a further divide between the left and the right pushing people to political extremes.

From the start you've had the opinion that nationalism leads to big bad dictators genociding everyone who is different.

The reason we can't have a peaceful nationalist world is because you are rejecting people who want simple things (immigration control, border control, independence) as bad nationalists which leads to those very same people selecting a leader who offers all of those things regardless if said leader is adequate for the job.
The said leader is a wildcard, he can lead a peaceful nationalistic country or he can choose to be a dictator.

Giving people no alternative leads to extreme leaders.
If you acknowledged peaceful nationalism as a possibility this wouldn't happen.
But until the "civil" and "rational" left fixes their shit no such acknowledgement will come to be.

I doubt this argument will change your opinon and I doubt your argument will change mine.

There are major signs of nationalism in my country and it's counterproductive. The divide is already there and I wish you and others would stop saying people are "creating a divide". No it was always there it's just gotten more intense and extreme because we are entering a time period and technological era where one side's ground is rapidly shifting underneath them, and they are hanging on for dear life. They are losing ground in a battle against time while the other side pushes what it believes is in tune with progress and thus time.

From the start I've said that my main point about Nationalism/Tribalism is not whether it's bad, instead whether it's practical as humanity and technology advances. You refuse to address this because the set up "nationalism is bad" strawman is easier to attack.

The reason we can't have a peaceful Nationalist world is because when the human race needed Nationalism the most, when it was most practical to have countries led by it, humans proved to be unable to properly utilize it. Unable to not completely fuck it up. Believe it or not the best display of nationalism was probably by the blacks and the Japanese Americans in WW2 who left their families in poverty or camps, to go put their lives on the line for their Country in an attempt to prove their love of and loyalty to their Country.

That was Nationalism at it's best, it's most honorable, it's most commendable. The reality of Nationalism came after the war was over and blacks still got treated like shit afterwards, still got the short end of the stick, and still got a boot on their neck if they got out of line. Stories of black WW2 vets being treated like trash are not rare or uncommon.

Nationalism, like racism, like tribalism, works best and shows up the most when there is an external threat like war or mass immigration. When moving towards a world without those types of conflicts, it becomes a lot less effective and appealing.


God forbid we have even one place to escape from the shitskins. Fucking kill yourself, faggot.

>t. nohistoryfag

Nigger any civilization with your effeminate passivity has always been over run and conquered by a more masculine civilization, usually enslaving or killing pussies like you.

Defend your civilization in word and deed or be destroyed. This is human nature and human history.

So then is it wise to dump the nation state? What political structure would fill the vacuum? And don't give me some Star Trek utopian answer

Those digits...

Lots of antistatist threds lately. I wonder, is it the same dude or somthing happend?

you should go to saudi arabia and other muslim countries and start teaching them about christianity and how women should not wear veils first


I like being french

That doesn't mean i hate the british, irish, germans or spanish

Your thread is stupid

notice all the shitskins have flags with green on it. Probably for all the envy they have of us


>Nationalism, like racism, like tribalism, works best and shows up the most when there is an external threat like war or mass immigration.

Great, so you acknowledge why we want and need it now.

Don't be degenerate. Nationalism is natural selection between nations.

Actually thanks to multiculturalism, I've met these people, and now I really have a reason to hate them.

civic nationalism is like inviting shitskins over a party, they trash the house and now they somehow own the place too.

holy shit man how do you nail something like this so perfectly

He didn't. Someone else did. He's just repeating it.


I reject people who want to overhaul things like immigration control and border control when both of those things are a symptom of an action taken by said country or people or region.

Most of the islamic immigration wouldn't be a big deal if Western powers hadn't gone fucking shit up in the ME. Most of the hispanic immigration in my country wouldn't be a big deal if Americans stopped stuffing coke up their nose or legalize and regulate marijuana.

Peaceful Nationalism doesn't really exist because without conflict there is no need for it. Peaceful nationalism hasn't existed because it has always devolved into ethnic nationalism.

I acknowledge the possibility of it, but I realize that the possibility of it occurring is very slim and its not worth the risk.

I am not going to engage in Nationalism based on problems my own Country created. That's just my situation. I believe certain European countries could have been peaceful nationalist based, but they let in immigrants after taking part in or supporting wars in the middle east. It's too late and now I believe any Nationalist movement in most of those countries is based on the conflict with Islamic immigrants, who wouldn't really be there if not for the West.

We can agree to disagree but I think if we hammer out the details we could just agree. I think an all white european country is well within it rights to keep anyone it doesn't want in, out, and to be as nationalistic as possible. I just don't agree that it can be part of NATO and fuck up the ME and then cry when ME immigrants come crying.

yet we are guilty for the things those people did.
>liberal logic.

Fuck off

>globalism. teaches you to be ashamed of things you didn't do and love people you've never met.

Except now we have Nukes and the greatest military in human history, and a nice big Ocean separating us from any real capable enemies. So why do we need to be Nationalist again?

That only makes sense in countries that don't have an ethnicity.

nationhood is about a people, a race.
that is why the global elite are trying to deconstruct race

leaf > swede



No. The opposite. I argue that we shouldn't return to our primitive ways of tribalism and instead fix the core causes of the conflicts like war and immigration(that we are responsible for), instead of reacting to the symptoms by being fucking neanderthals.

we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

Why You're a Nationalist

didn't watch. tell him to shave first

literally like Olympics