Islam dominares the world

> Islam dominares the world
> Family values restored
> Women cannot me sluts
> Humanity progresses as never before
Remind me, why are you against Islam?

Because we don't like brown people.
>kill all brownies
>adopt Islam
>live happily ever after

because I hate praying

The countries that have the highest instances of inbreeding are also coincidentally dominated by Islam. This leads to birth defects, mental illness, and a lowering of IQ, among other things.

Muslims also fuck goats and children.

>wanting a world of scraggily bearded, loose fitted goat fuckers
yeah no

Whats wrong with fucking a goat? Whats wrong in fucking a reasonably old child?

> Humanity progresses as never before
citation needed

> tfw autocorrection

Religion for absolute betas

That being said I'll take it over the brazil favela monkey model of dystopia

Reminder that islam will be in ascension until the meme feminists tear it down from the inside

Why not exchange second and first steps? Adops islam, then race war.

Islam is the ultimate red pill. It will be great when liberals push the door open for full Sharia law and then they all get beheaded and Americana is restored

all of those except for
>Humanity progresses as never before

fuck off heretic

Kek ;^)

>Humanity progresses as never before

What is the right way to controll the society then?

inshallah akhi

Because women are equal to men and deserve the same rights

The problem is that it's not a horse.

because it always felt and still feels like filth.

Why? Because you BELIEVE in it? Isn't it the same as with radical mualims?

Becaude Mohamadans reject God, and refuse to accept salvation through Jesus.

More like
>Islam dominates the world
>entire planet descends into maddening tribal/religious conflict
>women are all raped
>humanity stalls forever because science is haram

> Jew-sus

No, I'm a feminist because there is no evidence that men are superior to women

Because the religion revolves around forcing the things, going even as far as creating a law around the religion

Its reasonability which it lacks is what most people hate about it

also this

Good goy !!!

pretty based for a fucking brit

All you said is 100% true

Just wait for us to come and liberate you

More like
>Violence, rape, child molestation and terrorism become fueled and justified by idealogy
>Whole country descends into oppression and destruction

Is is obvious from everyday live observations. Also, there is no need for them to be inferior to have less rights. It just will be better for the society.

Still considered a prophet for you mouhamocucks.

And I am also not keen on mutilating my dick kike style.

Mouhmadans are kike wannabes

Do you really think that making half of the population feel miserable would improving society?


>Humanity progresses as never before

yeah, to a fucking standstill you paki fuck

>Humanity progresses

top kek

This bullshit ideal of mouhamocucks being more conservative than anyone else is crap, check out the stats, lots of muslim countries have dying birthrates, divorce, high taxes and other social problems.

The more traditional places are POORER countries that you faggots are going to hate anyway for not having so many shekels like eurocucks do.

t. Muhammed


Yes. Do you believe women can handle freedom?

I see nothing wrong here


>family values

> implying children dont die at war

Polygamy raises testosterone over time, so more violence and more people left wifeless

converting to Islam is our samson option

if we have nothing else left we can do, then we'll all convert to the most extreme conservative wahhabi sect we can find and advocate capital punishment for degeneracy, starting with leftists and Juden first


>implying family values matters to Sup Forums

we voted for Trump you moron.

>implying they wouldn't just become alluh akbar-ers later in life

I'm not. Happily awaiting the Mudslime takeover so I can live like a golden age white man again.


more muslims means more reasons for muslims to fight against other muslim..
It will then be french muslims agains german muslims against the "real" arabs from the middle east against the asian muslims and so on etc pp

dude fuck off with this meme

"man I think womens suffrage was a mistake"


Fuck of Achmed

>Humanity progresses as never before
1,6 billion muslims, 3 (three) Nobel laureates (literature and peace don't count)

All muslim countries are prehistorical-tier shitholes. Except the ones with the oil. As soon as they'll run out of it they'll go back to a trogodyte way of life too.

3/10 bait

As something bad.

Not an insecure beta like mudslims


>fucking goats when you could have horses

>whats wrong with fucking a child


What? Literally all evidence points towards this being the case in every metric that matters.

The only thing women have over men is their ability to perceive more colors.

Men however have
>Better spatial and depth perception
>More strength, agility, and stamina
>More voluminous cranial cavities
>Denser brains, especially in the prefrontal cortex
>Higher average IQ

Your argument is objectively false.

Don't want to burn in hell with you.

well they have better linguistic and interpersonal abilities too.

And they develop faster

But yeah youre still correct