Hey Brits, it's been almost a year since the referendum. You know they will just ignore it right?
Brexit when?
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Soon, Mohammed. Soon.
You know the Eu will collapse and you will never control Europe
Yes. Sorry we got all uppity and shit. Can we have more Talibans please?
Next month
What happens to the EU budget when Britain is no longer making contributions? Who will pay for Poland?
>UK leaves
>France Leaves
>Germoney will never control Europe
>krauts are still butthurt about this
What's the inside of the Chunnel like? If you guys uncuck to the point of turning back refugees but France doesn't, could unrestricted travel still occur between the two nations at that point?
Not sure who you're talking to kraut?
>not the british flag
>nice Paint skills
parliament literally just voted to trigger article 50 you clown
mate, we will be slipping the world the roger, left, right and centre.
There isn't unrestricted travel presently. The British Isles (inc ROI) are not in schengen. Whilst there is free movement of European citizens, said citizens still need to show a passport or documentation. Hence the Calais migrant jungle. A refugee or migrant is not a European citizen.
To answer your question, it's a train called the Eurostar. You can't walk or drive through the tunnel (but you can drive on to the train).
t. achmed al gibstani
Need to get a good deal when leaving while also causing as much noise as possible to get others to leave.
Na, our end has border staff and customs checkpoints, there's armed police with sniffer dogs, and lorries have to pass through x-ray scanners and carbon dioxide scanners which detect the added output form people breathing
Wrong flag, you dumb cunt.
Brexit is not gonna happen. The British population love being fucked in the ass by their polis. They are like Oliver Twist; raped mercilessly by the soup man.
Four years of bilateral opportunities with Trump.
Get to it it. Bought some bacon and maybe-bread so I can try out the last of my HP sauce on some approximation of a proper bacon sandwich.
It's more like this:
>UK leaves, crippling EU budgets and proving it can be done
>France leaves and reissues the Franc, completing the destruction of the EU's finances and the Euro as anything more than a glorified Deutschmark
>Greece and the other debtor nations leave and reissue their own national currencies, thus crashing Germany's balance sheet with no survivors
>Trump's safe zones and the sudden lack of eurogibs cause everyone in Europe to tell the refugees and their euro born descendants to fuck off back home
>Western Civilization saved
Okay, I just wasn't sure if the train worked in a more or less unrestricted capacity like a city subway or if it was more like taking a short flight from an airport with all the accompanying security checkpoints. Good to know, thanks user.
Incidentally, as we over here see more and more instances of our illegal immigrants forging or stealing documentation, I have to ask if you euros face a similar problem with your migrants faking their way.
I see now, glad to hear it guys.
OP is dumb fuck.
Trump makes Brexit far less risky, thanks America.
Right now, the uncertain position of the UK convinces people to stay. The EU is actually surprisingly popular after Brexit. Schulz is doing great, that socialist guy in France is rising sharply, and even in the Netherlands the amount of people wanting a Nexit is dropping from 40 to 30%.
Also don't hope on a good deal too much. You'll be an example if you actually really leave.
Pull off the Brexit and I'll buy that imported English gin with the knob on top that is a bowler hat.
Not Anglo myself, but damn the torpedos and full steam ahead.
I'm not sure you're aware of what's going on here right now. Britain is heading towards a "hard" Brexit which is pissing off a lot of liberal metropolitan people. It actually is happening. The government is the one pushing with all the other branches of the system trying to stop it, and failing.
What's the difference between a hard and soft Brexit?
Soft Brexit is we officially leave the EU but remain cucked with their open borders bullshit in return for a favourable trade deal and access to the common market. Hard Brexit is full speed ahead, we pull out of their institutions completely and refuse to accept their migrant quota bullshit
>You'll be an example if you actually really leave.
But the mainlanders already know they can't do that to us, they know it'll fuck them real bad if they do. In fact, quite a few high profile mainlanders who work at the EU have come out and said that it's a bad idea to try to fuck us over.
Once again, we really can't stress enough how you should laugh at polling figures. So don't take those numbers there too seriously. They probably just "recalibrated" their sample populations to get more "accurate" polling results.
Hard Brexit: What was always intended, i.e. leave the EU completely, leaving the single market, leaving the jurisprudence authority of the European Court of Justice, total control over immigration etc.
Soft Brexit: The ideal for Remainers, which has little basis in what is realistically possible. They want a half-way house where we get to stay in the single market while controlling our borders and having complete legislative control. They don't seem to understand that the entire point of the EU is that you sacrifice the ability to control your borders and make your own laws to be a member of the single market. You're either in or you're out. Countries like Norway are members of the single market but only because they have no immigration controls etc. It's a pipe dream by desperate people who have no patriotic love for their own country and instead feel a closer affinity with wealthy Brusselians and Berliners than with people from the North.
How is that even in question? Hard Brexit or nothing.
I don't think you understand. There IS unrestricted travel if you're a European citizen. You quite literally cannot be blocked from entering the UK.Once the million migrants in Germany get passports, we're completely fucked. That's why we need to get out sooner rather than later.
My US passport allows me to travel all over the place.
I'm sure the EU can come up with something similar if freedom of travel is really so important.
It's not really in the question. What "Soft Brexit" is is the left twisting language in an effort to confuse the people in to a more manipulative state so they can unfuck the glorious mess we put them in. In the same way they twisted "feminism" with "equality" so that people who aren't feminist are obviously equality hating Nazis. Or the way they twisted "nationalism" with "racism", or "anti-abortion" with "sexist".
Brexit will be diamonds mate. Not only do we need to uphold our image of being extremely powerful but society is on a bit of a knife-edge and I think the Government knows that we meant business with this vote. Plus, it's an opportunity for us to get the Germans sucking our big Anglo cocks which we love. There's nothing better than hearing the Kraut beg for mercy as they choke on our 9th thick load of the day.
It isn't about just visa free and shit like that. It's about you quite literally cannot be deported unless you commit a major crime like murder or rape. There is no equivalent that you would know. To get into the U.S just for a three month holiday I had to justify myself to a border guard. It's the only country in the world i've ever had to do that, and that includes non-EU countries like Egypt and Turkey.The EU does not want to come up with something simpler, it's the most important method of breaking down the national borders and gradually turning it into a full on federation state. Most young people here are already pissed about the possibility of us losing it because they care more about having visa free travel to Kavos for their shitty raves than their own country.
Hi, Angela. Nice of you to join us.
Just sit down and watch, Fritz.
>you quite literally cannot be deported unless you commit a major crime like murder or rape
This seems to me like a good idea. Trump tried to get a start on deporting felons and the Jews threw a fit over it.
I say this as somebody who might have been put on trial for a felony crime. That God, Jesus, and all of everything that there are honorable people in our justice system.
user thats the wrong flag and hasn't been in use for a few centuries.
>This seems to me like a good idea
wot le fuk? You think it's a good idea to not be allowed to throw people out of your country?
No, sorry, worded it backward.
Keep 'em out.
From your keyboard keys to God's eyes.
The problem is that the high legal threshold to prove that deportation is needed i.e. that the person "represents a sustained and present danger to the United Kingdom" means that even murderers and rapists are hard to deport, take a decade to do so and after the government spends 5 million of taxpayers' money on barristers. It's not like the US where people can be deported relatively easily. I say this as someone who worked a few months in a U.S immigration attorney's office.
Some of my family volunteers to help immigrants in. If you want to do it legally its ridiculous.
If you want to come here illegally it's easy as pie and profitable. That's the wrong arbitrage. I'm from an immigrant lineage and it pisses me off more than anything else that my immigrant family doesn't get it.
UK should sort its shit out.
next week 17:30pm
H-1B visas are actually hilarious. You Americans like to believe that foreigners are stealing your jobs, but if people knew how strong your borders actually were compared to Europe and how difficult it is to work in the U.S legally as a foreigner, then they wouldn't complain anywhere near as much as they do.
What I do find absurd, is that even Europe doesn't use stupid concealing language like "undocumented migrant" for illegal immigrants. Europe has hilariously never been cucked on that front. If you're an illegal immigrant, you will be kicked out if discovered, not given the ability to have your kids go to school, work etc.
You have been told over 9 billion trillion zillion times, March 2017....
Do they not show news in Germanistan?
>Europe has hilariously never been cucked on that front. If you're an illegal immigrant, you will be kicked out if discovered, not given the ability to have your kids go to school, work etc.
May I remind you that in the past year or so we've had millions of illegal immigrants who came to Europe and were given citizenship, homes, jobs, the lot. Fuck, we even had ISIS members come on over and get the same treatment.
Yeah, I work with H1Bs. What a traitorous cryfest.
>oh no we won't be able to make it back for months even though we're not on the list
>oh look we're back already
>but let's hold a festival to relieve our tears
Then again, these people are literally slaves of the Jews who don't even understand it.
If france leave too, we will probably just sink the tunnel.
That was Angela Merkel alone. And the others are technically refugees, not migrants. The main issue is that liberals have been blurring the two intentionally and it is becoming increasingly difficult to sort them out. Lots of 23 year old Albanians are pretending to be 16 year old Syrians.
>technically refugees
In the same way that I'm techically a success in life.
I suppose if you define success like a Jew parasite.