Injecting of young blood reverse aging. It was tested on mice. Really makes you think.
Injecting of young blood reverse aging. It was tested on mice. Really makes you think
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This is basically public knowledge and has been known about since the turn of the century but it's obviously suppressed for obvious reasons.
Also the T-cells on newborns and infants has natural cancer fighting properties. Just ask ex-president Carter about his cured stage-3 brain cancer.
But what if you are 0 years old, do you get -1 years old ?
off course, how else could vampires live for so long?
If you're 0 there is no "young blood"
how (((they))) live for so long?
What did he mean by this?
It sounds like cheesy fiction, but it appears to work. There's even a clinical trial testing it right now. Not blood, but blood plasma.
Marina Aramovic is a highly ranked witch
The bitch is also 70 years old
makes you think
>they thought the ARYAN BLOOD REFINERIES was a meme
They're not laughing now. We've been living for centuries here in England on the blood of the young Germans.
>psychic vampires
holy fuck that nose..
it can't stop the aging of braincells, which is what makes you die anyway.
Alex Jones was right.
No surprise that Pizzagate Marina Abramovic who participates in drinking childrens blood in satanic rituals with John Podesta and Hillary Clinton looks like a 30 year old when she's literally 70.
Look closely at picture related and you too will see the truth.
Cursade against our vampire overlords when?
If children's blood reversed aging, people would pay premium prices for children's blood. It's not like children are hard to come by, and many would rather sell some blood like adults do than starve.
Prove me wrong please.
The story of Dracula reveals to us the most secret reality behind these non
human beings. Dracula is the autobiography of the Jew. For his vampiric survival
he must suck and drink from Aryan blood, this way he extends forever his Zombie
existence, absorbing his magical substance. The truth behind the Jewish criminal
rituals has been historically demonstrated. Those who think they are in front of
a being like the rest of the humans will never understand it nor believe it.
Wachowski hinted at parasitism of the elite in Jupiter Ascending as well in Matrix.
Why do you think there's a global pedophile ring?
Why do you think soros and the others seem to live forever?
its time for everyone to take the real Bog pill...
he did ground breaking research on this stuff
a communist from belarus in the early 1900s
alexander bogdanov
Is it possible that some kikes like Abramovic literally are centuries old?
I do believe in vampires either way though.
this has Hillarys entire campaign strategy.
This isnt real
it cant be
>Injecting of young blood reverse aging
Now you understand why the Jew refuses to die.
don't be reluctant to the truth, it will set you free
the elites have to be doing this already
but it is
it goes to eastern europe
pol needs to read more history
but what does extracting of young blood from youngins do? Forward aging? I was never a blood donator, just curious
you need
Your nose, ears, and hair never stop growing. That's why old people have big noses and ears
to trust me
Babylon System. They only do it in the highest of high places. On drencrome, planes and towers. The tower of Babel
Every blood transfusion is a gamble though, the more components are left in the bigger the gamble.
You really want to have a young clone to provide you the blood.
ewwwwwwwww, fucking gross. holy shit it's one thing to eat the meat and hot blood of some lesser animal for sustenance but cannibalism makes my skin crawl. no wonder these people are husks on the inside, brain degeneration
Fear the old blood
Is Rockefeller a Jew?
Officially not.
Are you trying to tell me the the bogs weren't just a meme?
That one gives me the creeps
Stop researching my lineage.
Alexander plz
does a bear shit in the woods
Goddamn, why do they always turn out to be Jews?
You have GOT to be fucking with me
This fucking timeline is UNREAL
this guy is not..
IDK about the other two
but this bg needs to be brought up whenever we see the other two
again, we need to read belerusian and bulgarian history
>Double double's & quints
What did Kek Mean by this
is that igor bogdanoff?????
>yes! YES! Get me that McCann girl shabos goyim!
We are in a simulation that uses successful memes to generate future content or something
Drink a semen and ovaries smoothie.
Or eat a raw fetus?
>mfw promoting abortion makes sense now.
You can make quite a fortune by donatig blood here in germany. Also, you should try the squab next time you enter a good restaurant
Bogdanov , or 'Son of Bogdan"
its time to read more history about this part of the world
and this part
>It is derived from the Slavic words Bog/Boh (Cyrillic: Бoг), meaning "God", and dan (Cyrillic: дaн), meaning "given".
So, does this mean this is Sup Forums's promised land?
Now you dunnit! Incoming dump!
Sorry if some of it is repeated.
Welp.... that's the creepiest fucking painting I've ever seen.
How many eyes have looked at that pic and not noticed a single symbol in it due to lack of knowledge? Fuck.
I'm done. Y'all can post the rest of the pizzagate stuff.
At the time he told the woman the government didn’t have enough evidence on him. “They do not have enough on me. They don’t have enough emails on me,” he reportedly said.
Her riveting account about Wyss’ state-of-mind during the Justice Department investigation was given several years ago in a private meeting with this reporter.
Interest in the case has been driven by the fact that Wyss, whose net worth is estimated at $6 billion, is politically connected to the Clintons and to John Podesta, her national campaign manager.
Wyss and his top surgeon, Dr. Jens Chapman, now face state charges they ran a “criminal racketeering enterprise” in which they pursued a series of illegal surgeries in the pursuit of profits in the death of Reba Golden.
Golden, age 67, died when Chapman inserted a bonelike cement into her spine that had not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Four other patients died on operating tables when the company conducted the same operations.
The trial in Seattle began on Monday before King County Superior Court Judge Jim Rogers.
In the federal case filed in 2009, a grand jury identified Wyss as “Person No. 7” who as CEO of Synthes, Inc., instructed his staff to carry out the illegal procedures despite the lack of FDA approval. A federal judge overseeing the federal case characterized the operations as “rogue clinical trials.”
Age inverts to positive infinity, you become one of the Old Ones
please, keep the thread focused on bogdanov or organ and blood smuggling
>Vampires are real
Pretty cool tbqhfamalamadingdong
>tfw no qt vampiress to feed off your blood and cum
feels bad man
lol i see the glass but look at that smug fucking grin,
can we use her more pol?
Part of the pedophile power game is trying to live forever. The close ups of the kid's eyes on jimmycomets instagram were to prove that the kids had colobomas (deformations of the pupil). Colobomas are associated with the PAX2 gene, the carriers of which are purported to have the life extending properties that the elite are after. Soros, Cheney, and other elites all have them and they are easily seen in high res images.
"During embryonic development, the PAX2 gene provides instructions for producing a protein that is involved in the formation of the eye, ear, brain and spinal cord (central nervous system), kidney, and genital tract. After birth, the PAX2 protein is thought to protect against cell death during periods of cellular stress."
"More than 20 mutations in the PAX2 gene have been found to cause renal coloboma syndrome. Most mutations are specific to each affected family; however, one mutation has been found in multiple affected individuals. This mutation inserts one DNA building block (nucleotide) into the PAX2 gene (written as 619insG). Most mutations occur in the region of the protein that attaches to DNA, impairing its function as a transcription factor. A lack of functional PAX2 protein disrupts the formation of certain tissues (particularly the kidneys and eyes) during embryonic development, causing the signs and symptoms of renal coloboma syndrome."
oooohhh, I just realized we had a big threed on this
anyone want to help assemble and spread the real bog pill on there?
its about time pol got serious about that, i know of an article that accused podesta of defending organ traffickers in kiosk during the yugoslav breakup, supposedly had a link in nigeria as well
>real Bog pill
>Pizzagate explained
user related, because I didn't see anything besides the owl.
"wine" glass with faces in it
the obelisks which i can't remember what theya re suppsoed to represent
and the pine cones(?)
The glass is the most obvious one. Blood-coloured, and with the faces of children clearly inside. Some user posted this and said it was seen in either Comet Ping Pong or one of the related locations. Wonder if the lady is supposed to be a reference to Marina Abramovic considering all that?
the layers of this headline are too much for my heart. Maple if we held rabbis to the same standard as porn stars?
Vampires, Blood Libel, that crazy English queen or whatever she was
There's definitely a history with blood somehow making you younger/live longer
bump for bogdanov awareness
she was hungarian (Bathory), but there might be some work of fiction in the story since, if i recall corectly, was written by some of their enemies, however it also has some truth to it because the austrian autorithies had investigated the case
The obelisks look like twin pairs of masonic pillars to me, the toppled columns would also make sense to me in that regard, especially if the obelisks are a reference to the Grand Egyptian Lodge.
Artichoke symbolizes peace and hope, but more importantly is associated with the Knights Templar; who are eternally opposed to the Freemasons. This it would make sense to see the masonic woman dining upon them.
Is this why the elites are obsessed with 'pizza' and human trafficking?
Shadilay, friend.